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Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:58 am
by Rothek
All this talk of science and airships and iron citys had greatly confused the beastman to the point his head was starting to hurt.

"What is scinence white man? "

Rothek grabbed his head and shook again. Auroras jump when he had originally entered caused him to look over at her

" is okay, dwarf lady not be jumpy."
The beast pointed to the pendant vaal had given him and was wearing his kilt as well.

"Rothek is dwarf too." He said proudly.

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:21 pm
by Dallid
"Science is lore learned and used to build and create. Applied knowledge. The Iron Cities idolize science - to a point where their applied lore-masters, or 'scientists', rushed to discover new lore and be the first to utilize it in a creation. Unfortunately this mad rush typically precludes frst considering the implications of such lore."

"Thus was how mages historically became feared and hated. I expect their scientists will soon be similarly viewed. There was ample evidence such an outlook was all ready taking hold in the Iron Cities."

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 7:46 pm
by GM-Amanda
"Barry! I move that we ban all small felines from the Traveler. Rothek, GETTIT."

She paused expectantly, staring daggers of loathing at the bundle of fur.

"Also, we're discussing the Iron Cities, magic users giving the rest a bad name, and equipping the areas around Haven with a warning system in case of nastiness that comes to bite my tail off."

Cirrus continued to scribble, now sketching an airship.

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 11:54 pm
by BarrytheBartender
"As long as the small felines are not holding skulls, or talking to them, they can stay..for now.."

"As for the Iron Cities, it was definetly a unique place, but I am glad to be back here. Magic may be good or bad but at least I understand it better than that science stuff over there."

"As for a warning system for the surrounding area, that is already in the works..Korrigan was just filling me in on some of his plans just the other night."

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:18 pm
by Marcus
*Marcus sits back in his chair*

I would suggest that even if we can cook something up with magic, manpower should still play the largest part in the defense of this kingdom. People have a largest amount of pride in a place when their efforts are directly shown to be making it better, and safer.

Believe me. While I have just recently returned, I've lived here since the Cataclysm, and before that in lands belonging to Silverthorne. I'm confident that just like in all things, if even the most common person is shown that they matter to this kingdom as a whole, they will place more of their support and strength into it.

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 12:07 pm
by Elgoain Onyx
Elgoain was perfectly content sitting near Aurora, making small talk with the other patron's and petting topaz, who was causing no harm at all!!. However some....people! just can't leave well enough alone as Elgoain met cirrus' stare of loathing with an Icy glare of his own. The small feline following suit with a narrow eyed look as well.

" perhaps you should run along my gem, we don't want our feathered friend here to spill anything else and make yet ANOTHER mess. "

As the valkyn'vi gave the cat one final scratch on the head and then sent it upstairs.

Elgoain turned to Aurora and gave her a sort of 'the nerve of some people ' kind of look before sighing

" care for a drink my dear?"

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 6:21 pm
by Jamie
"There's a rule against talking to skulls, Barry? Or does that only apply to cats?"

Aurora turned back to Elgoain.

"A drink sounds like an excellent idea."

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:35 pm
by Elgoain Onyx
Elgoain sighed and got up from his seat, moving toward the bar, he set down a few coins and looked to Barry

" a mug of butter beer for myself and the lady"

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:50 pm
by GM-Amanda
"Phanterra runs on the complex interweaving of three elements. Energy, matter, and enlightened self-interest. Though I haven't lived in this part for long enough to know the people all too well, everyone's out to make this bad situmatation better for them and their selves, and only the better ones are smart enough to do it by helping everyone else out."

Cirrus shrugged almost apologetically as she took another few worms between her fingers and devoured them with a few swift bites.

"You'd think with as often as Havenites roam through the villages that we'd catch drenn like this more often. Always seems to roll up as soon as we leave... can't say I don't approve..."

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:05 am
by Dallid
Dallid can't help but smile. "An apt observation, Cirrus. 'Self-interest' is a very important part of the survival instinct that is at the very core of the 'Cycle', which, as you stated, is bettered thought of as a very complex web of interrelationships. Perhaps the most basic tenant of our world. It cannot - and should not - be overcome, but utilized to the best possible outcome. In a society, common self-interest is typically interpretted as the 'greater good'."

"But now is perhaps not the best time for a phylisophical discussion. There is much work to be done."

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:21 am
by BarrytheBartender
*After wiping down a few tables, he goes in back and returns with two mugs of liquid, and places tham at Eolgain's table*

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:50 pm
by Elgoain Onyx
elgoain nodded to barry as he set the mugs in front of him and aurora

"thank you my good man, and now.."

turning to aurora, flashing smile and raising his mug

"to prosperous ventures and pleasureable company."