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Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:27 pm
by Aurora
*Aurora looks a Sebastian*

Esmerelda is a good teacher and I needed something to I don't know center myself I guess so I'm not just all about taking my sword and stabbing things.

There is just I guess something relaxing about baking....

*She looks at Esmerelds*

Yeah I don't get it and who knew I'd have some skill....

*She pauses*

I guess as long as whatever is in there isn't going to end up being a threat to yourself or the others I'm fine with it.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:39 am
by Dallid
Dallid frowns at the banter between Esmerelda and Serith. “Levity or not, such talk of land ownership and gifting is dangerous. I’d like a private discussion with you, Esmerelda, upon my return.”

He nods a greeting to the Guthrie as he passes, headed for the door. “Well met, Sebastien.”

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:03 pm
by Francesco DeLemuerte
Francesco raises an eyebrow when Sebastion mentions Sir Deacon

"I do not know a Sir Deacon nor was I present for the battle for Haven. Not to be rude of course but why would he want to speak with me? The title of 'Sir' in which she refers to is that of a fallen kingdom and as such it bears little significance in these lands."

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:15 pm
by Aurora
*Aurora looks at Francesco*

Some of us remember the Kingdom though. Granted for me it's only the Mage Hunter training academy, but still I know of that and the tales my Uncle tells me about people like King Galen, Blackthorne, my grandmother...

*She smiles softly*

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:31 pm
by Esmerelda
"Do you not wish to rebuild your order, Francesco? It seems like that would be a worthy goal for you and Aeric. You always go on about the honor of the knights. Why would you not want to restore their order in a new kingdom? There were many good things about the kingdom of Silverthorne. Is it so bad to want to recreate the positive aspects of that kingdom in our own?"

She then grabs her cloak and runs after Dallid.

"If you don't mind, why don't I go with you? That way we can speak in private and you do not have to be alone on such a dismal night."

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:40 pm
by Rothek
:Sebastien frowns a little at sir Francesco's answer:

"oh my apologies sir, i only meant that you and sir deacon may be able to see common grounds seeing that he was once a knight of a town called Ryndian, sadly the town was destroyed in the cataclysm and now he roams the country just as any of us do now."

:Sebastien sighs and waves at dallid as he walks by:

"it was a pleasure to meet you dallid, i hope to see you again soon"

:Sebastien looks outside to see that the storm is letting up some, so he picks up his mug and plate and walk it to the kitchen trying to lift it to the counter with a bit of a hop:

"thank you all very much for your hospitality, but the storm is starting to subside and i believe i should going now"

:sebastien, pulls the hood on his cloak back up and turns and waves at the people of castle gravesbane and then he heads back out and down the road:

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:57 pm
by Aurora
*Looks up at Serith*

Hate to do this to you, but I do have an Uncle to track down for I need to talk to him about a few things.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:12 pm
by Rhul
The door under the stairs suddenly creaks open and Rhul (which newcomers would see as a great furry beast) comes through into the room, closing the door behind him with his elbow. He wears a long robe belted at his waist, but the black fur on his arms and chest are clear to see.

As he walked through the door, he was reading a large book through wire-rimmed reading glasses- slightly modified to fit his abnormal features-, but upon seeing the gathering in the greatroom, he closes it and, smiling, pulls the frames gently from his face, folding them carefully away in one hand.

"Hmmm. Hello young guthrie, my name is Rhul. If you haven't been already, I welcome you to Castle Gravesbane."

He nods to the guthrie and looks out the window.

Ah. Finally I see the rain is slowing. While I admit it's need for the growing things of the wild, I have always had a great distaste for getting wet. It makes me smell horrible, and I can't say anyone's ever fancied a man who smells like a wet troll. Especially those of the more noble sex.

(He hears Serith's snort of laughter, and aims a large forefinger up at him with mock accusation, the smile still on his face)

"You, sir, hold your tongue. I will never put finding a good woman out of the realm of possibility. Though it would likely need to be a good blind woman, and one who is not adverse to the attentions of a very hairy man.....but, I digress.

So, what's everyone about tonight?


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:22 pm
by Smitty19
*Slams down his cup at Rhul's comment

"alright damnit, thats the second time in under 10 mins that someone has called me lord or sir...."

*tries his hardest not to laugh at the wet troll and Rhul comparsion...