Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Abaddon »

"This is nothing as simple as a bandit attack." Abaddon says looking up the clouds as roll over. The wind howls through the trees as the others start to mill back. "To many secrets here for that. The bandits are likely a pretext for something else, or at the very least a distraction."
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Alinar »

Alinar returns from the Elven tents, looking somewhat distracted - confused even.

"Two of the master Elven merchants were away - doing what was not information offered. The other - Master Merchant Ruinor - was remarkably... blunt. Were I blind I might have considered I was conversing with a Dwarf rather than a fellow High Elf. I'm afraid I learned nothing directly from him as he would give nothing without payment first in silver. I concluded the audience, instead."

"He was once the Minister of Tax in Sil'van'dar, though no longer. Perhaps he was among those purged from the Great Halls by our present King. I cannot imagine any Liege tolerating such a rude individual. Perhaps the other camps have reason to suspect him, at least, of conspiracy. "

"However, they appear to have lost one of their own. One of the servants - Ademon - failed to return from a trip to the human marketplace."
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Kaylan Chargeender »

*Kaylan look up as Nell arrives*

"Well they are dwarves. I would be worried ... if the dwarves weren't worried about elven machinations. On the other hand, I would be worried if they elves DIDNT have some plot or twelve in the works. I almost have to assume that the abduction is mean to add to the distrust and disruption.
I think leaving one or more behind might be prudent, but I don't think we have the right people with us. Even if I stayed as a representative of the alliance, and Haven, I am a dwarf and would likely be seen as favoring them over the others. The same would apply to you and Alinar unfortunately. As Bregolon states we may have time do find the brigands and look into this meeting...if the others find their way back soon.
But...Faeborn you say?! That's dire news indeed. They may be inclined to work on behalf of the elves do to whatever tenuous connection the two races share, or they could simply be involved to fuel the boredom their long lives saddle them with. I have encountered the Faeborn before, in the Witchwood. They are potent, as potent as they are erratic and whimsical. We will need to be cautious...VERY cautious if that is true."

*Kaylan turns to glance over at Abaddon when the wizard starts speaking, nodding a slightly in agreement.*

"I am pained to agree, although that is little surprise with a gathering of powerful merchants of different kingdoms. I was hoping to learn more at the tent, although I haven't followed up on the vision of some spot off in the woods that may hold another clue. Lets hope the rest return with a few more details."

*Kaylan waves a greeting to Alinar when he returns before listening to his report. At the dwarf comment, Kaylen feigns a bristling.*

"Hey...what is THAT supposed t mean?! He was sensible and manly and didn't dance around in girly attire?"

*Kaylan winks and grins at Alinar.*

" Nothing discovered from the elves eh...hhmm...I wish you had spent the silver, I would have been happy to cover the cost to get any clue here that might help. As well...Thank you for going at least Alinar. I am unsure what to make of the missing Ademon, maybe we should look into that also. I am beginning to think we may have to set groups to tend a few investigations here."

*Kaylan strokes his chin a moment before looking back to Alinar and posing a question*

"Did you, by chance, get the names of the Elves that were away?"

*When Grymthor arrives, Kaylan turns to him and gives his words his full attention. Upon hearing the watchman urgent words, Kaylan scans those gathered to ensure everyone has returned before moving the group to follow Grymthor.*

"It seems like we may have to postpone any briefing. Everyone keep your senses sharp."
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Abaddon »

"I found the leavings of a disguise. it may that that elf was more or less than he claimed to be." Abaddon whispers as the group continues.
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Alinar »

Alinar replies to Kaylan as they follow after Grymthor.

“The Master Merchants who were not in attendance are Lhaewan and Galadhon. Business was not performed with Ruinor on principle. I could grant no value to whatever information he chose to offer, as it would likely hold its greatest value to him, alone.”

"However, the servants of the encampment have noticed nothing untoward - save their missing comrade. They did not lay eyes on the bandits. They would be most likely to take note of the unusual, as I doubt Ruinor would step out of his comforts lightly."
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by GM-Brad »

You follow. The trees clear and the entrance to a mine looms ahead. “About an hour ago, not long after the market attack, we heard screams coming from this direction,” says Grymthor.

A few watchmen and two richly dressed elves surround something on the ground a dozen paces from the entrance. Bregolon rushes ahead. “Master Lhaewan? Master Galadhorn? Why are you h-?” Only then does he notice what they are looking at on the ground. It’s the body of an elf.

“We didn’t want to move him till we decided what to do,” says Grymthor. “The bandits killed him. I caught ‘em in the act, then chased ‘em down the mine, but they used those hostages as shields –even that old woman!- and peppered my soldiers with arrows. We had to retreat. And that ain’t even the oddest thing. Shortly after, a bandit came up to the entrance with a knife at a boy’s throat. He dropped off this,” he holds up a wax tablet and stylus, “ then backed away down the tunnel with the hostage. It was blank, then this message suddenly appeared on it.”

“Deliver to us the three, wealthy, elven foreigners from your “Council of Merchants” along with the body of the elven guard we killed, or the hostages die. Write a message here when you are ready for the exchange and we will receive it. Then bring them in.”

Bregolon drops to his knees and one of the elves- old and white haired- lays a hand on his shoulder. The other elf, pinched face, makes introductions. “I’m Galadhorn. This, ”and he waves to the old elf, “is my colleague and fellow goldsmith, Lhaewan,” and this, “he points downward,” is one of our guards, Ademon. We were worried when he never returned from the market square this morning. I can only assume he must have witnessed the bandit attack and followed to stop them. He was a brave soul, and I grieve to tell his family the news. Your watchman came to get us an hour ago when he got this cryptic message. Why he thinks all elves would willingly trade their lives for humans is beyond m-“

He is silenced by the old elf holding up an orb. It glows, and from it speaks a voice, though Lhaewan never moves his lips. “Forgive my friend," the voice says. "I and Galadhorn have already agreed to trade places with the hostages, but I am afraid Ruinor, our third dignitary, will not be joining us.” There is a resigned finality to the words. Lhaewan sways, the magic having taxed him, and he leans on Bregolon for support.

Grymthor waits for Lhaewan to finishing 'speaking'. “This doesn’t make sense,” says Grymthor. “First these bandits were demanding money, now they’re after elves. Why?”

Galadhorn gumbles. “It was not long ago elves took over this backward land during the war, and then lost it. And in retribution many elves were kidnapped by humans. And tortured. And not far from here-"

“Those were extremists, and that was over ten years ago!” says Grymthor.

“Exactly, a blink of an eye. I have not forgotten those times, and neither has Lhaewan. It was those extremists who cut out his tongue. Clearly, they haven’t all forgiven us. And, clearly they don’t want elves taking part in any sort of alliance, even an economic one.”

When you tell your story, Galadhorn looks pointedly at Dakkon. “Did you ever think, dark elf, that you may have been intentionally targeted? Some humans don’t know the difference between us.”

Bregolon suddenly stands, determined. “I can take Ruinor’s place. Maybe we can fool them.”

“Woah, elfy,” says Grymthor, “I don’t know if we should be sending any of you in there.”

The elves and Grymthor step aside to argue. Searching the body reveals two bags of silver, several torn scraps of clothing, a small pill, a single elven coin, and a dagger. Describe to others if you take something.
Read only if you have Identify Magic Item Or Greater Sense Magic
The wax tablet receives messages indefinitely, but can only be written on to send a message twice before breaking.
Read only if you have Sense Magic
The elven coin and the message tablet are both magical.
Read only if you take the elven coin and you are elven
You now have a coin worth 1 gold. It depicts the current elven king. Indicate if you give it to anyone else.
Read only if you take the elven coin and you are not elven
You are overcome with the feeling that you owe the dead elf something in return. You don’t know why. You may resist the urge.
Read only if you take either bag of silver
One has 20 silver, the other 10. You gain what you take.
Read only if you use Spot on the scraps of cloth
Hand sized pieces of fabric torn from peasant clothing. They appear to be from three different outfits.
To examine the pill, Read only if you know any alchemy or if you are an Assassin
It’s a deadly poison. A suicide capsule, but unused.
Read only if you have gather essence
Your attunement gives you a sudden image of the spirit, hands over his ears, like too many people on this world are calling for him. He’s refusing to return.
Read only if you have Necropsy or are a Master Healer
He was killed by a knife wound to the heart. Several other wounds are on his body like he was in a fight.
Read only if you Heal the injured watchmen
The arrows that hit them were roughly made, many from twigs with leaves still attached. And they were poisoned. It will take someone with cure poison to cure. Otherwise, you heal them.
On the other side of the clearing from the mine entrance is a hole in the ground. There’s a platform, and some sort of mechanism for lowering a cart down a vertical shaft, much like an elevator. It could be an alternate method for getting into the mine. The gears are broken, however, and it requires a craftsman to fix.
Read only if you are a craftsman
You are able to fix the elevator. It will lower down 200 feet or so, and support the weight of 5 or 6 people at a time.
What is your message in response? Which route do you take into the mine (if you go in at all)? Who do you take with you? When the group has come a to a consensus I will post the next segment.
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Kaylan Chargeender »

(((OOC: aside from chits chat between PCS and discussion on the events up to now; I think it only polite we wait until the other three PCs/players catch up. Keaton in particular since this was sparked by him. I hope that is agreeable by all.)))

*When Abaddon relates his finding, Kaylan ponders a moment before posing a question to him*

"what manner of disguise and where might you have discovered it?"

*The grizzled dwarf glances to Alinar after he finishes speaking*

"My thanks again Emissary Alinar, I greatly appreciate your help; especially after how the day started. This Ruinor sounds like a prince of a being, are you sure he saw your ear tips and knew you were an elf?

*Kaylan grins at the elf and pats his shoulder lightly*

*Upon arrival at the mine, Kaylan quickly casts his seasoned eyed over the scene to assess any risk the group may be in form attack. As Grymthor begins his tale, Kaylan listens intently to the details of the bandits actions.
Kaylan nods in agreement when Grymthor states they left the body as it was until a course of action was decided. The dwarf drops to one knee next to the body while Grymthor speaks, examining and searching the body.
Kaylan places all the items found on the ground next to the body, the pill he places on top of the scraps of cloth. He only pauses at the bags of silver to count the coins and then set toss them at the feet of Galadhorn and Lhaewan, stating the coins should likely go to Ademon's family and
If they recognized the other items as their friends possession; and when he grasps the elven coin to place it with the other items.
The dwarf wavers a moment as the hand not holding the coin, moves from his shield straps to a pouch on his belt. Kaylan jolts suddenly, shaking his head hard a few times and looking up at Lhaewan then to Bregolon with his lips in a grim line*

"Quite some coin this is. Bregolon have you seen a coin similar to this before?"

*Kaylan holds the coin up to the impoverished man so he can see its detail clearly. Kaylan turns to the group while holding up the coin.*

"Abaddon, will you poke the Items with your magic sensor please? I know this coin is enchanted indeed, and not with a very nice intent either, but we will address that in due time.
Alinar might it be possible to bring Ademon back form the abyss? If so I would ask that you will work with Kami to accomplish such.
Kami can you use to the wounds of the watchmen please, until Alinar determines if you can help the fallen elf?
Cirrus, Nell will you scour the area and these items for any clues that can be found. I think the cloth scraps may have something to tell us too, as they aren't all from the same article of clothing.
Faust, will you and Dakkon see if there is anything else in the area we can use to get in or draw them out?"

*Kaylan reads over the message on the tablet and looks to Janus*

"Janus, can you see what you can find out about the tablet such as how it works and if we can use it to our advantage?"

*The dwarf scratches his chin, absently dragging his gaze around the clearing and speaks to himself it seems*

"I find it interesting that the message uses the words: "from your “Council of Merchants” along with the body of the elven guard we killed". Such words would likely not come from one of the merchant camps as they would likely have used THE council as a reflex. The request for the body is also perplexing."

*Drawing in a long breath and letting it escape slowly, Kaylan turns his eyes to settle on Galadhorn*

"As for why they would think elves would trade themselves for humans, Galadhorn, is likely due to having not met you yet and thinking they were getting the better end of that deal.
YOUR anger over the hatred your people created is amusing, since if what your people did TO them...had been done BY them to the elves, thousands of years would the elves have wasted on revenge and bloodshed. You may want to remember that with your sharp elven mind when you react to actions your own people would have taken if the situation were reversed."

*Kaylan locks a cold stare on Galadhorn before looking over to speak to Lhaewan*

"Lhaewan, was Ruinor not joining you his choice or yours? We may not need him, but I am curious. I would also ask if you can arrange access for some or all of us to attend this meeting later, once the hostages are freed. I think these events may be inked to a bigger hidden plot directed at that meeting."

*Kaylan stands and turns to speak to Grymthor*

"Grymthor, the watchmen were with you when you saw them kill Ademon yes? Tell me about their initial demand, you said it was money. I am also interested in the details of this act of revenge Galadhorn indicated happened close by.
As for anyone taking Ruinor's place I already have an idea about that. We may have a stand in that looks and is skilled more like they are expecting."

" Kaylan shoots Alinar a slim grin and a nod.*
Last edited by Kaylan Chargeender on Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Faust »

Faust nods at Kaylan's order. He looks down at the body actively choosing not to search it:
"I trust his items will be given to loved ones..." His vowels are slower than usual, drawn out instead of quick.

He turns around and meets eyes with Drakkon,
"Let's look about for another entrance to the mines...though If there is one I'm sure they could have used it to escape by now...we shall hope otherwise."
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Alinar »

Alinar passes a hand over the dead elf and shakes his head.

“Ademon is finished with this world and would prevent any return.”

He takes a look at the cloth in Ademon’s hands. “Typical peasant fare – though as Kaylan says all three samples are of different outfits. Perhaps he attempted to grab at each of the three hostages. Or if torn from opponents in combat, they would indicate the bandits were disguised as peasants – or count peasants among their number.”

Alinar then indicates the tablet as it is handed to Janus. “That device appears capable of receiving messages indefinitely, but would crumble after sending a second time. Though I see no reason we should use it even once. Not for communicating with the likes of this foe.”

Then nods to the Elven coin. “It is certainly magical, but I cannot ascertain its nature.”

“I am willing to stand in for Ruinor, though am more than concerned that these criminals do not care if Elves delivered to them are living or not. I am inclined toward not humoring them on their ambitions in the slightest.”

“We do have an alternate entrance to the mines that our foe cannot have used.” Alinar points to the lift across the field. “Though extensive repairs appear necessary before we might take advantage of it.”
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Kaylan Chargeender »

*Kaylan's expression scrunches with a perplexed surprise at Alinar's words.*

"Are you saying his spirit would resist returning? Is there a way to ascertain why?
As for the tablet, I can see using it to lure them out once we have a way of capturing them, as I have no intent to give them what they ask for either. The only way I would ask you to take such risk, Alinar, is if we had a strong plan to stop them, and the risk to you was as minimal as possible. In fairness, you are surely NOT the pliable captive they would be expecting, and so we would have that advantage."
Sir Kaylan Chargeender
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Nellie Duncan »

Tilting her head, Nellie looks up to the sky. "If you do decide to try the disguise route, I know of something that will take time to get but would increase the accuracy of the disguise. The item would be a temporary loan to the person disguising themselves, though."

Nellie takes her book out of her side pouches once more, flipping to another section and skimming over lines for some time before returning the book to its place. Sighing lightly, she crouches down to Ademon's body, takes out a magnifying glass from another pouch, and begins looking him over. "Give the elf some credit; he probably has the pride of a warrior if he doesn't want to come back. I can tell you he definitely put up a fight before he died - there's a lot of defensive wounds on his body. At least one of our opponents is skilled with knives - the blow that killed him accurately hit his heart without nicking the ribs."

She puts the magnifying glass away, "While our more magic attuned people find out which items are magical for identification, I'll go look at that device Alinar noticed."

Pushing up to her feet, she wanders over to where Alinar was pointing, and dithers around the platform mechanism for some time before returning to the others with her findings. "Mmm. That mechanism is a lift into and out of the mine, like Alinar thought. It will take some time to fix, but it is doable. Once running, the length of the chain and counterweights indicate an approximate 200 foot decent and max capacity of 5 to 6 people per trip. It won't be a silent decent, nor can I tell you where you would emerge as I have no map of the mine." She looks to the local people. "Have you been in the mine? If so, would you be able to create a map should I provide you paper and quill?"

(OOC: Mimic Necropsy and used in conjunction with Detective's Kit)
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Alinar »

"Indeed. Gathering the Essense of a deceased subject is no simplistic endevour. Should he not desire success, the procedure is rendered nigh impossible. To learn why he does not wish to return would require communication with the dead. While a variety of methods exist to perform this feat, I, for one, possess none of them - nor would I want to."

Upon Nellie's description of the lift and request for a map, Alinar nods in agreement. "Yes - a map of the mine may provide a decisive advantage. Since the lift will broadcast its use through the echoing caves below, we must assume the bandits will try to investigate. However, as they were chased into the mines we may assume this was not their intended destination and therefore they likely lack an understanding of the layout, as well. Finding the lift may take considerable time, during which a strike force might reach the bottom before the bandits do. On the other hand, should the structure of the mine be limited, they may have all ready explored the totality of its expanse and know exactly where the lift terminates - or be able to locate it in short order. However, with a map we could coordinate a force entering from the lift with a second group 'delivering' we Elves in accordance with their demands. Given such circumstance - "

(Alinar will continue on unless interrupted)
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Kaylan Chargeender »

*The large dwarf turns slowly to face Nell with a mischievous smile growing on his lips, arms crossed but fingers tapping his arms almost playfully.*

"Indeed...tell me about this item and how we would acquire it if you will."

*When Nell describes the strike, Kaylan's grin drains and is replaced by a visage of perplexed concern.*

"Are you saying the wound that killed him slid cleanly through his ribs? Nell, can you tell if the other wounds happened before or after he died?"

*Kaylan glances at Nell briefly when she starts questioning the locals about the map of the mine, and at Alinar's observations on the topic. He nods briefly then turns back to the elf body.
Kaylan quickly looks over to speak to Alinar.*

"Alinar, can you detail for me how you know he doesn't wish to return...what indications someone of your skill gets that leads you to such a conclusion?"
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Abaddon »

The Valkyn'vi hands Kaylin a wadded up beard before stepping forward.

Abaddon passes his hands over the tablet. He smiled to himself as he looks at it.
The old man looks at the coin. He looks confused.

"We will get to you later."

The old man walks slowly over to the cooling body. He takes out a small piece of chalk and walks the circle around the body. Inscribing strange sigils along the cal line. When it's complete it forms a seven pointed star with the body in the middle.

The old man steps back as spiders descend from the shadows. dozens, hundreds, thousands swarm over the body in a writhing ass. Big, little, black white, and everything. The spiders cover the body, crawling in every orifice and even in the ears.

As the spiders form a Cocoon. A mummy wrapped white linen. The spiders vanished and abbadon held his hands out to the circle. Lighting over roiled and pure arcs of electrically liked into the body. The eyes opened and stared into the darkness. The eyes of the already dead. In his eyes you could see such anger and loss at being killed.

"Tell me. WHO KILLED YOU." Abaddon orders the body.

*Necropsy and TOUCHED.*
Last edited by Abaddon on Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"I would only teach them Necromancy as part of a balanced breakfast."
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Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Post by Nellie Duncan »

Nellie hastily steps away from Abaddon's ritual preparations, blinking and looking over at Kaylan. "Ah. Well, as for Ademon, the defensive wounds were accrued while he was alive - you can tell by the amount of bleeding around the wounds, the spray was created with the force expected with a beating heart."

She glances back at the locals and merchant elves before returning her gaze to Kaylan. "As for the item I talked about, it would only work with people already skilled with disguises. The owner has more than one, as well as potions that could be used by an alchemist or wizard that are enhancements upon the normal Free the Beast potion and bags of herbs that when burned will awaken a mass number of sleeping or unconscious people that only one with the ability to heal could use."

"I've already borrowed an item from the owner, and I believe it would be most rude of me to exchange them. The contract can be explained by the item owner. Faust can lead those that would like to enter the loan contract to the owner should anyone wish to borrow these items. And while he and the others are gone, I could fix the lift."

At the appearance of the spiders, Nellie makes a startled cut off squeak and ducks behind Kaylan, hands shaking as she takes her golden hammer in hand, ready to smite any of the arachnids should they come at her.
--Nellie Duncan
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