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Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 2:11 pm
by Fenn
:D Works for me, as a die hard Star Wars fan, I have no problem attacking people talking about the new Star Trek movie.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:17 pm
by Kalphoenix
GM_Chris wrote:No your idea is a very good idea.
It's not mine. I want to say it was a Roi think when he was still LARPing.

I have this faint memory of someone discussing World of Warcraft during a scene and getting russet redskin potatoes lobbed at them in retaliation, which I BELIEVE is how it came about.

I also generally try to steer the conversation back into IC when I can, or when I feel it affects a lot of people, but I generally also ignore the OOC comments, same as I ignore electric lights, fridges, cars and flashlights. I've learned to not let it bother me overmuch, because I assume everyone is there to have fun.

I'm awful for my OOC, but I try not to let it affect those around me. I am also someone who gets fairly worked up when roleplaying, so sometimes it's a tension-breaker to remind me that I am just playing a game.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:55 pm
by Dallid
I've found calling 'Potato' doesn't always work. Some people simply refuse to stop their OOG chatter no matter how much you call them out on it. But next time that happens, I think I'll follow up with Chris's idea and lay into them - as their 'unnatural talk' must mean they're unnatural creatures.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 5:04 pm
by GM_Chris
LoL exactly!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:15 pm
by Zydana
Yes, but chances are, they're out of character so they assume you're out of character being silly and just not take the hits.

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 8:12 pm
by Haku
Just call them a witch and get people to burn them at the stake :D I really like the potato call idea, and i'm definitely going to try it at the next event. That way if anybody feels bad when i decide to lay into them, they can't say i didn't warn them...

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 10:32 pm
by celegar
i dont ever think iv seen it get really out of hand, except at the fh event at brighton last year, but we were rlly tired and everyone in the cabin was doing it, also it was hot, rlly hot. i sometimes get cought in an ooc moment, but only when its down time and also only when its a few people and were all doing it. i NEVER bring an ooc talk into an IG situation, especially on a plot where were being serious sam, its usually to talk to people about how a skill work or how something works in the world like explaining the dynamic of whats happening or where they are or what kingdom their in ect. i think potato would be an excelent subtle reminder to people rather than yelling at them to get into character.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 10:29 pm
by Sunny
… normally I don’t write event evaluations unless I have as much good to write to balance out the bad. Normally, I really try and keep it positive… but this time, I can’t do it. I just can’t. Let me say this as simply as I can.


1. Non humans are screwed, and lifestyles are now completely counterintuitive: Why on earth would a privileged person be better suited to feeding themselves over a savage… who can find their food in the wild? Because it’s all coin based now? That makes NO sense to me in the least. And in a post cataclysmic world, where the non humans seem to equal the humans, why the advantage for the pinkies? Again, counterintuitive. I despise it.

2. Many of us have worked for years, building alliances and understandings with one another on the political front. Now… none of that matters. Miss Esmeralda (love you E, just using you as an example) was the last one with the bank, so she gets the territories. So, if I wanna eat, I better pucker up. If you have the gold, you get to make whatever rules you want. So, better not play a nice guy, because you won’t be profitable enough to survive.

3. Once upon a time, if we didn’t like our leader in an organization, we got together, pooled our allegiance, and ousted them. Allegiance points didn’t feed me. They didn’t pay for my potions, or my weapons and armor. Now, however, since it’s all coin… I can either try to get everyone to pool their money and take a territory, and consequently starve for an event, or I can keep kissing booty, unhappy, but mostly unable to fix it. The gold rules, and if you were savvy enough to have paid attention in the last year, you’re set to sit on your throne and do as you please.

4. Spies are useless.

5. I have NEVER cared about a political system before. They may have been complicated and annoying, but I never hated them enough to have any kind of strong feelings… I HATE this one. HATE it. I want allegiance back. I’ve never wanted to QUIT the game because of mechanics… until now. I know I sound completely over emotional, and in far left field… but I’m being completely honest.

Things that MIGHT help:

1. Because you have changed the political system in a way that so completely changes the survivability of a character, I believe that it would be fair to offer us the ability to change our lifestyle. Had this been the system from the get-go, Vaun would have TOTALLY been privileged. Changes to the rules in such a new and dramatic way prompt many characters to need to change in accordance.

2. The chart needs work… badly. Privileged non-humans should make JUST as much as a common human, at the very least, and so on. The bonuses need to be based on lifestyle, with humans simply having a bonus on top of non-human base value, in accordance to the rest of the way the system is set up.

Now… I was cool with the version we used at WH. Honestly, I LIKED that one. With the multipliers for money generation based on the support points generated by any given organization… that was cool. I don’t, for the life of me, understand WHY you changed it.

I’m just one person. My voice won’t be much, and in the end, you’re gonna do what you wanna do anyway. I’m just telling you, I’m not the ONLY person who feels this way. I just happen to be the most annoying. I HATE this new system, and nothing is going to change my mind. I know it’s supposed to have more role playing, but not the kind I like in any way. I don’t care about farmer bob. Not AT the event. That stuff is fine for between events, where I imagine it takes place. AT the event, Vaun could give a crap about dealing with farmer bob’s irritating daughter. I care about the elves. You are forcing me to care about farmer bob, and I just don’t. I despise having my role playing dictated to me because I want my character to eat. It feels like grind to me, dealing with farmer bob and his daughter… I play MMOs for that kind of thing. I LARP to do something… epic… something seemingly of more import than farmer bob’s idiot daughter.


Now… the event itself. *sigh* I wish I had just skipped Friday entirely. Expect for Heidi, who is my angel for that VERY intense and character defining role playing, I was bored out of my mind. You were amazing, Heidi, and I can’t wait till we get to continue this line of role playing. Maybe with less crying nets time, though. *wink* One hook went into the inn… and there was the cool monster attack first thing… then nothing. I’ve already spoken to Mike about this, so he knows how I feel and why. We talked and I understood a bit better.

Saturday was fun. Honestly, Theon, Malachai, and the brothers made it for me. I love you guys. Though Vaun didn’t think it funny, Atrum messing with her was flipping hilarious. Malachai… saved my life. You were at my side every moment of the battle, and I would have prolly died if not for you. Thank you. *hug* Treasure hunting with the boys late Saturday night was fun, and a serious trust building experience. Love you guys. And Zera… man we always end up at odds, but I adore it. Thanks for challenging me.

Over all… I honestly felt things were off. I had a few great scenes, but even the role playing seemed off to me. I’m not sure how to better put it, or what can be done to fix it, but this was not one of the better FH events for me. I’m sorry. I know there is a ton of work that goes into every event, and I hate to bring you down by saying such negative things, but I know you need that too.

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:25 pm
by Ark
i hated politics before hand, didnt touch it then, dont touch it in spring, and i definantly wont touch it now, never liked it because it turned Live. Action. Role. Playing. into some live action politacal system numbers money resources traderoutes screwed behind the scenes out of game...thing, main reason i dont go

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:27 pm
by celegar

*trusk raises his hand emphaticly



Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 1:33 am
by Kalphoenix
Vaun wrote: You were amazing, Heidi, and I can’t wait till we get to continue this line of role playing.
*warm fuzzies* It's nice to be loved. And not just for my bewbs.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:34 am
by GM-Mike
The system is being tweaked to help with that disparity between savage and not so savage.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:56 am
by GM_Chris
Yepo we see the same problem between savage and non savage.

As for human and non human I would say that non humans do get a bonus, infact they get a huge huge bonus when dealing with members of their race.

What we did was move as many of the mechanics behind the scenes as possible and put forward as much of a pure RP experience as possible. You say you have spent a lot of time RP'ing with different NPC's and creating relationships, that is very helpful for you as it actually means something now. Before you could RP all you want, but if you didnt have some mechanical allegiance number then your efforts did not matter. Now your RP is the main thing that matters and coin, or really anything else are just tools for your Role Playing.

Coin supreme? Not necessarily as you cannot eat with coin. There will be inflation as more and more coin enters the system.

As Mike said though we will work on savage. The problem is the savage character gets 2 more life than the privilege person and that needs taken into account. We also agree that the savage person should have more access to hunter/gatherer type skills, but we need to look at balancing that with time. In the current RP political system it is vitally important that politically minded people use their between event time to foster relationships with the people. I would feel that for a savage person to have greater access to food then they need to spend their downtime savaging for food. This means you can get food, but you are not doing anything else.

We will see what we can come up with

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:57 am
by Abaddon
I am not argueing either way.

You can oust leadership by taking your coins away and pooling them with someone else. The plots and territories have to be paid for every event and no leader, no matter what their coin total can do so indefinitely.

Hard? yes. impossible? not really.

to be fair it's also now WAY WAY easier to survive on your own.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 10:24 am
by GM_Chris
On the plus side the critisism is the same type of thing you here about all through history.

The rich now have all the power.

This gives me a lot of confidence that we might actually have it right this time. It should feel like the rich have all the power. It should feel like the powerful rule over the weak.

It took a long while for the french to figure out that was not the case. :)