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Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 8:31 pm
by Onimaster
LOL And on that note... ::Evil look at Robin:: :lol:

I guess it is my turn for some feedback.

I was glad I finally decided to come down for this event. The previous event I wasn't able to get into character and it felt like everything just passed me by. Part of that is my not being able to do a lot of walking anymore because of my gimpy hip and knees, but I also know it was because I didn't have the desire to push through that pain to get involved.

This event I think I was a bit more pro-active, and I managed to stay in my accent most of the event. That really helps me keep my mind in the character. I was very happy I found more of my costume hiding in the bottom of the bag. Maybe next year I'll even start swapping out items for leather and stuff. Still wish I knew where the nicer red jewel for my hand went.

Anyway, I had some great moments in role playing. I HATE that I missed the second half of the Obsidian Corridor plot I had been so invested in (Only to see Serith walk in tooting his horn. Hmm, might be a rivalry brewing.)

BUT, I missed that plot because I was having a truly great scene with Erik and Chris in the back. Malachi offering Val power to turn back history and pull his entire race back from a bad death in the Cataclysm, and knowing that if I take it that I would never be allowed close enough to the clock to succeed, losing the trust of everyone who told him not to, and the prospect of taking the power... being turned on by Korigan and Atrum... and failing his people's memory all over again only to be banished into the unknown all over again... unable to ever make the torment stop. It was a deep scene, and it truly made me feel cursed by failure no matter what I chose... even if we won the battle. Then having Atrum open up to him out of the blue. I was truly bowled over speechless even out of character.

I had fun with Orien when we did the scene with the dreaming. I loved that certain things few people seemed to notice. And I loved Chris' reaction to my question. It actually made me feel important for a minute.

I had a lot of fun with Ziera, Christo, Korrigan, Noble, and Thean. If Val has a crew (I'm on'a BOAT!), you guys are it. I loved the look on Thean's face when I brought up a rule that screwed him, and then pressed him outta the way so a giant tower collapsed and fell on me instead of him.

I loved role playing with Frazzle, and my ongoing distrust and hatred of the lil' green bugger. I almost got to die/drop fighting Trusk at Ezmeralda's request, but she took it back. It's interesting having to play such in character biases even in the face of them doing so much good.

Had a great time with the lady larpers. Ezmeralda, I was impressed you actually wanted me on your squad as a bodyguard. I'm sorry I spent so much of the final battle in a heap healing myself... over and over... and over. Fiona, thank you for saving Val from Chris' Phantasmal Killer with only seconds to spare. Jessy, you're way more fun when not bleeding from the eyes killing us. Julie... nice cup cakes. :twisted:

Vince, Aaron... AWESOME seeing you guys again. I wish we had more time to reconnect when you weren't curb stomping us for hours. lol

Lets see.. Now that the shout outs are outta the way. Some down sides...

First, this is the second event I haven't gotten any research back. I know there has been extraneous circumstances with Todd bailing last minute, and we came to an arrangement I hope someday comes in. But, it stinks, and I wanted to mention it. I think I'm just still sore over how many times in the past I didn't get anything Shale was looking into.

I also felt that the final battle was a bit anti-climactic. I think if the npcs had been a tad more on our par so we mid-level fighters could have stood a tad longer against them (Even if there were more to fight), and maybe if we had needed one fewer mass heals and repops then it might have felt more fulfilling.

I also didn't like the archers shooting magic arrows from the towers. I play a monk, and here was a chance for me to shine lost... Mike and Chris told me to just not take any packet that I knew was an archer even if it was magic, but that still felt... I dunno. Then by the time I got that info the last tower was already falling. I had hoped I'd be useful against the non-magic empath packets, but I was cut down by 3 vorpals so fast I never even got a chance to be hit by one of em.

And, the disagreement at Npc camp over what items were actually in the keep I never even heard about how it turned out. I heard that eventually Npcs just covered everyone's personal survival, but I paid mine at the beginning of the event. I'm just really confused.

Anyway, overall I'd say it was a good event. It feels really good to be finally done with the elves for a while. I'm looking forward to something NEW and fresh! Like we finally cast off a lingering specter that has haunted us for two years, and can get our asses kicked by some new plot that has nothing to do with elves.


Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 6:55 pm
by Rhul
My applogizes to Rhul (CJ) becasue I know I step right up to while you where guarding the clock and was way to close. I kinda stepped right into an opening and realized I needed to step back.
Naw, don't worry about it. I don't have a problem with close-in fighting unless there's wrapping attacks involved, too. A little bit of jostling won't get me mad, it's more in character. The only problem I had was enemies with (huge) shields making realllly low ankle attacks, when I have the second smallest shield after Atrius', if not just my fists. Just hit my shoulder!!

I also had four straight 15 magics pounded into the ground by my feet, from throwers 20 feet away. Hit me in the body or not at all- giant monkeys don't dance, dammit.

But those are the only gripes I have. The rest is awesome.

-Scrounger taking care of Fionna when she was dead. I wish I would have been there to interact with the little bugger.

-Success outside the Obsidian Caverns. That is how a shield wall works when you have teamwork!!

-Watching the surrounding characters when Fionna passed a brick upon seeing the Caledonain hereditary claymore (yeah, more like slaymore,, wow that was bad) on my back ,even though it's just a normal sword with some roleplaying attached, nothing "special".

-4:30 am battles that have a real meaning in the day to come.

-People's continuing amazement over my "Forest Sprite" as it shakes it's cage across the table. Never has the combination of a Halloween ornament and a decorative cage from Hobby Lobby been so fulfilling. But my lemur's still better.

I'll add more when I can process them. But you all were great, and I looks forward to my room in the basement of the Castle (ask Esmerelda about that one).

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 12:34 pm
by Eli
Best part(s) of event:

Lying on the ground watching them cut Serith's throat thinking I'd be next and then seeing them get chased off by other PC's, then having to physically crawl 15 feet through the dirt over other pc's dead bodies to get to a healer :) awesome!

Zombie fight at door puzzle where Chris and I were (IN GAME) screaming at each other. Him "aarrraaaghhha brains..." me "AAAAHHHH kill it!!!!" But mostly him crawling on me to eat said brain of mine. That was EPIC!!! By far best fight ever at FH for me.

Worst part again with the scene breaks. A few times I had to start asking people if they were cursed or had gone made as they were "speaking in tongues." Everyone does it, even me, but when someone drops you a clue by four in game by asking you if you've lost your mind please stop that chatter or take it someplace away from game area.

Other worst part: constant rules bickering and bitching. I mean did I miss something or did we beat the elves and win? OK a point death spell was a bit much, but like someone else said GM prerogative. I don't need to hear a PC EVER SAY again "the only way they can beat us is to Cheat". GMs BY NATURE are game MASTERS! What part of Master doesn't mean, I CANNOT CHEAT. If I am the MASTER, I makes the rules. The two paths cannot cross. Can the PC's do it? No, that's silly. When there are 40+ npc's for an event, and 10 PCs to equate to the truth of the sheer overwhelming numbers we are fighting, then you can complain about that sort of thing and I'll be with you. Otherwise, they have to bend the rules or we may as well not play it really wouldn't be a fight.