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Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:32 pm
by Rothek
:rothek snorted, the man was so caught up in telling his story that he had probably forgotten Rothek was even there. If the matter was pressing enough to the beastman he would have gotten his attention, but he had other matters to take care of , what with the gathering still happening

Rothek turned around and grunted at the two other beastmen waiting at the door.

"We go now brothers,"

As the beasts headed out.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:34 am
by Dallid
Dallid adds to Cirrus's question. "And for what 'science' is Antonious known? What do you suspect might be his intentions?"

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:22 am
by Marcus
As the man details his world's plight, Marcus comes down the hallway of the Inn from the direction of the 1st floor bedrooms. He's bereft of the usual armor, but the ever-present warhammer 'Durandal' is carried tucked under one arm.

He nods in greeting to everyone, and listens while Dallid questions Reginald.

"I echo Dallids thoughts. It certainly sounds like the man has stumbled upon some magic, and is power-mad to boot. What was he known for before these troubles happened?

I'm also thinking the people here will need to have some greater information about what they can expect upon leaving for so strange a place. This valley and it's people have run across advanced technology that sounds like that of your world's several times before- in our case left by an ancient race and their follies- and it has caused huge amounts of trouble every time it's been uncovered."

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:08 am
by Kiel Reid
"I have arranged an area for you to reside in temporarily. It is safe as any other place."

"I'm am not certain as to what Antonious' specialty was but I'm certain that Willowsby will be able to answer that question more thoroughly. I did not know Anotious that well...But the times we met he was a nice enough fellow."

"Before the unification the Iron Cities stood tall and magnificent. Unfortunately much was destroyed during those times. We have been trying to rebuild but many things are still in disrepair. Much of our old technology has been lost as well to be honest. However there are a few who can still invent minor trinkets. "

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:33 am
by Dallid
Dallid archs an eyebrow. "No 'industry', then? Or 'mass production'? You may be better off without it, for such things lead to an excess of Order that inevitably causes much harm to the world."