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The light

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:28 am
by General Maximus
*As the green light clears the group looks towards the crystal and notice it is no longer there. Instead there is a batter dwarf standing in it's place looking angry and a bit confused. In a gruff voice*

By my ancesters, you Dark elves will not take this city.

*Charging towards Gin he says*

For King Gimly and the Dwarven People

* The dwarf seems to throw something at Gin, but surprise is written on his face when nothing is seen to move towards Gin. The dwarf starts to draw his blade*

I don't know how you canceled the dragon magic, but I will just dispose of you Dark elves the old fashion way.

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 1:34 pm
by Kidwynn
*Kidwynn spins around with her swords out and puts herself between the dwarf and Gin prepared to use her special swashbuckler tatics on the dwarf if he does try to attack Gin.*

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 1:55 pm
by Amagus
“You are not in the same world you remember, Master Dwarf. Much has changed. You now stand amongst friends rather than foes. Stand down.”


Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 2:14 pm
by General Maximus
*The Dwarf spins towards Amagus taking in the surroundings and lowers his sword. His face pales*

This is not my beloved city. What has the pointy eared filth done?

*The dwarf gathers himself up and looks pointly at Amagus*

Where I am I? Who do you serve? You say your friend, but you are not dwarf so how can that be? Has the humans joined the dark elves to destroy us dwarves? Tell me human the truth by what honor you have? You might be able to take me, but by my ancestors, I will take a couple of you with me.

*The group can see a gathering of engery around the Dwarf and a light starting to form around his fist. The dwarves poss is of defense and not that of attack. It seems for now he is willing to listen.*

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:05 pm
by Amagus
“I would guess the Dark Elves you were fighting cast a spell upon you – placing you in a prison of stasis. We have only just unearthed and freed you from it. Who knows how much time has passed between then and now. Again, much has changed, even, in recent years, the very nature of the world and magic. Your ‘beloved city’ is likely no more, and may not have been for ages.”

“Tell me – what year do you remember it to be, and by what reckoning?”

The Year

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:54 pm
by General Maximus
The year as you humans would call it is, was, 1003. The war of te Homeland between us and the Darkelves.

You say much has changed? That the homeland is no more? I find this hard to fathom. But you have not attack me, you are not dark elf, and I do not reconize where I'm at. Swear on your honor that what you say is true and we will go some where and talk in private. I have many questions and you seem to have the answers. For now I mean you no harm and I swear by my honor and the honor of my ancestor that no harm will come to you while we talk.

What do you say human?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:16 pm
by moonstone
As the group is looming in front a small figure pushes her way to the front of the group. Dusting her hands on her pants she says “you are a dwarf as am I. I tell you true these are good people. Please come and talk to my commander Donovan he will know better what to do. Maybe know something of your Homeland.

Offering one hand to the Dwarf Moonstone says “my name is Solvanya I was born in the Morningrock Mountains. So by that honor you may trust."


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:49 am
by General Maximus
*Seeing another dwarf, the dwarf drops the ball of engery and smiles*

It is good to see a fellow dwarf. So this maddness the human speaks of is true. It is hard to fathom, but I will listen. Is there ale to drink here, where ever here is? Maybe some tabbaco for a pipe?

*Smiling* you have given your name, so I will give you mine, I'm Genral maximus of the Hel Furry Clan. It is good to meet your aquantance.

Please lead on, I will follow

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 8:57 am
by Peace420
*Solari cocks his head to the side like the RCA dog and sniffs the air abit*

Not neccesarily "natural" but it seems he's continued on in the natural cycle.

*Walks off*

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:16 am
by Amagus
"1003? Not so long ago, then. Know then the current year is around 1054 - time has been a somewhat inconsistant medium since the Cataclysm that changed the world and merged magic approximately a decade ago."

"Perhaps your homeland survived, though you may not recognize it."


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:38 am
by General Maximus
The homeland I speak of is the homeland of all the dwaves. The place where King Gimly rules and where the 13 clans reside at. The place where only Dwarves live and only those who have proven their honor are allowed to walk in.

*In a dark threatening voice*

The place where the Dark elves attacked and tried to take. By my ancestors, if I ever get my hands on another dark elf, they will pay for what they have done to my people and me.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 1:28 pm
by Amagus
*Smiles grimly*

"Again, much has changed. The enemies of yesteryear may well be the allies of today."

Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 6:41 am
by Ogrom
After Long resting in the inn and finishing his second sipping cup of ale Chief Ogrom stands and looks to see what the comotion in the room is moving to the croud and then seeing the new member to town."

Oh hello good dworf Im chief Ogrom of the Redmoon Tribe and I wish to welcome you to this Town called Haven Let me gather you an Ale and offer you a place to sit and rest so you can here of what has happened to the lands abroud and be told of this cataclisom that has changed us all.

As you can see Im Ga'vin and as im able to protect all here that what is sead by magis...."everyone seen Ogrom not get his name right but also knows who me speaks of".
That even thoughs that where called enemy is now family and we all can come together here to live and work with one another.

If you wish i will locate Donivan so he can come and brife you on what has happened and what we are now faceing here in this time and lands.
But you look as if you could use some food and drink
"looking around for Lambic"

Lambic good man and keeper of the Inn will you please fetch this good dworf here some food and your finast ALE.

"stands and waits to see what the new Dworf does."


Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:36 pm
by General Maximus
*The general looks at Ogrom with a cold calculated stare as if he trying to decide where to stick the blade at. In a cold voice*

Ga'Vin, Hmm. How is that different than a goblin? The goblin that served Grom and tried to destroy us Dwarf's? The goblin that I swore to kill on sight? The goblin, the enemy of the dwarf's?

*Not moving a muscle, but keep staring at Ogrom*

This town has shown kindness, and the people are willing to tell me of this catcylsm. I will take the offer of ale and food. When the dwarven leader Donovan has time, I will be willing to listen. For I need to know of the dwarven homeland, and King Gimmly.


Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 1:37 pm
by General Maximus
*The general looks at Ogrom with a cold calculated stare as if he trying to decide where to stick the blade at. In a cold voice*

Ga'Vin, Hmm. How is that different than a goblin? The goblin that served Grom and tried to destroy us Dwarf's? The goblin that I swore to kill on sight? The goblin, the enemy of the dwarf's?

*Not moving a muscle, but keep staring at Ogrom*

This town has shown kindness, and the people are willing to tell me of this catcylsm. I will take the offer of ale and food. When the dwarven leader Donovan has time, I will be willing to listen. For I need to know of the dwarven homeland, and King Gimmly.