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Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:54 pm
by Brey
Taking in all that has been said Brey responds to the crowd

I believe the people have a right to choose who leads in Queen Esmerelda's place while she's away, As a people we chose for Esmerelda to be our Queen, and while she's gone we will choose who as a people we deem worthy of being our voice. Until the voting is concluded Fiona is the perfect candidate to temporarily fill that position, but we all must understand that this task cannot just be givin, the decision of who it will be must be made by those it effects most. The citizens of Final Haven.

As Dallid has already stated, with Fiona in charge this will no longer be the same Final Haven. As citizens we have the right to choose which direction we'd like to take as a people. By voting for the person who best reflects us, we will have a better chance of that person responding to our needs, and handling issues the way we would like them to.

This is not about us going against one of Queen Esmerelda's decisions Korrigan, it's about the Kingdom of Final Haven listening to the will of its people, which is the job of the position in question. It would be going against everything our new voice is supposed to be doing if they decided to neglect this issue. It is our job as defenders of this land, and its people to stay vigilant in our battle against the Red Tear, but do not let that issue cloud our judgment or be used as a threat to make us hold our tongues. Every man, women, and child in Final Haven has a right to voice their opinion, and I believe there should be a vote. Give us this next month to come up with our candidates, and by next moon the people should be ready to make their decision. Let Fiona run as well, and vote for her if you wish, but the people must make this decision for themselves.I myself would choose someone who won't just stand by, and let innocents be murdered, as Serith states Fiona has done.

Brey lets out a small chuckle and waits to see how the crowd reacts

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:10 am
by GM-Taki
*Korrigan arches an eyebrow at Brey's chuckle.*

"Brey, I'm starting to think I shouldn't serve you so much whiskey. Esmerelda is the Queen of these lands and her word is law. Period. To go against her word would be treason. Besides, the people have already had their say. Esmerelda is the only person who has ever been able to hold this place together for more than a few goddamn minutes, and the throne is hers as much as her own backside.

The Queen has got the support of the people, and not just the few of us adventuring folks. She's loved by the commoners, laborers and soldiers too. Don't forget she's got the loyalty of nobles like Roderick and the respect of other rulers like King Anwyr and King Galen. Ain't no vote among adventurers gonna undo that, and while I like Cristo as much as any, he isn't who the Queen chose. The Queen says Fionna is the Regent, and so that's the way it is. That's the way this works. End of story."

*Korrigan looks around a bit at the others.*

"Also, all o' you best watch your tongues if you're gonna be speakin' ill o' folk. Who ordered what and why isn't clear yet, and I won't stand for people makin' a fuss just cause they like the rukus. Any man is free to speak his mind, but I swear on blood and steel if I catch anybody trying to stir shit up and cause folks undue hurt just to get his kicks, that bastard will make an enemy of me... and that right quick."


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:45 am
by Brey
No one said anything about taking the throne from the Queen Korrigan so don't put words into my mouth. It is plain to see that Final Haven thrives when its people have a say in what is going on. If we wanted a dictator we'd have left the elves in charge. We have rights here and thats what makes us a fair, and goodly Kingdom. You say her word is law and to go against her would be treason, but even the Queen went against her own laws when she let those three murderers kill innocents in Final Haven, and Fiona is just as guilty by association. I believe its time for us to clean up shop and get back on track instead of sweeping it all under the carpet, because everyones to afraid to speak truth to power. As far as "Speakin ill of folks" all you do is stand around while there are three murderers still walking freely here in Final Haven. One of which is standing right over there in the courtyard haggling with Abaddon over the price of information on why he murdered Abaddons two friends, robbed him, and then failed to finish the job. Out of their own mouths Sunny, and Serith have admitted to these murders in front of all of Final Haven, and still those who we put into power will do nothing, because they had a hand in these dirty dealings. Well no more will I stand aside and let this happen. That women and child could have been anyone, but since the Queen and Fiona were there it will all be forgotten. Well not this time. We as a people need someone who we can trust to take care of these problems and follow through with the laws that have been put into place to protect us. We need someone who doesn't just stand around like you people do, while members of Final Haven have to pay for it with their blood. Someone who won't run and hide when its time to act. What we need is to be able to choose our own voice, one who will work for the people, not be a determent to them. Before you say anything more Korrigan since all you seem to be doing is threatening people who have actual points to make I would like to hear what Dallid has to say since he was the one who said that if anyone had an issue with this choice we should bring it up. I would'nt have said anything if I knew it was treason. Where do you stand on this issue Dallid? Do you think we have the right to choose?

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:16 am
by Smitty19
*Serith merely smirks at Breys comments

"You seem to be at a play for some game here Brey...and I might take offense at your attacks, if it weren't for the fact you are one of the shadiest people in Haven. It is also easy to throw accusations around when you yourself are in some....interesting dealings with people who are of questionable character..."

*Serith looks directly at Brey

"You might also have a little more clout if you were ever to, I don't know, maybe show your face to help the people instead of trying to rile them up for some power grab you seem to be playing towards."

"I will also tell anyone here the reasons I acted, and if you want to know those reasons, and the evidence against those that died please come talk to me....but, I was NOT just acting on impulse, and I intend on solving the problem with being given misinformation."

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:50 am
by Dallid
“Esmerelda is Queen in name only. The title was selected primarily for diplomatic purposes. A foreign leader is unlikely to treat a person with a more appropriate name – such as Speaker or Elder – as an equal, nor view her people as strong. This would be unfortunate, as Haven’s people ARE strong.”

“But she was chosen by the people to be their top representative, and her decisions must be respected. She has chosen Fionna to rule in her stead. This should be respected, provided the people of Have are confident in her decision. An election should only be held if a significant number of people do not have confidence that Fionna is right for the role. If but a small fraction of the citizenship state no confidence, then the efforts of an election can be avoided.”

“This is where we are now, and what is currently asked. A confidence vote.”

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:52 am
by Abaddon
"Given the rumor that Queen Esmeralda tried to have me killed, I am concerned. If Lady Fionna's word is the same this could be a concern. Show me the justice I have been denied. Return my personal effect and punish Sunny and Gabriel for the murder of Kami, and I will have confidence. Excuse me if I do not take their word for it given the assault in which an old man didn't even lift a finger to fight back." Abaddon said.

"Otherwise there are a few that could serve. Francesco, or Cristo might do."

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:41 pm
by Smitty19
"Justice you have been Denied?"

*Serith's nostrils flare

"What of the Justice for the Paladin you killed, and destroyed his essence? What of the Alchemist that you did the same to? Where has that Justice been served?"

"I dont know what happened between you and Gabrial in the cave of the dead, but I do know he has not let that transgression go, nor it seems have you."

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:43 pm
by Garritt
Garritt slams his hand on the table.

"All right, I'm done listening. Fuck it all, you people bitch and moan alot! Are you sure this bunch of whiners took this place back from the Elves of Sylvandar? Or is this just the week where everyone gets on their soapbox and tries to de-stabilize everything everyone's worked for after these years, because they want attention?

I came here from Avenguard because I was tired of this exact thing stopping us from getting any kind of good done in the world. I came here because I heard the Kingdom of Haven was trying to be a shining example of good and stability in the world, and you know what? It's shit like this that makes me doubt everything I've heard. If only Midea would of had more brave souls like you all. We could have avoided all the suffering and lost the war in a week.

Lets see here: You elected your leader to the position and gave her a royal title, and respected her decisions on matters that your lives depended on for these last two years, just not her decision about who to lead in her stead? That sure doesn't seem like trust and respect in a leader to me. That seems like you only let her keep the job as long as she was there to give you a free hand-out. Although hell, even that you bitched about, because things evidently weren't free enough."

(He looks around the room)

Was everyone just that scared of her, that you'll only piss and moan when she's not around to hear you and tell you off?

(He cocks his head and uses Spot to listen for a minute)

"Hell, right now- barely two days after she's gone to save her child, Francesco is in the next room demanding that Fionna own up for what Esmerelda let happen to Abaddon, when he's had four goddamn fucking months to confront the Queen about it!

(He looks back to the room)

Or..... are you rabble-rousers worried that any new kind of leadership that's not first approved by you might not give you the payola of money, favors and ignorance to you actions that you've been getting with the old system?

(he throws his hands up)

Fine, lets vote! Maybe we can make it like Avenguard, where we can constantly put forth things to a vote while the town is being destroyed around them. We could make deals with evil beings, or bitch about the good guys stopping us from making those deals. We could let murderers go free because they are popular, even!

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:08 pm
by Abaddon
"I paid for that pardon and I was given it. That's the justice according to your laws. I paid information for the lives of the dead. After that the slate was clean as long as I obeyed the rules. I did so." Abaddon said.

"Actually Francesco has been seeking an answer since the murder of Kami."

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:47 pm
by Smitty19
"As I was never involved in those debates, and decisions, I cannot comment of Justice then, but if that Is what was given, then thats what it is."

*Serith merely shakes his head in dissapointment

"As for what I did, I acted within what was appointed to me as a job, to do. I will not discuss this further in an open fashion unless I am brought before a Trial, If anyone needs to speak to me privately I am all for that. Garritt is right, we need to remain strong, not fragment and shatter this soon after we have established a kingdom."

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:09 pm
by Dallid
“There are indeed many valid concerns regarding the night Kami and Mary were killed. These are to be addressed at an upcoming hearing. Esmerelda was to add her own voice on equal footing with the others involved on the affairs of that night, but now that appears impossible. “

“Let us schedule this hearing for September. That provides plenty of time for all involved and any who want their voice to be heard to arrange to be present. For those who are involved yet not present, including Esmerelda, judgment may yet be rendered upon them, though they should have a chance to contest that judgment upon their return. Mind you, I am but one magistrate, so my words are but suggestion and opinion at this point. The nature of judgment will be determined at the hearing by all present representatives.”

“Given present concerns and the fact that Esmerelda is not able to explain events in her own words, I will confirm that she did give those who acted against Abaddon permission to do so – allowing arguments presented to her to temporarily overwhelm her better judgement. She expressed regret soon after, and realized how wrong it was to allow any to act outside of Haven law on Haven territory. She realized this betrayed the sanctity of Haven citizenship.”

“This aspect of that night will still be covered at the hearing. Rest assured no such lapse in law will occur again, for I think all authorities realize a repeat of such betrayal of trust will cause the Haven we know to disintegrate. Fionna, I understand, was not involved in the incident, and is well aware that even Haven’s top representative is not above the law.”

“Realize, Abaddon, that just as the fact that the murders you committed occurred in another land in another time – before the refounding of Haven – worked greatly in your favor, the permission granted those who tried to kill you is bound to work greatly in theirs.”

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:11 pm
by GM-Taki
"Brey, you are goin' against the decision of the Queen and you want to replace her Regent with somebody else. That's called a revolt, and it's treason plain and true. Now you ain't done it yet, and I know you're just speaking your mind, but I'm startin' to think none of ya have ever lived in a kingdom before.

You keep talking about "the people", but its complete bullshit. You've never even met the folks out in the fields, or the miners, or the soldiers. You have no idea what goes on with "the people", so don't play like you're some voice for them. You're also shittin' on Fionna by tryin' to paint her a villian, and that ain't right either. She didn't do anything wrong, and being friends with the Queen isn't "guilt by association". You ain't speakin' truth at all, just spoutin' off.

Oh, one more thing. You have, in one miserable fucking run of your mouth, implied that our Queen is untrustworthy, that she just stands around, that she just runs and hides, that she doesn't work for the people, and that she's a detriment to them. I like you Brey, I really do, and that's why I'm going to give you the chance to take that shit back before I change my mind about you."

*Korrigan nods when Garritt speaks*

"That's a fair point, Garritt, and I'll add two more. What you all seem to forget is that the Queen makes the laws. She can unmake them, change them or add to them as she pleases. If she revoked Abaddon's pardon, than that's what she did. Kami and Mary are another matter, but we'll figure that out at the hearing."

"Second, let's not forget who the fuck we are. Abaddon's a murderer, sure and true. If the fate of his people were on the line, he'd kill any one of us. Brey, your boy Theon slaughtered innocent children. We've all mowed through men and monsters like some kinda maniacal murder machines. I've killed my share a dozen times over and so have most of you, so save the fake ass outrage."

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:19 pm
by GM-Taki
*Hearing Dallid speak, Korrigan nods.*

"Fair enough. Let's have a hearing, then. September it is."

*Without another word he walks away.*


Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:32 pm
by Smitty19
*Nods to Dallid when he speaks

"I shall do my best to be here, but now I have some scouting to do."

*Goes over to Korrigan as he walks behind the bar

"I may need some provisions for the road, I dont know how long I will be out gathering information."

*Leans in close

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:47 pm
by Dallid
"Haven maintains the trappings of a monarchy for political purposes, but it is certainly not one. It cannot be. A monarchy involves a caste system where the higher castes are considered stronger and better than the lower castes, with the King and Queen considered untouchable.”

“However, ALL of Haven is strong, and must be granted equal voice. Should any Havenite attempt to claim totalitarian rule, Haven would shatter. At best we’d have sharp factionalization as in Far Reach, which multiple camps unwilling to accept authority from any other and assassinations and undermining occurring in the shadows. At worse we’d have a repeat of the Night of the Burning Skulls.”

“Haven must have a representative government. Representatives represent the voices of various groups, with a single top representative holding final say. Citizens must have faith and trust in their representatives for this to be effective. Therefore a confidence vote could be called on any at any time.”