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Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 2:29 am
by Scarlet
Haha! I have to agree with you both on that one. Boobies make the world go 'round...but I also agree with Orien. If you guys want to cherish the boobies, then stop abusing them! >=P I can't count how many times I got hit there. I understand that you only have so much space to work with, and it was pretty dark Saturday night, but GEEZ!

Also, I just wanted to say that it was cool seeing the reunion between Gabriel and Orien. It was awesome in general to see all my old friends who had been murdered on the Night of the Burning Skulls return. I just have one thing to ask....WHY DIDN'T ANYONE BRING BACK DAKU!?!? ;_; lol

In special thanks:

Newbies - It was really awesome to see so many new people there, ready to jump in and get involved with everything that was going on (regardless of whether they were PCing or NPCing). I honestly don't think I have ever seen a group of new players jump into NPCing so readily and cheerfully. It was really nice to see your enthusiasm. Also, it was nice to see everyone actually TALKING to one another. Believe it or not, it's very common for new players to be a bit intimidated or quietly observant their first few events (I KNOW I was!)....and you guys were so cool to talk to! ^_^

GMs - For doing your best and making it a fun event for so many, thank you!

Erik - Thank you for giving me a ride to and from the event! ^_^ It was nice chatting about all that crazy stuff!

Zeira - Dude, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your stories! You need to tell them around the fire more often! It totally sets the mood!

Nat - Loved the makeup! It scared me at first, because I started having flash backs from when I got my ass handed to me by Pentag and his army...I loved it! >=) We should hang out more often!

Orien and Jared - Thank you guys for giving plenty of hugs and trying to cheer me up every chance you got. It was very sweet and completely wonderful of you.

And on that note, I will join Celegar in saying... MORE BOOBIES!!

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 10:14 pm
by Onimaster
I now wish our characters had met at the event so I could say that frankly I didn't give a damn... lol

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:47 pm
by Scarlet
As God is my witness...I shall never go hungry again... >=)