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Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:24 am
by GM-Brad
Alright, if no one else has posted by the end of today, everyone can take a second cycle of rounds and we'll just assume others are busy fighting in the thick of things but not making any progress (latecomers, feel free to jump in at any time).

There are five wood elves and six guards fighting with you. Together they manage to take down five golems themselves, though two guards are badly injured.

That leaves 7 golems, 3 elves, and Lhaewan left.

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 11:48 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
((I did talk with Faust and Janus that said they will be posting soon.))

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:38 pm
by Kayla
Dakkon, sword gripped in one hand and shield ready in the other, shakes his headwrap off. Some of the elves (both friendly and unfriendly) stare in pure shock for a second before the chaos of battle swallows them back up.

One of Lhaewan's elves keeps starting, almost slack jawed. Dakkon grins wickedly, "Very well, you can be my first notch for this fight." Raising his shield up, Dakkon runs straight at the elf, causing the elf to instinctively raise his sword in defense. Much to the elf's dismay, Dakkon swings his sword low at the elf's ankles, completely separating one of his feet from the rest of his body. Instead of finishing the swing, Dakkon arcs his blade upwards, the razorlike Dark Elven blade cutting halfway up the other elf's chest before Dakkon pulls it loose with a spin, preparing him for any other incoming enemies.

(Attacking an elf with a feint (+3), +1 for armor, +1 for weapon specialization - rolled 3 and 5 = 13 total - the opponent is defeated)

(Sorry about the delay here, I've been slammed at work and haven't had any desire to get online when I get home... So I'm just posting during my lunch break this time)

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:53 pm
by Janus
Janus' heart pounds in his chest. When hemmed in, his training reminds him, engage opponents singly to isolate and retake the advantage.

The magus observes the deafening mess of gold and organic forms clashing within the tent for a single moment, then charges ahead. He dodges a falling golem, ducks under an errant swing, and dives, tucks, and rolls out over a fallen (already melting) heap of gold. Leaping into the air, spear first, Janus hurls himself at a hulking gold automaton. [2,2 +1 armor +2 Charge ahead at full speed = 7, no wounds for either] With a clang, Janus collides with the Golem's outstretched fist. His spear tip is turned aside with only a minor dent to show for it. He lands heavily - though on his feet - and the impact knocks the wind from his chest.

Protect your Center, he recalls in that instant, for a single strike can cause you to choke on air.

Janus is suddenly very aware of the ache in his midsection. He gasps, straining to take in breath, but the pain is too great. The golem closes, and Janus makes a flash decision.

With a rasp, he spits the syllables of a rhythmic chant: "Au, Au, au," Janus repeats the word thrice, gasping for breath between each. The golem steps again, reeling back with a fist. Just as the block of gold begins to swing down, Janus calls: "Serve!" [7 - 3 for using magic + 1 for armor +5 for Wizard Dominate = 10, golem Dominated]

With a screeching protest of metal, the enormous statue halts. It bows its head as if in recognition, and drops both arms to its sides. "No!" Janus shrieks, flapping his arms in protest. "Pick me up!" The creature bends, and sets the man on its left shoulder with ease. "Go. Hit that one!" Janus grins, his breath returning.

With a lumbering whump, whump, whump, golem and Janus thunder toward the nearest golem. Without so much as an apology, Janus' gargantuan throws a haymaker to the other's golden temple. His target reeling, Janus brings his spear down hard to bury iron in the golem's neck [6 + 2 golem power? +2 heavy overhand swing = 10]

The mage looks around for Faust. Spotting the man, he calls: "Up here, you hack!"

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:37 pm
by Abaddon
Abaddon turns and catches two remaining golems in the null magic field from the eye of his beholder

The old man stops and looks at Bregolon. Even though the boy is mind control, the old man has no pity for elves.
A wave of spider webs burst forth from the ground and tangle the boy and one of the guards. When the webs touch them time stops.

(golems) + 5 timestop bregolon + elf guard = 6 = timestop sucess

Two golems run the mastermind of this endevor and try to pin him to the ground.

golem tackle L +3 + 4 roll 6 = 13

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 4:59 pm
by GM-Brad
That is indeed enough to catch Bregolon (Two golems (+4) plus timestop (+5) plus a roll of 6 -5 =10, if people couldn't follow the math).

Lhaewan silently screams when his servant is taken away. Any elf with a bit of lip reading recognizes several choice swear words from the old elf with regards to Valkyn'Vi.

You may now make attacks against Lhaewan without the -5 penalty. BY my count there are 3 golems and 1 elf guard left, plus Lhaewan still needs one more hit to defeat after Abaddon's golem-assisted tackle.

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 6:28 pm
by Faust
Faust walks about combat for a while watching as his companions handily defeats their attackers. He actively laughs when the bravdo of his peers reaches his ears. He smiles even wider as he sees his rival Janus mount the gold golem's shoulders. He motions for his companion and points at the elven villain, now lying on the ground from the decrepit man's golem's assault. Janus' golem charges toward Faust, reaching upwards Faust's hand meets Janus' and one magus lifts the other on to the golem's giant shoulders. The two ride the golem toward the downed elf.

(Roll: 4+ 6 +2 for "charge ahead at full speed" +1 for wep spec +1 for armor = 14)
Faust grunts as he pushes hard off the golem and lands squarely on the merchant slamming his halberd's head into the elf's. He rises pulling the weapon hard out of what would have been the skull of the old elf.
"You really shouldn't swear my friend." He looks up and winks at Janus before moving on to the other enemies. Faust looks the last elf guard in the eye and smirks.

(Roll: 3+3+1 for wep spec +1 for armor -2 for "SUMMERSAULT AND STRIKE" = 8 )
He dive rolls forward. The hairs on the back of his neck feel a breeze as the elven blade almost ends his life. Faust swings his weapon at the elf, but the man dodges the clumsy strike. "Well, that's what I get for trying to look cool." He retreats a few steps and prepares to face the elven man again. "Your master was out of his mind..." He looks over to the destroyed head of Lhaewan, "and now his mind is out of his head." He takes a moment to laugh while the guard fumes. "Can you provide a better challenge?" Faust smiles wickedly at his opponent motioning like a matador to a raging bull.

(Roll: 6+3+3 for "Swinging low" + 1 for wep spec + 1 for armor = 14)
The angry elf charges at Faust who merely steps to the side and swings low with his halberd completely chopping off man's right leg.

The artery in the man's thigh bleeds profusely, as they always do. Faust steps back quickly, sparing his black shoes from the staining.

Faust looks around quizzically for a moment. He furrows his eyebrows. "Janus! Wait a moment! I am NOT a hack!!" He begins stomping toward Janus and his mount as the battle rages around him.

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:02 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
((per brad))
-5 if you are attacking Lhaewan (only available if he has been discovered first). Lhaewan requires two successful "defeats" to finish off.

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:25 pm
by GM-Brad
Abaddon freed Bregolon (removing the -5 penalty) and then also his golems hit Lhawean once, so Faust's hit does indeed finish him off.
Lhaewan gives Faust one final look of horrified surprise beofre his head caves in.

There are still 3 golems lumbering around attacking even after their mastrer is dead.

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 9:13 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
((ah must have missed that))

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 11:34 am
by Alinar
Alinar emerges from chamber six with a stagger, blood staining his left side and his right hand glowing with power. He unleashes a devastating burst of power at the nearest enemy golem, blasting it apart.

(Roll 5 and 5, +1 for armor, +8 for Greater Channel = BOOM)

The other golems were all currently engaged, allowing Alinar to stand where he was, drawing more power for another shot. He saw the wide open back of another golem fighting friendly guards. It was already damaged - it wouldn't require much more to stop it. With a smaller globe of power he let loose - slagging the head and shoulders of his target. The remains of the golem collapsed in a heap.

(Roll 6 and 5, +1 for armor, +3 for Lesser Channel = 15)

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 12:56 pm
by Janus
"Golem, attack!" Janus calls from atop the gold automaton, barely stifling his glee as the behemoth charges ahead.

As if spurred on by the same excitement, the golem ends its charge with a forward thrust kick. A golden foot lands squarely in the offending golem's chest, the force briefly lifting it up into the air. [5,6 + 2 golem =13] Golden shards rain down and clang against the floor.

"Golem, sit." Janus smiles and pats the construct's head as its leg joints groan faintly in compliance.

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 1:10 pm
by Faust
"Alright, Magus Janus, good show indeed."
Faust pats his friend on the back, with the lack of enemies around he returns to Lhaewan's corpse.
"We have to burn his body, correct? To release the slaves from his spell. Any reason why I shouldn't go ahead and finish the job?"

A fine cut appears on his palm, and his hand ignites in flame. He looks to Janus, then Alinar, and finally Kaylan for instruction.

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 2:06 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
*The old warrior walks to where the Havenites have gathered and secures his hammer on his belt. Kaylan kneels down by Lhawean and begins searching the body*

"Well before we do that, I would like to strip him of anything useful for making reparations to Bregolon and the others; and ensure there is nothing potentially dangerous when burned.
I would also like to see if there is anything Abaddon can pry from him before we use him for kindling. We still have coins to find if I recall."

*Kaylan stands after removing anything found that may be significant and turns to the old wizard*

Re: Reunited ("Action is the sole..." Read Disclaimer)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 3:39 pm
by Abaddon
"indeed. I think I should find out more. Then we get to burn the body. I don't think you'll mine if I ask him some questions."

*inescapable bonds, detect magic, and spot.*