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Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 3:37 pm
by Ogrom
(Ogrom pausing to contimplate the words of arthos takeing close to a minate then speaks)

Ok Let us move to beginning of left tunnle we will setup our post their and let vaun do her seeing and hope that atrum returns to us their can any of you make marks on parchment incase the others return here so they know what we have done. or do you think that bad idea also?

(pauseing to think on his corse of action for a moment)

Perhap we should not leave marks behind incase our enemys find it.

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:14 pm
by Pugo Redfang
"I say we tay here till Vaun done than we fnd us a new path. If Atros and Vaun work on it together than we should get out faster."

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:08 pm
by Kalphoenix
Delayne nods. "I don't think leaving a note behind would be a bad thing...HE already knows we are here, so it makes no difference...You know my thoughts on this matter. As I believe I am the only remaining healer, I think it is best that I stay with you."

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:06 pm
by Sunny
Vaun tilted her head to one side, as if listening to something only she could hear. There was an odd, unreadable, look on her face as she closed her eyes for a long moment while the others talked. Finally, she opened them and said in her hardly-more-than-a-whisper voice, which was, for the very first time, tinted with a hint of what may have been fear. "I cannot feel Atrum Draconus. I sense that he lives, can feel that much, but as to where he hath gone..." she shrugged.

Her dark violet eyes searched either path and she bent down to investigate the tracks, taking off her black gloves and running her white hands over the stone. She winced, a look of pain crossing her face. She quickly withdrew her hand and replaced the glove. "Arthos of the Crescent Moon, come thee hence with me and we shall indeed see if thy Elven lore will aid in my Sight." She held out a gloved hand. "Give me thy hand."

**Two master sages... looking for where Atrum may have gone**

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:05 am
by Atrum Draconus
*Atrum walks around the corner just as Vaun finishes speaking*

Looks like more people touched that 3rd rock. Perhaps that is where you might focus your efforts.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:10 am
by Kalphoenix
Delayne nods. "We are happy to see you well, Atrum Draconus. Many of our ranks have touched the stone without waiting to find out further information."

Thrid Rock

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:36 pm
by Nelkie
*Arthos looks up and grins*

Good to see you well, what have you discovered?

As for the third rock, I have looked it over and it is my belief it is not a deadly trap. If the dragon wanted us dead, we would be already. We are his current amusment, and it does him no good killing us out right. I believe the others got teleported to some location in which they are out of the game, either in a prision, a dark hole, or maybe even back to haven. I can't tell where they where sent, but I feel they are alive and well. If they are in the caves still, I hope to come accross them so we can free them. I have no other means to determine their location. We all could touch the stone so we could all be together, but we might be traped along with them with no hope for help. I suggest we move onward in hopes we can find them and reach our goal.

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 1:44 pm
by Sunny
Upon Atrum's return, a gost of a smile pulled at the corners of Vaun's black painted lips. Seeing that he was whole and hail, she listened to what Arthos proposed. With a humorious quirk to her grin she said, "Though it is not my custom to agree with elves, I am forced to do so in this case." She gave Arthos a nod. "I think there is wisdom in his proposal. For myself, I do not wish to touch that stone. Engaging in unknown magics for the amusement or otherwise of beings far more powerful than myself has never been a habit of mine, and I do not think it wisdom." The Valkin'vi painted Elven looking woman hefted a little sigh.

"Though I will proceed with whatever this group decides, I would prefur to continue down this path and see what there is to be seen, As the elf says, perhaps we shall encounter the rest of our party along the way and be of better service to them thence."

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 8:31 pm
by Kalphoenix
"I too would rather proceede along the path. I do not wish to touch the stone unless we are left with no other option."

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:17 pm
by Pugo Redfang
*Pugo looks up at Atrum as he returns to the group. He than nods to Atrum as Artos talks. He listin to everyone and shakes his head in agreement with them. He than looks at Ogrom an awaits for him to say something.*

"Me agree with Vaun and Daylene I know wish to be in hole or in the jade serpents belly. If Ogrom leads the way I shall take up back with Atrum. Putting Orgom and Arthos in the lead, with Daylene and Vaun in the middle. if that sounds good to everyone else?"


Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:31 am
by Nelkie
It sounds like a very good plan to me, lets move foward and see what we can.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:58 am
by Ogrom
(Ogrom looks to atrum and speaks)

What you see on your scout of paths?
Would it do us any good to go down one of dem or are we left with only the stone to touch?
I dont want to go through a rock nomater if it be magic or not if one path lead us out and get us back to haven then let us take it i dont like to leave da others who touch rock behind but thay make own choice without haveing anyone look to other choices.
We will not do what they do or we could end up in worse than we are now.
I need what you find atrum to make decision since i seem to be one leading here.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 10:43 am
by Sunny
Vaun raised a delicate eyebrow at the Ga'vin's pronouncement that he was the leader of the group, "Thou may declaire thyself leader, but I make my own decissions and go as I see fit. I do not recall hearing anyone name thee our 'leader' save for the fact that Pugo of the redfang choses to defur to thee. I," she said looking Ogrom boldly in the eyes, "do not."

With that she turned to Atrum. "What didst thou see on thy scouting? Is there a way forward down the way?"

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 2:20 pm
by Atrum Draconus
*Atrum takes in all the questions and smiles a grim smile*

This path ends dead *wipes a little blood off of his hand onto his pants*, although I did hear water or the like down there somewhere. The other doesn't seem to be much. Someone that can look at things very closely might be able to find more but I think the ah... feathered serpent has "graced" us with the 2 images and thats about all we are going to get out of this endeavor. As we already have split our forces even if we were to find Creation deep in the bowels of this place we'd find ourselves overmatched. The other image looked nothing like this at all, infact it seemed much like a hut that a few of us have been to before. Nowhere near here. So, as I said once already we should focus our efforts on finding anything about the other members of our party that we can. Are they alive, are they safe, are they still within these walls those types of things if at all possible. We can either backtrack all the way out, hoping that whatever made the room spin in the well room does the exact opposite or join our friends wherever they are.

*Walks over to the 3rd rock and waits*

Oh and you're welcome, not that anyone ever needs to thanks me for not being what everyone assumes I am.

*Takes a seat and doesn't respond to much of anything other than info about the others in our group or the decision to leave, as time passes his mood seems to get darker as he contemplates something*

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 7:27 pm
by Kalphoenix
"Many thanks for this outpouring of information, Atrum...if it appears that there is really no where else to go...I will touch the stone."