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Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 1:49 pm
by Dallid
Dallid glances at Zeira. “You need not try to deflect the discussion away from yourself at this time, for you are not the subject.”

Then back to Marcus. “Paer’An *is* the subject because Serith wants to know how best to treat him. But I believe everything that can be said has been. So, Marcus, who would you rather we converse about?”

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:07 pm
by Zeira
Zeira walks over to the bar and places a coin on the counter

"One ale please Barry."

He then looks over at Dallid

"My mistake Dallid. Heard my name mentioned so I chimed in. I thought we were just kinda sitting around an inn talking."

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:18 pm
by Marcus
Looks from Dallid to Ziera and raises his hands in mock surrender and laughs.

Hey, talking was all I was doing. Until you walked in my plans went as far as sitting around the bar, getting something to eat, and then maybe heading through the portal and finding you at Witchwood Hold and tell you Serith was looking for you.

I'd rather be talking about things that need to get done around here than some guy I barely know that caused a bunch of trouble before I ever came back here. But I've been gone for a long time, so I'm hardly one to start things rolling.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 9:51 am
by Dallid
“The most overt threat to Haven of late has been the Red Tear. We recently put a stop to an operation of theirs consisting of the forcible recruitment of local villagers. But that may not have been their only such operation, and I have no information regarding what their current numbers and plans are.”

“There has been evidence that their efforts are decentralized and uncoordinated, but an entity known as The Master has command over some of them, and is working to extend his dominance over all. He has also explored an alliance with Corbyn, but it never coalesced, and now Corbyn is apparently dead.”

“So now there is the issue of the powerful artifacts Corbyn had been collecting. I don’t really know what his intention with them was, but apparently his death occurred as a result of his experiments with them. Regardless, it may be best for us to recover these artifacts before The Master does.”

“Meanwhile Haven itself has also become highly decentralized. Unlike Far Reach, however, the various factions are currently amicable with one another and quick to lend assistance when needed. While some friction and delay is inevitable, thus far I’m unaware of any major troubles resulting from this factionalization.”

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:37 am
by Marcus
I've heard of the Red Tear, too. In fact Alrisar- the man I squired for- and I have met them in the past, though not in any fashion comparing with you people, evidently.

Usually we saw lone men causing trouble, or very small groups, who seemed to lack contact with any kind of leadership. And only when we headed back towards Haven's valley did we even confront them at all. For all I know they were deserters, working on their own. It's interesting to know that you have some insight into their leadership, as it were. At least it's something to go on, as ominous as "The Master" sounds.

As for Haven's political situation, even loosing a defensible position, the destruction of the Castle might actually do some good, oddly enough. With what we're having to do for housing around the Tavern, maybe it'll help; keep everybody far enough apart to still keep from rubbing shoulders, but better than having to run halfway across town to gather forces.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 1:24 pm
by Zeira
"Well hopefully we can come out on top. Has anybody ever met the Master?"

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:03 pm
by Dallid
“The Master had visited the Haven in the past. Multiple times, I believe – even conning the residents into providing him with assistance. Of course, his nature was unknown at the time. I don’t recall his appearance then, and would be surprised if he wasn’t disguised at the time, anyway.”

“He was an extremely powerful being before the Cataclysm who ran the Red Tear and was Regis Mortem’s top lieutenant. He had been imprisoned beneath the Chaos Mountains by an Essence Mage known as Sir Alaric at the conclusion of the Essence Wars. “

“He may have escaped shortly before the Cataclysm and helped orchestrate it – with the actual goal to bring Regis Mortem back into this world. However the ritual when awry. He was greatly weakened in the aftermath and has been rebuilding his power since.”

“Speaking of which, Regis Mortem – a shade of his former self – did manage to slip back into Phanterra recently. Rumor has it that The Master currently has him enslaved.”

“On another note, the Dragon Requiem, or Requies, is no longer in the dreaming. His disappearance coincided with Corbyn’s death. With the Dragon gone, the dreaming has been… compromised. No evidence has yet turned up as to what brought this to pass or if the Dragon is in trouble.”

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 3:17 pm
by Smitty19
*Serith looks on

"Then to me, that is what our priorities need to be, gathering as much intel on the local Red Tear, The masters Plans, and Where Reqieus has went."

*Looking to Dallid

"And if you can, tell Paer'an I plan on speaking with him soon, if he truly is trying to make ammends, then this would be a good time for him to cast aside the lone wolf mentality, and start sharing intel he has gathered."