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Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:23 pm
by Loki
Loki stands up, angered. "Oh ya'? Well, let's see how you like dis one, brudda!"

He beats the guitar strings savagely with his fingers, then sings in a hoarse voice: "Oh you'd betta watch out for De' hound o' 'dis land. He'll scratch and he'll bite at his king's command."

Loki begins to dance, tapping his feet on the floor.

"Never falls in 'de fight, 'dat is his great skill, he jus' soldiers on, wit' an animal will. "

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 12:03 am
by Levi the Bison Lord
Levi acts the part of Rothek as Loki sings his praises. Levi stalks around the room snarling and growling. Finally he jumps up on a table, teeth barred and sings in a low wolfish tone.

"'Ahooo!! say da beastman wit 'es voice full o' thunda, if you're unlucky he'll put you a whole six feet unda!"

He jumps up and down on the table, which rattles with each slam.

"He claws an' he bites, blood covers his fur. He flies through the fight like a wild blur!"

Levi begins to breath heavily. He closes his eyes and fall backs on the table, splayed out he begins to hum a lighter tune.
"How about something less wild, mon?"
Levi taps on his stomach and hums some more.

"How about da kindest of Haven's great soldiers? He might not have da strength to move boulders. But, da wise craftsman of da Redwind is damn irreplaceable, he volunteers for all and helps when he's able."

Levi turns to his brother...
"I'm talking about Gondowon mon."

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:15 pm
by Loki
Loki begins picking the strings, maintaining a simple, soothing ring under the verse: "Ya', 'es kind as 'es humble, an' as humble as 'es bright,"

The king nods in time with the melody, "an' 'ders notin' he don' recall, wit' 'is great mental might!" He winks to his brother as if sharing a secret, "ya' know der' ain't a skill 'e can't master, nor nowhere in 'de Vanguard a better crafts crafter."

The Buffalo King hums the melody once more before letting the guitar strum into silence.

"Dat Gondowon.. 'e's jus'... " Loki chokes back tears, "What a guy, mon!"

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 10:10 am
by Janus
The door opens with a howl of chilling wind. Janus enters with Faust in tow, a makeshift litter of branches and tarp suspended betwen them.

Continuing a conversation, he nods. "But I do admire your forewardness, Magus Faustus - for once - and I suspect we can accomplish a great deal."

With a huff, the pair heave the litter and its contents - a lump of gold-flecked clay - to the floor of the inn. Looking aboout, the mage notices the Bovine brothers sobbing and grimaces in disgust. "Don't these two ever do anything? Or does the king pay them to smoke?"

He sits by the fire, gazing into it for a moment before looking back tothe lump of clay. "Where is Gondowon?"

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:31 am
by Gondowon T. Falbor
As though Janus had commanded fate itself, the craftsman appears in the doorway, heavily bundled, but shivering despite the layers he wears against the cold. "B-by the spirits, it's freezing out..." he mutters through chattering teeth. As he enters the Inn, he takes note of the motley bunch before him.

"Oh. Hello Janus, Faust... Loki... Levi..." he says more slowly, making sure he has the names of the bovine brothers correct, for he has less spent less time with them than other members of the Redwind crew.

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 4:11 pm
by Faust
"Thank you Janus, perhaps it is time SOMEONE did..."

Faust laughs at Janus' comment toward the Bovine Brothers.

They do what they do my friend, perhaps they will someday sing of our exploits?" Faust smiles and sits near the warm fire with his rival. As Gondowon enters he pulls his barn coat a little closer as the wild's winds course into the inn.

"Ah, Gondowon, just the man we wanted to see! Look what we've brought you!"

He nods to the lump of clay and looks to Janus to explain.

Somewhere in the background the Bovine Brother's sequel in excitement as Gondowon walks in. But, this is short lived when Levi whispers something in Loki's ear and they run out the back door and into the snow covered trees...

Re: A Cold Day at the Inn

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 7:07 pm
by Onimaster
Vaal sits hunched in his furs clutching a large steel mug of hot mulled mead like it is the only thing keeping him from freezing solid. "Heh. Captain of somebody's guard."