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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 10:17 pm
by Malachi
After hearing the final part of the conversation in passing, Malachi shouts as he walks past

"Damn right it's academic. You cost too much to fix once you dive in headfirst."[/i]

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 4:41 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice pondered the implications of a dragon resurgence and did not like the idea one bit. "While I love reading, I'm afraid I'm not much of a Scholar. However, I would be more than willing to assist in whatever book-bound investigation you may need, Zeira. When I'm not smithing or healing, of course..."

Or passing out, she thought bitterly.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:09 am
by Dallid
"Tome research?" Dallid inquires as he enters to see Alice, Malachi, and Zeira. "I would think Brandybrook would be the place for such things. Is this a subject beyond their ken?"

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 7:00 pm
by Zeira
"There is precious little as far as writting goes on the subject but if there is something left it would be there. I have another connection within House Toevass if things get desperate but I think this is gonna require a hands on approach"

"I'm just a little nervous...Dragons are truly beyond me but I feel like I should look into this particular rumor. I've never actually been interested in them. I'm more of a history person myself."

Zeira draws circles in the swirls in the dust

"I wish I could say that I have been dedicating all of my time to work but to be honest I haven't. Since my return I've actually just been relaxing. Read some stories, went for a nice trip a couple of days out west and just enjoyed myself. Taking some time to appreciate what was given back to me."

"Goodness knows that it could all be gone at any time..."

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 5:22 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice smiled at Zeira's contemplation. "Well, regardless, I'm glad to see you back, that's for sure. And if you need my assistant with researching the subject or crafting something to help you in your endeavors, you know I am always willing to help a friend. I still owe you for helping me and my sister when we first came to this world. I remember well how you helped us. You gave us work, a place to stay, helped us to survive on our own in a world we'd never even knew existed. I never did thank you properly for that...and I'm sure Terra would too, if she were still here."

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:33 am
by Dallid
"Ah.. Dragons. Yes. Not much can be found in written lore. Phanterra is in imbalance with them all trapped in a pocket-dimension with Corbyn - achieving their freedom is paramount. Yet currently our only lead thus far has been to track down all the items Corbyn used to create this situation. You wouldn't have perhaps discovered another?"

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:31 pm
by Zeira
"No I do not have any of Corbyns artifacts. If I did they would have been handed over already. I just came to the realization that we know close to nothing about them. What drives them? What are their motivations?"

"To put it simply we do not understand dragons along with many other things in this post cataclysm Phantara. I feel as though our ignorance will lead to our undoing with time. Much has been built here in Haven, things like hospitals and houses. But what happens in a hundred years? How many people will die because we didn't have the forethought to chronicle what has happened?"

"My spear is the weapon I use to protect our present. Quill and parchment are the weapons I use to protect our future. Both are of equal importance but we tend to forget about the quill because it lacks the shine. No one sings songs of the man who who wrote of agriculture."

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:44 pm
by Dallid
Dallid chuckles. "If we did, perhaps bards would spread helpful knowledge to farmers the world over. Alas, those who work all day are not seeking education in the taverns at night."

"I was asking for leads, not artifacts, though either would be a great boon. Regardless, you pursue a nobel quest, Zeira. The past has shaped our present, and can teach us much on how to shape tomorrow."

He then shifts his focus to the blacksmith. "Alice, I am hoping you'd be willing to look into a project. What would it take in time and materials to fashion a bell of sufficient size and tone to be rung in, say, the Fishing Village, and heard clearly within the tavern of Haven?"

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:32 pm
by Smitty19
*Serith sees and overhears the conversation of the group.

"This is an interesting topic of conversation to be sure."

*Serith's face gets serious

"The whole aspect of the Dreaming and Requis being...unavailable makes me question a couple things, but until I know more I can only theorize about that, but I truly think that the remaining Dragons are an important aspect to Phanterraian Physiology, so they have to be freed for sure, but anything with that amount of power is something to also be feared, as I have heard the stories of Ed and what he nearly did."

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:36 am
by Dallid
"Just has we have need of, and reason to fear, fire and water. But with greater knowledge of such things comes an increased capacity to benefit rather than suffer from thier presence, it's true."

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:27 am
by Marcus
Marcus overheard the conversation as he came into the forge. He carried a burlap bag filled with what looked like coal in each hand, and set them in an out of the way place, after pointing to Alice and then back to the bags to make sure she saw where he put them down if she needed them.

"So. I don't know anything about dragons pother than the stories told to me as a child, but they've been trapped away somewhere, right?

I'm pretty sure that everyone knows by now that I have absolutely no argument about freeing sentient beings. But, if they were freed, if there were some bad ones in the bunch they would be free to act too, right? And from what I've heard about them in the stories, one of those 'bad' ones could turn this place into ash without us being able to do much more than spit up at it, right?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:17 pm
by Zeira
"See that's the thing. All I have is stories to go on. I know next to nothing about the dragons that the Havenites had an encounter with them and there was a good one and a bad one. I keep hearing the name Requis but I know nothing of him."

"Serith tell me what first hand knowledge do you have of dragons? Is the information you have hearsay or is it rumor and rehashed stories? I ask because I hear a lot of people talk but stories seem to contradict at times."

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:03 pm
by Marcus
Marcus grins at Zeira.

Well, you're definitely wrong on one count Ziera. "The Farmer in the Dell" is most certainly an Agricultural song, though I don't think I've sung it since I was eight! (he laughs)

But on a more serious note, I'd like to know more truth about the Dragons as well. So far all I've heard about dragons makes them out to be one of those "we are omnipotent beings with power beyond your comprehension. You are nothing but peons to us, like ants below our illustrious existence. We are so powerful and important that all of Phanterra will die because of the imbalance caused by our being locked away, and..... hey, by the way- could all of you peons do us a solid and figure out a way to get us out of this little jam?"

And to tell you the truth, I've heard that before, and it makes it hard to want to help those that think like that, so I seriously hope it's not the case.

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:16 pm
by Alice Tex
When Marcus brought the coal, she nodded in thanks to him. She knew it wasn't easy to haul that amount of fuel from storage. In reply to Dallid, she simply stated, "To be honest, Dallid, I really do not know, but I will certainly look into that tonight. Are we looking to install a warning system for the Fishing Village? If so, that would be wonderful!"

When the others continued their conversation of dragons, she listened intently. There was no real lore about dragons where she came from, only some stories here and there. The idea that dragons had lived and died and still existed somewhere in another land that they knew of (albeit, neigh unreachable) was extremely freightening yet exciting in her opinion. She wanted to learn all she could.

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:57 am
by Dallid
"I would like to see such a bell in all the local villages, Alice, so help can be swiftly summoned in the event of raid, fire, injury, or other emergency. If you could discover the cost in time and material to forge such a thing, we can present it to the Regent and perhaps set in motion a plan to impliment such a system."

"Phanterra would not be destroyed were the Dragons to disappear completely. The world was here before they, and will survive on without them. However, it would be markedly different - and we've all born witness to kind of the cataclysms that occur when the nature of the world undergoes a sudden shift. It would bode well for us all for the Dragons to be restored to their proper place."

"Requis could be thought of as the Dream Dragon. Without him, there is no Dreaming. That is but one of the most notable impact his absense would have on Phanterra. "

"The Dragons are immortal had have been with Phanterra for many an age. That few ever taken note of their existance shows how deeply a part of this world they are. It is like failing to take note of the air that is all around us and fundamental to our own existance. The Dragons are not so much good or evil. They simply are."