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Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:01 pm
by Morgause
Seeing Kami hobble wounded into the final cavern, Morgause yells at some of her Frost Knights, "Protect her... and the wizard!"

Immediately a retinue of the ice-armored guardians hustle and position themselves around Kami and Phinkis. Emotionless yet strong, the Frost Knight raise their spears and point them towards the dark tunnel from which Kami emerged.

"Do not fear, sister..." Morgause steps next to Kami, whose hands have begun to glow with a soft light. "Mend your injuries, you are not alone. We have already come so far. The Depraved that drew blood from you will pay dearly for its foolish transgression! By Mistrialla... no child of the An'Irri shall fall, not while blood still flows in my icy veins!"

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 3:01 pm
by Phinkis
Phinkis stands at the ready for what ever comes out of the tunnel after Kami. "This is starting to become somewhat routine with you Kami, am I going to have to hire you a body guard to follow you around?" The wizard looks down a moment and gives the Silent Lady a slight smile.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 6:39 pm
by GM-Brad
{*This image comes from the game Deadfall Adventures, for those wondering*.}

Those who arrive early on the FAST sleds take time to scout the area, discovering a few icy sinkholes under the snow to avoid. You also find several footprints leading to the building in the distance. Besides one such set, very fresh, is a torn bit of cloth caught on an icy bolder. It is recognizable as belonging to Nibenwen, who must have gotten here before everyone else and headed that way on her own. A stench seems to permeate the area, emanating from the far building. You hear faint noises coming from it. But, before you can investigate, your comrades arrive with some commotion, shooting, tumbling, and falling into the area via different tunnels. You go back to aid them.

When Kami comes out, everyone watches her tunnel for the Depraved to follow, expectantly. Instead, you see Laurel come shooting out a moment later on her heels. He’s got a depraved hanging onto his sled, and with a grunt he sticks a pickaxe into its side. It rolls off, dead, as he slows to a halt.

“Well, that was interesting….I don’t think any more are coming. Still…” he looks around. “Where’s Alea?”

When you stare, confused, he explains, “Nibenwen? My wife. It’s her, it’s Alea. I’m so stupid. I should have recognized her! It’s been 70 years, but I should have known. Oh, My poor Alea? 70 years down here. Still, why did she hide from me? And most importantly, where is she now?”

Indeed, everyone else seems to be here except her. You scour the area to no avail.

“Dear heavens. I had her with me, and now she’s gone…” He turns around and is about to start climbing back up the ice tunnels, when those who arrived early on the FAST sleds return from scouting and reveal that she has gone ahead on her own.

"Oh, What is she doing?!" Laurel nearly howls.

You heal the injured, and then follow, quickly, at Laurel's insistence.

When you approach the front of the building, you see that it's almost entirely encased in ice, though the doorway is clear. You see nothing beyond, though you hear faint chanting. An overpowering stench assaults your nose as you head inside, and you whisper less you are heard.

{I will post the final battle tomorrow.}

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:51 pm
by GM-Brad
You cautiously climb stairs which spiral. Eventually, you exit on a high, circular balcony, overlooking a large room. Here, you see close to fifty prisoners in the middle of a circle. They are chained together and also to the floor. Depraved with spears prod any who try to escape. Surrounding the circle are braziers billowing yellow smoke, and twelve Depraved who appear to be chanting with books open in their hands. One or two are wearing green jewelry (earrings, pendants), which they doff so as not to interfere with their arcane ritual. Bolg is there too, now fully recovered, stirring some Depraved grunts into a frenzy with a crack of his whip. He guffaws. Off to the corner, a pile of the prisoners’ belongings catches your eye. Rusted weapons, rotten food, old clothes. Most arresting, however, are two barrels marked with the words “Caution: Explosive” ...Perhaps the remnants of some mining contingent that got captured.

You are not alone on the balcony. You spot Nibenwen, and beside her is the dead body of a very old and very smelly Depraved. Its arms are adorned with decorative, green bracelets. Its boils are extensive, and the smell seems to be coming from them. There is a hole burned in its chest which is still smoking.

“Alea!” shouts Laurel.” Where did you go? Why did you run? Why-”

“Quiet, you fool!” says Nibenwen.

“I don’t understand,” whispers Laurel. “Why didn’t you tell me it was you right off. Forgive me for not noticing. How could I not know my own wife? You don’t know how long I’ve been searching for you.”

“Because, I’m hideous now! Who could love someone like this? It’d be better if you thought your wife was dead...”

“Don’t say that! I’d love you regardless, I don’t ca-“

“Shh. We don’t have time for that now…” She is flustered, unprepared for his adorations. “You won't believe me, but this Depraved was invisible! He was guarding the balcony! He grabbed me, and I blasted him. Only when he died did his body become visible. The others below haven’t noticed yet…”

Indeed, for the moment you are undiscovered.

“I think he’s one of those special ones,” she whispers, “though probably lowest on the totem pole to get guard duty.” She points to the far wall where there are eight raised thrones, overlooking all. At first, they appear empty. But, a dusting of ice, falling from the ceiling, monetarily outlines seven invisible figures sitting on the thrones. One chair is empty.

A voice booms. You are not certain which invisible figure is speaking, but a temporary hush falls on the room, though the casters continue their work.

“For too long we have been scorned by the beautiful. Relegated to ghosts, hiding underground. An embarrassment. Your kings and queens suffer daily, the unwanted magic that hid us from sight also burning us from the inside out, slowly. But today we turn the tables on our tormentors. No longer is stripping their beauty good enough. Let them writhe as we writhe, unseen. No one to know their pain, but us. May it last as long as ours has.”

There is cheering, and the chanting of the ritual continuous, louder.

Nibenwen (Alea) sings a quick song under her breath, her collar vibrating. Laurel hefts his axe. You rush down some nearby stairs to engage with the Depraved. Combat commences!

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:52 pm
by GM-Brad
There are 8 Depraved grunts, 12 Depraved sorcerers, Bolg, and 7 invisible Depraved “kings or queens.” Decide who you are attacking before making your selections. Much like Nibenwen, the invisible Depraved tend to sing while fighting, though you find their song significantly eerier. "Bernie" floats along Morgause’s side, since she holds the crystal vial, and the Depraved do not like his light (take +1 to all combat rounds, Morguase). I will detail the undead servants' combat after everyone else has acted.

You may each fight up to three rounds (stop whenever you like if you want to hide). Describe your battles.
If you take a “Wound” three times, you will need Surgery (or die). Take one or two Wounds, you are fine (no mechanical disadvantage). After combat is over, as long as you are alive, any Healing (or regeneration) will remove ALL Wounds. After everyone has acted, if there are any monsters left you may all do another three rounds. Repeat.

Round one:

Decide first whether you are confronting 1) a Depraved grunt, 2) a Depraved sorcerer, 3) Bolg, or 4) one of their invisible leaders. Then choose your action for the round and reveal the result.
rain down blows upon your opponent
low swing, right between the legs
Use some misdirection, then attack -master critical strike required
hurl a boulder -press required
Flying tackle
Careful, two handed swing.
Detect Essence on the invisible figures
You can now sense where they are at, even if you can’t see them. +2 this round, and an additional +2 to all future rounds against the invisible Depraved
quick thrust right through the heart
What you're fighting is so deformed, you miss the heart. -1.
try and free some prisoners pick locks required
You manage to get three of the prisoners free before you are attacked. Roll for combat at +0.
spin attack -whirlwind required
You may attack two target. +2 to both.
knock a ritual book out of the hands of a Depraved
You successful interrupt the ritual to the horror of the spellcasters. You are still attacked. -1 to this combat.
knock a brazier over, hoping to get the coals in your targets eyes
+2 this round, and an additional +2 to next round if you are not successful this round.
close your eyes and attack by smell alone
Works surprisingly well. +1 against the Depraved. +4 against their invisible leaders.
plug your nose and attack one handed
Double Strike--duel wield required.
+2, Roll again if you do not like the first result. Keep the best of the two.
Disenchant --skill required.
+4. If used on a regular Depraved, for a brief moment is looks less ugly and more elf like. If used on an Invisible enemy, it becomes visible momentarily. You see a supremely ugly and wrinkled Depraved.
taunt, then attack --skill required
Agitated by your insults, your enemy fights carelessly. +4
Fire Arrows from afar --archer required
+2, and you will not be wounded regardless of result
Greater Channel Magic --skill required
Cast a line attack or triangulated spell
Your spell catches two of them! Roll twice on the table below, +3 to both attacks.

Roll two dice (, then add these additional modifiers:
+1 for weapon specialization (or anything akin to it).
+1 if you have Martial Training at least once.
-2 if you are targeting a sorcerer.
-3 if you are targeting Bolg.
-5 if you are targeting an invisible Depraved leader

9 or higher= you defeat your opponent.
6-8 = neither you nor your opponent do significant damage.
5 or less = your opponent ‘Wounds’ you.

Round Two:
Another creature approaches.

First choose who you are targeting: A grunt, a sorcerer, Bolg, or an invisible Depraved leader. Then choose one of the following and reveal it.

sweep the legs
Dive towards your enemy -deadly focus required.
+3, though you take a wound
Essence blast that beyatch
summersault then attack
grapple, kick and bite
crack two heads together
Roll two attacks; +1 to each.
quiet and deadly strike
You sneak up from behind. +1 or +3 if you have critical strike
Light the fuse on an explosive barrel
Guess what? There’s an explosion. It's spectacular. Both you and your target catch fire during your fight. +3, but you take a WOUND. Describe what you do to put out the fire.
Try cure disease on your target
The creature does not look any different; something about your administrations actually burns the skin rather than curing it. It attacks (attack round at +2)
Try Banish on your target
If use on the grunts or sorcerers, no effect (attack round at -1). IF used on the invisible Depraved, they become momentarily visible. (attack round at +3). You see a supremely ugly and wrinkled humanoid.
Try Scorch on your target
+4. If used on a regular Depraved, +8 against a sorcerer. For a brief moment is looks less ugly and more elf like. If used on an Invisible enemy, for a moment you see a horribly ugly and wrinkled Depraved.
Try Shatter on your target
-1 if you targeted a grunt or sorcerer. +4 If you targeted one of the invisible creatures. An item of green metal (shield, sword, etc.) becomes visible when it cracks and falls away from the figure.
aim for an open, puss filled wound
Some sort of disgusting liquid squirts you in the face. -2
Don’t roll. Neither you nor your opponent hit.
try and free some prisoners -pick locks required
You manage to get two of the prisoners free before you are attacked. Roll for combat at +1.
Parry, then strike --Parry required
+1, and you will not be Wounded regardless of result.
use Sleep -any number
+0. For some reason, these creatures don’t go down easy.
Lesser channel
+2, and you will not take a Wound regardless of result. If you disarm a sorcerer, their book of magic goes flying. No effect on the invisible figures, however (+0).
cast a spell -Magus required
+3 You are able to effect only one target. Describe your spell. If it's non-damaging, this is an indicator for how effective it is.
wizard battle against a depraved sorcerer -magus required
You go toe to toe with a Depraved Magus. +4 to your roll. describe your spell and what spell is cast back.
Block --Defensive Matrix required-- then strike.
+1, and you will not be Wounded regardless of result.

Roll two dice (, then add these additional modifiers:
+1 for weapon specialization (or anything akin to it).
+1 if you have Martial Training at least once.
-2 if you are targeting a sorcerer.
-3 if you are targeting Bolg.
-5 if you are targeting an invisible Depraved leader

9 or higher= you defeat your opponent.
6-8 = neither you nor your opponent do significant damage.
5 or less = your opponent ‘Wounds’ you.

Round three
The Depraved close in

First choose who you are targeting: A grunt, a sorcerer, Bolg, or an invisible Depraved leader. Then choose one of the following and reveal it.
berserker charge -rage required
+4 but you take a wound in the process.
quietly create a trap for the unsuspecting -skill required
your trap springs. +2
Slice and dice
swing round your head once for style, then attack
Feint right, then left, then right again
-1. Maybe you should have done left, then right, then left again.
Aim for the gut
monologue for a moment, then attack
Hold ground against an onslaught -skill required
Several foes rush at you. Roll for three attacks against grunts or sorcerers at +4 each. Then you are considered in negative life. You will need Healing before doing anything else.
Cause Fear -skill required
automatic success against a grunt (it runs away). No effect against a sorcerer or an invisible leader (roll combat at -1).
pancake em -crush required
carve your name on their chest like zoro
+1, but stylish. The name stays, regardless of result.
throw some ice chunks
Calculate the best course of action- Recall required
you do some insane mathematical calculations and determine the best place to strike, in theory… +2
squash em like a melon with your bare hands
+1, or +3 with Press
knock one into a pointy stalagmite
Spell wall or Dive For Cover against a sorcerer
One of the sorcerers lets off a spell and you either avoid it or use spell wall (take a wound for the later). Then it’s payback time. Attack a sorcerer at +4. Nothing happens if all the sorcerers are dead.
sooth their rage with a hypnotic glare -calm required
+2 and, you will not be wounded, regardless of result.
Assist an ally by serving as a distraction
You stay just out of reach. Do not roll for combat this time. Instead, tell one other player they have +2 to their next attack roll.
Delay to Heal self or ally with potion or skill.
You wait. Do not roll for combat. When everyone has completed three rounds, you may heal one person of all Wounds before combat begins again.
Delay to Buff all with sage buff -battle tactics or augment
+0. You are still attacked. But, when everyone has completed three rounds, inform them they have +2 to combat for the next three rounds.
Delay to snack -eater of the dead
-2. You are still attacked. But, you will have +2 to combat for the next three rounds.

Roll two dice (, then add these additional modifiers:
+1 for weapon specialization (or anything akin to it).
+1 if you have Martial Training at least once.
-2 if you are targeting a sorcerer.
-3 if you are targeting Bolg.
-5 if you are targeting an invisible Depraved leader

9 or higher= you defeat your opponent.
6-8 = neither you nor your opponent do significant damage.
5 or less = your opponent ‘Wounds’ you.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:03 pm
by Mahto Snowbringer
Mahto stares down Bolg,
"Round Two Beast." He pulls his sword slowly from it's scabbard, it's dark steel almost shines. He grips the blue leather of it's hilt and lifts it up to be parallel with his shoulder, a classic fighting stance. "Last time you faced a prisoner with a pick axe, and lost, imagine what it will be to fight a warrior with his peoples' blade."

The Snowbringer charges Bolg, the depraved Lieutenant's weapon passes over Mahto as the ga'vin ducks out of the way, for a few moments the two exchange blows and parries, but The Marine sees an opening - and takes it. As their weapons collide Mahto puts pressure on the hilt of his sword, making the blade arc around Bolg's weapon. The advanced sword work was clearly outmatched the Depraved Lieutenant's strength, and Mahto's blade now rested halfway through Bolg's head. (Roll = 10 +1 Wep Specialization, +1 Martial Training, +2 "Careful Overhead Swing," -3 Bolg = 11/DEFEATED)
"I expected a challenge..."

Mahto whips around before pulling his sword out of Bolg's head, two grunts are bearing down on him. With surprising deftness for his size Mahto dodges their swords. Ducking and weaving he attempts to get in striking range with his fists. With his large hands he grabs each one of their heads and smashes them together, both grunts falling to the ground. (Roll 1: 6+1 Wep spec, +1 martial training, +1 "CRACK TWO HEADS TOGETHER," = 9/Defeated roll 2: 8+1 Wep spec, +1 martial training, +1 "CRACK TWO HEADS TOGETHER,"=11/Defeated)

The Bear of Haven lets out a roar and lets into his rage, without picking up his sword he hungers for his next enemy. An unlucky sorcerer makes eye contact with the Young Ga'vin. Mahto charges the distance, two spells whiz past him as he nearly dodges out of the way of both, however, he is not so lucky the third time as a crack of lightening chars his left shoulder (1 Wound). However, unlucky for the sorcerer, this only spurs his rage. He throws his weight against the depraved and they both fall to the floor. The sounds of screams and bones breaking are heard as Mahto repeated slams his fist into the depraved's skull...repeatedly...(Roll=9, +1 Wep Spec, +1 Martial Training, +4 Rage, -2 sorc = 13/Defeated)

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:53 pm
by Khorvalis
"Good job Mahto!" Khorvalis cheers on his fellow Ga'vin.

"The rest of you,... Take care of these monsters while I try to free the prisoners!"

(I'll post Khorvais' combat rounds later)

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:56 pm
by Morgause
Seeing Bolg fall lifeless due to the ferocity of Mahto, Morgause turns her attention to the next greatest threat she can see - the sorcerers.

Summoning all her magical power, the Winter Witch stretches her lithe arms before her and begins her incantation. Blustery winds begin to swirl before her before flying at the closest Depraved sorcerer knocking him down. Then, Morgause fans out her hands and immediately her fingers light up with electrical energy. Barely a second passes before a wave of lightning erupts from the Seer, striking everything in its path. The fallen sorcerer is burned alive, as expected by Morgause, but her spell seems to have caught another Depraved in its triangulated area. A loud and agonizing scream is heard as an invisible Depraved Queen materializes before the Valkin'vi, its metal collar glowing red-hot from Morgause's lightning strike. Morgause laughs at the unexpected collateral damage. (1 Sorcerer AND 1 Invisible Queen DEFEATED)

Seeing more Depraved sorcerers continuing their chants, Morgause spies the ignitable barrel next one of them. Clasping her mysterious crystal vial, shoe commands to Bernie: "Wisp, you know what to do... Do your worst!"

Without hesitation, Bernie flies over to the barrel to light its fuse before returning to Morgause. Slowly, the wick burns with blue flames and grows shorter and shorter, Morgause's eyes following the countdown with a delighted intensity. Seconds pass and the lit fuse retreats into the barrel... but no explosion is heard. Surprised and disappointed, Morgause steps in closer to see why the barrel did not explode. But as she does so, the contraption begins to smoulder. Morgause tries to turn around and run for cover but her way is blocked by a Grunt. Then, in a big flash of light and deafening boom, the barrel explodes sending shrapnel and flame everywhere.

Luckily, one of the Sorcerers is hit by the bomb and his head and arms are blown clear off its body. (1 Sorcerer DEFEATED, but takes a WOUND) Unfortunately, much shrapnel is hurled in the Seer's direction too. Bernie, manages to flit out of the way but alas, Morgause is struck in the back by a large splinter of flaming wood from the barrel. The Winter Witch stumbles to the ground angrily from the blast.

Seeing the Depraved Grunt before her, Morgause defiantly rises to her feet. She struggles to pull the wooden stake from her back. As she does so, she screams but does not take her eyes of the Grunt standing not more than two feet away. It seems emboldened without the wisp at Morgause's side.

Desperately, the Seer throws the burning piece of shrapnel at the Grunt in a feeble yet dramatic display. Easily, the Depraved blocks the wooden splinter and laughs mockingly at Morgause. However, the Depraved has underestimated the Witch!

With a surprising quickness, Morgause lunges at the Grunt and grabs its lesion-covered face firmly. Her forehead gem starts to twinkle and her eyes turn a ghastly black. As the Seer gazes into the Depraved's eyes, the look of terror washes over the monster's face before it let's out a horrific wail. At that, Morgause loosens her grip from the Grunt and the Depraved runs away screaming. (Cause Fear - Automatic SUCCESS, Grunt DEFEATED)

Feeling the sting of her wounded back, Morgause's icy blood begins to boil. Even the friendly assurance of Bernie is not enough to quench her anger as the wisp returns to the Valkin'vi's side.

As Morgause readies another spell, she cries out to some of her Frost Knights, "Kill those Sorcerers... and get me those books, NOW!"

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 1:22 am
by Zandron
Zandron grins. Finally, a challenge worthy of his advanced training. He notes the battle around him, and his eyes narrow at the minute shifts of gravel under what can only be an invisible enemy's feet. He lungest forward, swords darting out in concert to catch the depraved king, but with a tug of cloth, the beast's cloak falls free, with nary a spot of blood. [Double Strike: 10 and 2. 10+2 Double strike +1 weapon spec-5 invisible.]

"Блядь!" The elf spits. There is a crunch of gravel, a shifting footstep which Zandron recognizes at the last possible moment. Just his the invisible foe completes a forward lunge, the privateer drops like a bottle of cheap водка and rolls backward, sword tip coming up in a last-ditch effort to tag his aggressor. Too late; there is a flash of blood and spurt of hot pain in Zandron's left wrist. Just a nick, surely, but enough to pique the interest of the Fire within. "Блядь!!!" He repeats, loud enough this time to echo throughout the chamber. [2+2 sumersault, then attack, wounded]

Zandron's eyes turn cold. The time for games was over. The invisible king's shift of weight to the right practically screamed its next attack, which the elf parried easily, and the riposte was simply the next step in a complex dance. They exchanged blows, and the elf's countenance held no more joy or mirth.

Again, a footstep to the left this time signified an overhead swing. Zandron's right blade kissed the king's in a beat, and the elf sneered, "Drop illusion, hedgemage. You think I not know fighting invisible cowards?"

The king took the bait. With a roar, it charged Zandron. The elf twisted a blade against where the king's wrist would naturally be, and lanced the other straight into its chest. A spurt of blood confirmed what Zandron had already presumed: the king was a fool, and easily manipulated. "I killed childrens better fighters than you," he spat in his native Elven tongue, knocking the blade from the Depraved's hand. Wrapping the hilt of one blade around its blood-stained, though still invisible neck, he pulls the king close, staring into the blank space where its eyes must be. "Coward baby Блядь." With a grimace, he drew the length of his left blade across its throat, until he felt steel bite into bone.

[12+2MONOLOGUE FOR A MOMENT, THEN ATTACK +1 weapon spec -5 invisible king = 10, defeated]

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:26 pm
by potentiallydead
Fibble launches himself at the nearest sorcerer with both daggers spinning. The mage tries to block with the tome but too late. One blade knocks the book aside, and the other sinks into the soft belly and cuts up to the sternum. [Roll: 12 +2 DOUBLE STRIKE +1 Weapon Specialization -2 sorcerer = 13 VICTORY]

Fibble pulls his blade out and turns toward the next mage. The mage is pointing at Fibble and energy sparks from his fingers. Fibble dives toward the sorcerer in a somersault as the energy arcs over his head. The maneuver saves Fibble's life, but he is off balance and his strike is easily blocked by the mage's tome. [Roll: 7 +2 SOMERSAULT THEN ATTACK +1 Weapon Specialization -2 sorcerer = 8 IMPASSE]

Fibble feints right, then left, then right again only to slip on the bloody ice and fall into the sorcerer. They both go down in a tangled heap. [Roll: 8 -1 FEINT etc +1 Weapon Specialization -2 sorcerer = 6 IMPASSE]

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 12:39 pm
by Khorvalis
Seeing Zandron fell one of the invisible Depraved kings before him, Khorvalis finds an opening in the fray past Fibble... leading him to a group of prisoners. He takes note though of his Captain's strategy in spotting the invisible assailants... look for their footprints in the cavern floor.

The old Ga'vin rushes toward the captives as fast as he can, "Do not despair... we are friends, come to free you from this underground prison."

Khorvalis' words of comfort give way to druidic chanting. Then, the Hierophant claps his hands together, releasing a flash of bright light that envelops the slaves. Immediately, their chains and collars made of jade metal shatter and fall harmlessly to the cavern floor. The druid frantically leads the liberated elves away from the center of battle but is thwarted as an invisible attacker slashes his chest. (Free 3 prisoners with SHATTER, but take one WOUND)

"Get yourselves to safety!" Khorvalis instructs the prisoners as he inspects his wound. The cut is deep and the marks of jagged claws are evident as blood begins to seep from the druid's scarred body.

Now that the prisoners are well out of harms way, Khorvalis focuses his attention to the invisible Depraved lurking somewhere nearby. The wizened druid anticipates that the creature will strike again. He raises his torch above him and it's flame begins to burn brighter and stronger.

"All things done in darkness will eventually be revealed by the Light..." Khorvalis begins to wave his torch in a firgue-8 motion, "Oh all-seeing Sun, make my enemy plain and clear... like the light of day!"

Upon completing his recitation, the outline of a Depraved King materializes before the druid. Seizing the opportunity to attack, Khorvalis wields his torch like a club, striking the creature in the neck. The impact of the magic-infused blow shatters the Depraved's green metal collar in a flash of blinding energy, sending bits of shrapnel flying. Khorvalis manages to dodge most of the bits of metal, but one final shard cannot be out-maneuvered.

In a desperate attempt, the old Ga'vin swings his torch once more to bat the shard away. Amazingly, the druid hits true, deflecting the piece of shrapnel back to the now-visible Depraved king. Still reeling from Khorvalis' magical attack, the Depraved cannot react fast enough to avoid the green metal shard. Like a jagged dagger, the ricocheted piece of jade metal strikes the monster in it's eye, killing it instantly. (Shatter then attack: 1 Depraved King DEFEATED)

As Khorvalis finally makes his way back to the fleeing prisoners to offer his protection after narrowly avoiding a Depraved Grunt.

The druid shouts loudly to his companions still in battle, "Heroes, destroy their items forged of the green metal for it is the source of their enhanced power... And follow Zandron's example, it is futile to try and spot the invisible Depraved without magic, instead look for movement on the cavern floor! Their monstrous footprints are readily seen in the dust and snow!"

(Sage Buff: BATTLE TACTICS - When everyone has completed three rounds, inform them they have +2 to combat for the next three rounds)

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 2:03 am
by Phinkis
Phinkis heads for the sorcerers, deciding that stopping their ritual is the most important thing and also because it's what he is trained to do. He knows they can't move too much or they will disrupt the ritual so he takes his time to make sure each attack counts.

His blade glows pale blue for a second and he strike the first sorcerer.(7 Roll + 4 Disenchant - 2 Sorcerer = 9 Defeated)

He turns to the next sorcerer in the circle and this time his sword glows bright red as if it had just been pulled from a forge. The depraved sorcerer is so focused on the ritual he doesn't even notice the impending attack.(8 Roll + 8 Scorch - 2 Sorcerer = 14 Defeated)

A grunt takes notice of Phinkis cutting his way through the sorcerers and leaps at him. The wizard attempts to use his attacker's weight against him and send him hurling at a near by stalagmite but the creature deftly rolls to the side instead.(4 Roll + 2 Stalagmite = 6 Nada)

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 2:19 am
by Ark
One of the prisoners within the ritual circle begins to stand up as his chains shatter away into icy pieces, a smile on his face as he was so happy to see the arrival of potential allies.

He stood up and looked around, purple white lightning cracked in the air and several cuts opened up as icy weapons began to peek out of them and take aim, they did not yet fire. one of the Sorcerers closest to him looked slightly startled as he stood up and turned to attack him, it didn't get the chance.

He held out his hand and purple white lightning materialized around him and lashed out at the sorcerer disintegrating it where it stood:
(2d6[5,1] = +6, disenchant = +4, martial training = +1, sorcerer = -2, Result = 9 defeated)

As he does this the portals in the air around him turn to face another sorcerer nearby and several weapons appearing to be made of ice fly out from the portals in rapid succession impaling the target multiple times:
(2d6[3,6] = +9, channel = +2, martial training = +1, sorcerer = -2, Result = 10 defeated)

He continues to stand were he rose from as he watches the situation unfold, and tries to attack anyone that might attack one of the prisoners, after a quick glance over the battlefield his portals turn and a barrage of ice weapons is unleashed upon another sorcerer impaling it into the ground until there are no signs of life.
(2d6[4,4] = +8, recall = +2, martial training = +1, sorcerer = -2, result = 9 defeated)

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 10:09 am
by GM-Brad
By my count, here's what's left: 5 Depraved grunts, 3 Depraved sorcerers, and 4 Depraved kings/queens.

There are a few people who have not acted yet. Let's give them till Monday, what with the holiday and all. On Monday, you can all take a second set of rounds if there are enemies left (and anyone who missed their first set can just jump in, as always). Remember, you will all be at +2 for the second set of rounds due to Khorvalis's sage buff.

Re: Captured! (Online Adventure)

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 8:42 am
by Isho
Boulder +3
12 – 2
Sorc defeated. 10
Scorch + 8
9 with out rolling. Dead.
R3 eater of the dead
-2 +1
-1 r11 dead

Fibble is battling the sorcerers when there is a terrible cry. A roar loud enough to shatter ear drumps.
“You smell like meat”
The monster brings a boulder down on the sorcerer that is battling the Guthrie. The massive beast squishes the depraved with the ease of a plucked grape. Blood and gore wash over Fibble as the beast chases the two mages.
The first one blasts back with a bolt of essence. The power arcs and hits the face of the monster chasing them. The blast washes over the beast as though it was nothing more a splash in the face. Ancient elven runes carved into his skin light up for a second but the monster is other wise unharmed.
The beast catches hold on one and pulls him to his chest. Runes flicker and the vary essence of the mage is burned away like wax to a flame. For second the depraved looks like an elf before he it doesn’t look like anything any more.
The last one is cornered. The monster lungs forward and grabs the mage’s head with his claws. The top of the mages’s skull exposes into the monsters mouth as it swallows brain and bone in a single bite.