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Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:18 pm
by Garritt
As Dani/Legion finishes talking, Garritt comes into the room, apparently back from a walkabout in the Haven valley- most likely gaining knowledge on his new home. He looks as if he is about to talk, but the scene in the room brings him up short.

It's not the gore strewn about that halts him, merely the fact that something important is going on, and he, and by association Rylls, are trying to interrupt as little as possible in an affair that may not even involve him.

"Hmm...Is the emergency starting, or just finishing?"

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:39 pm
by Smitty19
*Serith merely snorts as he walks by Garritt

"Depends on your point of view, for me its Finished.....for now"

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:25 pm
by Nick
~: When Serith had knelt to him he didn't smile or smirk, he took it in and made his reply accordingly. And there was no sarcasm or smarm, there was no swagger or superiority. There was just understanding, a total understanding of the situation to the point where he could say what was required of him. :~

"When you get back I'll have either broken the curse on this thing...or you just won't see me at all. I'll leave. I'll take it away and I'll leave. I couldn't go through the portal when everyone else did, I don't know why. Fate I guess...but I won't be on your bad side when you return, I promise.."

~: And all while he was saying this the wounds were piling on, and Garrit could see that Legion was seemingly under attack from an otherwise invisible assailant. He gave a grunt as a particularly ugly gash crossed his chest, and he scooted just enough so that, with a bit of strain and a reach of his right arm his fingertips locked about the hilt of a rather brutal blade resting on the ground. :~

~: He pulled it back to himself, the blade immediately igniting with a deep crimson energy as Legion focused his magical aptitude upon the blade. Whisps of bloodshine light came from the weapon, and the wounds ceased appearing across his body. He sheathed the blade upon his left hip, his left hand resting on it as it continued to glow in the darkness of the room. :~

"No emergency, Garrit, not anymore...just a new beginning..."

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 10:05 am
by Dallid
“With the Sword, you may become a vampiric servant and may come into conflict with the town of Haven. Without the sword, you *will* come into conflict with the town of Haven. Seems we must go with the lesser of two evils, then.”

“I would certainly catagorize this as an emergency – an ongoing one. Its resolution must be sought with urgency. Urgent enough that you should be sure to ask for assistance, Legion, should any be possible. And also be sure to apprise Haven of any developments.”

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 12:12 pm
by Nick
"I will of course do what is in the best interest of the town, first and foremost being the removal of the curse this weapon holds and its link to the Vampire Lord. After that, well, I should be just fine after that."

"I will more than likely need the assistance of anyone who doesn't mind doing some book-digging...damnit, Brecca..."

~: He would sigh, looking to the ground as he remained where he sat on the floor. A bit of depression to go with his anger and injury. :~

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:43 am
by Morgan
Morgan pops his head in, bearing familiar hat and all

"Being Valken-kin, I'm more than happy to keep an eye on him whenever possible!"

The normally clean Guthrie appears exceptionally dirty, and those who know him suddenly realize he has been absent the past few weeks, and the lack of bathing is more than enough to show that he has been living in the wilds for some time now. The ring of the Warders weighs heavily around his neck, but his demeanor is cheerful as always.

"No worries, friends. Morgan's on the case!"

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:20 am
by Dallid
"Well, then! No worries at all!" Dallid replies in an amused tone.

He looks the Guthrie up and down. "What have you been up to lately, Morgan? ... Or perhaps rather 'into'?"

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 7:59 pm
by Morgan
The Guthrie ponders for a minute, deciding the best way to explain he whereabouts before speaking

"Well, I figured I might as well wander around the area to figure out where everything is. I mean, I do have a map, but it's much more fun to visit in person. Long story short, I've been pretty much everywhere in about a six hundred mile radius. I figured I should get back the other day, when it started getting cold."

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:39 am
by Dallid
“600, eh? Removing a zero from that is still likely a generous number, but no doubt you have many a tale to tell around the fire pit in evenings to come.”

Dallid turns back to Legion. “Seek for resolution wherever you can, but I fear you are unlikely to find it here. Many of your woes revolve around the vampire Spring. It is that which must eventually be confronted.”

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:03 pm
by Garritt
(Damn computer problems....)

Garritt looks to Legion.

"So as far as I can tell, Dani's in there and he's pissed, so he's taken up fighting you from the inside? I thought you two could repress each other, considering, er, you're the same person.

I heard you say Dizzy's dead before. (He breathes heavily out his nose, like a sigh) That's a damn shame, she was a good friend and was amounting to be a fine soldier. I can see why Dani'd be so mad.

You be wary. I was out of my mind, and ready to kill damn near anything after Ala'ra died. And anything I couldn't have killed- well, I would have made them remember me for a damn long time."

He looks to Morgan.

"You've been around too, eh? I just got back from scouting this place after leaving Avenguard to it's own troubles- we should compare notes. See if either of us has something the other missed. I figure I know pretty much everything about Avenguard and the surrounding lands, but this place is all new to me. I'd definitely like copy of your map."

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:45 pm
by Morgan
Morgan nods, and begins to explain

"I know it's a big area, but a healthy man can cover about twenty miles a day, give or take. I can go about double than 'cause I can see all the side-trails and whatnot..."

He trails off and sighs, looking slightly disheartened

"Honestly, I was looking for Judge. His departure seemed odd to me, and I wanted to make sure he was ok. I just didn't know where he was headed."

Lived to see another sunrise...

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:35 pm
by Nick
~: Days had passed since the incident and a repeat didn't seem likely in the near future. An entirely uninjured Legion stood outside the great Castle proper, set on the balcony of a forward tower. He was oriented towards the rising sphere of gold on the horizon, splaying the clouds with its warming rays as his breath condensed before him. :~

~: This was a different Legion though, who rather than wear his mask of darkness had it settled in his left hand. The sword of the Vampire Lord was not visible either on his purpose, though the frog he had been using to carry it about was empty on his left hip. :~

~: His paint was a sharp series of crimson and black vertical slashes on his snowy flesh, along with what appeared to be a backwards "3" set with its curves above and below his left eye. Despite the blades of his paint his face was soft, his eyes shining with a loneliness that wasn't known to this Valkyn'Vi in particular. :~

~: Happily a part of this land, of Haven, but that was not what had brought some sadness to him. This uncharacteristic behavior was only increasing as when Sol had climbed half of its amber morning light above the horizon Legion...began to sing. :~

~: This was a somber song, and it lacked any of the venom of his normal speech. His words matched the depression in his eyes, in his looks. The way he carried himself was one of defeat despite his continued survival. And his song went something like this.... :~

"As far as my eyes can see...there are shadows approaching me...

And to you I left behind...I wanted you to know...

You always shared my deepest saved me long ago...

Oh...without you by my side..."

// Those who happen upon the scene with the following:
Sense Magic
PM me if you would like to see more

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 6:23 am
by Arjan
Hearing the song drifting through the air as he prepares for another day, Jonny follows the notes to their origin. Seeing Legion singing to the rising sun, he silently climbs the tower stairs ands listens.

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:27 pm
by Nick
~: There seems to be no sense that others are around, that some are listening, others watching as Legion sings his lonely song. He continues without pause, perhaps save a breath and a shudder that traverses him from head to toe. :~

"Oh...without you by my side...

...Bitter words mean so much to me...

...Winter's winds will cut right through me...

And some the end of time...

When they ask me if I knew you...

I'll smile and say you 'were a friend of mine'..."

~: The voice breaks for a moment. The grip tightens on the black mask, and if Legion had the strength his left hand looks sure to shatter the obsidian visage. :~

"And the sadness would be lifted from your eyes...

...and I'll be right by your side..."

// Those who are still watching the scene or are arriving to watch with the following:
Sense Magic
Spot AND Sense Magic
PM me if you would like to see more

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 2:59 pm
by Dallid
Dallid is drawn outside by the commotion. He walks to the tower and stares thoughtfully up at Legion, but does not interrupt.