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Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:13 pm
by Kalphoenix
Awww, thanks. I feel better. I also think what really helped me get in character and understand things was to lay out my character history, which I did two events ago. Being noticed by npcs...but not really understanding why really kicked my roleplaying into gear.

I also think some of being upset had to do with two things: One...this is the last event until April, and I haven't talked to my boss yet to make sure I am set for the events next year. Two...draggies are gone after only two events(at least for the moment)! *cry* I didn't even get a chance to ever talk to the ED, and Mike played him so awesomely, even though I only saw him twice. Karen and Mike both really did a cool job playing characters who didn't look particularly confortable in the skins they were wearing. When he happened to see me when I was hiding, my heart was beating so fast I wanted to tear down the stairs.

And personally, I thought the out-of-game stuff before we started and during game break was hillarious and gave me the warm fuzzies. Chris: "Oh, we're going to kill your dragon-bitch too." and Mike giving me creepy "dragon-eyes" looks and basicly saying, in not so many words "I'm going to get yoooouuuu." And when we're all having dinner at the pub during game-break, and Chris is trying to give me reasons for Delayne to defect to the evil dragon.

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:43 pm
by Sethreal
I have to say that this last event will stay in my memories forever. With that said let me get to saying thanks to everyone at the evnt for making such a great game possible. A special thanks goes out to Matt for writing up a plot for Seth. I never thought that Sethreal would have his own plot. I was shocked and overjoyed. Thanks again Matt for everything.

I would also like to say that the roleplaying this event was fantastic. I truly believe that all of the great roleplaying is rubbing off on me and helping me to let go of real life and just live my charecters life. Thanks again for an unforgettable evnt everyone.


Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:45 pm
by Ravinal
Thanks! I've only tried to play my character toward trying to stay origninal. I've learned from a few players that I went over the top sometimes with what they thought I should have done. I seem to remember a few of them saying, "You were less a wolf, more a hyena." Many times in the game the emotion of the scene would take me. And that felt so great to let go and move with it. Go with the flow. My words seem to come out easier when this happens.

I have to thank everyone, once again, who roleplayed with me. And for those who didn't, I hope to have a chance at that next event. I have to agree with you, Erik, that there are so many great roleplayers in the game. It makes me happy to see that we all continue to move towards brighter future events. The deaths in the game have created connections even stronger than before. I really want to see what characters those player bring back to the game.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:37 am
by DarKarath
Well...this event for me was a bit of both ends of the spectrum. On one hand i had an absolute blast, but on the other hand i was disappointed as well. I had a blast being able to play, and getting into the heat of everything that was happening with the build up to the fight with the Dragon, and i was actually pretty excited about facing the ED down.

I did enjoy the Lady Rose quest, and found it to be great fun going through the wastes fighting all sorts of weird things, (my favorite btw was the red poison poo flinging monkies! Thanks Doug!)

I also loved our conversation outside of the wastes with the Traveling Harem of the Two worlds ugiliest women! Mike and Dan Farber were great as the two ladies of Chris' little harem. I seriously was getting mad at Chargoth when he offered Eilonwy as sale bait, and was gripping my mace quite tightly not wanting to be brash and attack the man.

I loved some of the Character development i was getting able to do before DarKarath died, and i think my favorite moment was when i told Eilonwy that after the hunt for creation that i would like to have a moment in private to discuss my feelings for her, and then to turn around and die was great and sucky all rolled into one.

Speaking of my death, that brings me to my least favorite part. I hope i didnt piss anyone off while in the inn..if i was being a nuciance(sp?) i truly appologize, i was trying to stay by the fire and just try to come up with a new concept, but was just kinda blah about everything. If i did detract from anyones experience i hole heartedly didnt mean too, and am sorry to anyone that i pissed off.

I thought that the battle scene at the inn with the Dragon and Claude and Donovan's wager and wave after wave of abysmals was PHENOMENAL! (sp?) I thought that made an AWESOME atmosphere, and i had to be outside to witness that. Again if it pissed anyone off by doing so, it wasnt my intent. I am still very new to LARPing so i know i need to work on staying IC more, and if anyone has tips or suggestions i would love to hear them!

I also want to thank Doug for letting me NPC the whole Dragons Blood Stain Monster Bonanza with him and Blondie, and i had a great time. Overall this was the best event for me, but i am truely stuck on making a new character so soon into my Final Haven Career. Thanks alot to the gm's you all did a supurb job, and make this all worth it!

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 12:13 am
by Kalphoenix
I definately have to say that this event should have an enormous impact on Haven and the people who live there. I know that it had a big impact on Delayne and it will actually be a lot of fun (OOC, of course) to decide what to do from here.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 3:16 pm
by Eilonwy

The trek across the wastes, Lady Rose at last, dire circumstances, knocking out harem masters, and being hugged from behind by an evil dragon...Pheeeww.

And why did anyone want the Sage to go with a group of warriors on two completely combat missions? Extra body I guess, almost literally. :twisted: Thought I was gonna be annihilated. I have to thank Colin for the chance to use my first resist fear against the ED. Eilonwy, brave or dumb...Don't answer that.

Thanks to the warriors for not killing me in frustration when they realized I was neither a real healer, arcane, nor empath.

Otherwise, the only blight was me not getting enough sleep Friday night, having a fever, and OOG mechanics arguements. Nothing new.

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:39 pm
by Kalphoenix
Yeah, I need to stop making posts in here, but I just wanted to say that I just realized that I said in my 1st post that I wasn't sure if I wanted to come back to play the next event. Let's chalk that up to temporary insanity...What the HELL was I thinking?


Final Haven larp is like, my favoritest thing ever...I could never give it up.

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:48 pm
by Amagus
Who could deny the Fire-Chicken? :P

Oh! I have to give kudos to the PCs (again)! That sword-forging plot was SUPPOSED to be a combat plot. The numerous Gavin in that cave were supposed to descend upon the erstwhile PCs and give them a sound drubbing. But you were just so well PREPARED! Gavin and disguised Gavin in the lead, non-Gavin tied up as slaves, a clever story behind your need to forge the sword – the presentation was perfect! I tried to trap you with questions, but you had an answer for everything (‘Elven steel’. BRILLIANT!). Such extreme cleverness HAD to be rewarded, thus no attack. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 11:40 pm
by Talana Isilisurë
Amagus wrote:That sword-forging plot was SUPPOSED to be a combat plot. The numerous Gavin in that cave were supposed to descend upon the erstwhile PCs and give them a sound drubbing. But you were just so well PREPARED! Gavin and disguised Gavin in the lead, non-Gavin tied up as slaves, a clever story behind your need to forge the sword – the presentation was perfect! I tried to trap you with questions, but you had an answer for everything (‘Elven steel’. BRILLIANT!). Such extreme cleverness HAD to be rewarded, thus no attack. :D
Is this Doug Fesko? The Lead Ga'Vin that had me shaking??? I was so afraid you guys would see through our scheme, hehe. So the NPC roleplaying was definitely top notch, too, since you kept grilling us with good questions and I was really antsy and nervous the whole scene. Additionally, I give BIG props to Gideon and Dewberry who actually walked through the fire to grill themselves in order to help save Phanterra... those were NOT disguises, but "actual" scars.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:24 am
by Amagus
:shock: Heh, I was given the short version – they had ‘disguised themselves as Gavin’. Didn’t know they had done this the hard way.

Yup, it’s me. This character will be ready once I’ve finished his history.

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:54 am
by Lambic
I was wondering if that was you, too.

I also have to second that, through out that whole scene, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop and the Gavin decide to take what we had. I knew that if it came to a fight we were in a lot of trouble. We didn't stop feeling that we were in danger until I saw the Inn, at which point we found out what the real danger was.

Hats off to all the PCs that planned and pulled that off. And yeah, Dewy and Giddy One did it the hard way.


Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:59 pm
by Nelkie
I had the pleasure to hear the story of the how the event was by a couple people. I must say, job well done everyone PC's and NPC's alike. From the sounds of it, Haven just barely won the battle.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 1:36 pm
by Dredge
Late in being said, but I had an absolute blast at this event. I came in with a 0th level Human Warrior Eater of the Dead and expected I would have to cower the whole event. While I was quickly slain and rezzed on the first day (I insisted on following the rules despite being first event because I wanted to get the full experience before casting judgement), the next days quest into the wastes stunned me. Strange creatures, giants, puzzles- In my many months at Kanar I had never gotten to do even a fraction of what I did my first game here for fear of my characters life. Everything was just too powerful. Here, I felt like I made a small difference.

Also, helped with fighting Abyssmals and the leftovers from the Dragon's blood. Also a blast, good stuff. I didn't Rp with people as much as I would have liked, but I was just getting used to the place. I'm glad I came back, because everyone involved with this game was way nicer than everyone I had met at Kanar as a whole. In other words, I rarely felt as if I were an outcast, even though I didn't talk to many people.