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Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:23 am
by Arjan
Upon reassurance from Dallid, Jonny puts his dagger away and takes a seat at one of the tables. When Legion enters with the bedroll, a look of mild interest crosses Jonny's face. Once it becomes know it actually Dani, it changes to one of utter confusion. As he opens his mouth to ask what's going on, Gil and Cariel come in and ask for him. Listening to Legions answer, he chuckles a little and waits to see what continues to unfold.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:09 am
by Gil-Galad
*Gil smiles at Legion, but then his face becomes troubled.*

"Legion... I'd like to speak with you privately about the events of the past moon. There are many questions that need answers, and I feel as though you can give me the best."

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:18 pm
by Dallid
Dallid shakes his head at Legion's answer, but puts the immediate issue aside in favor for the core issues.

"Well, we had best be prepared for when he should wake up. Now that you each have your own bodies, what reasons has Dani to seek your death, or you his?"

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:44 pm
by Serena
Cariel tilted her head in confusion at Legion's answer. Slowly she approached the sleeping figure of Danimouth and sniffed him. Glancing at those gathered, she reached forward to poke lightly at the valkyn'vi. Satisfied that he posed no current threat she turned to Legion, awaiting his answer to Dallid's query.

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:31 pm
by Alice Tex
Alice tried very hard not to snicker when Legion mentioned he'd likely throw the unconscious Danimoth at the enemy should battle ever arise, but when Cariel poked her sleeping friend, Alice couldn't help but giggle a bit. In truth, it unnerved her that Danimoth should sleep so the dead. Hopefully, when he awoke, he would be his old happy-go-lucky self again and their friendship would begin anew.

She was again comforted by the sight of his own person, and not just one side of the same dark coin. His thoughtfulness erased the ghastly images of the others' deaths from her mind instantly, and she smiled warmly. Alice casually went back to her sewing as the others conversed with Legion, relieved and happy to be out of the spotlight. She gazed from Gil-Galad to Dallid and back to Legion, all the while, stealing a contented smile to the innocent and adorable Cariel.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:54 pm
by Nick
~: Dani made no response whatsoever when sniffed, poked, prodded and generally approached in any way, shape or form. Cariel would note though that as time passed her sense of smell was telling her the one in the bedroll, lying so snuggly and silently was not Legion. A completely different person, and her nose might crinkle from what she was picking up. :~

~: Legion on the other hand looked to Dallid and just shrugged his bare shoulders, having one of those completely and utterly dumbfounded looks upon his face, accompanied by his usual-as-of-late smile. :~

"Well Dallid, I've got nothin' against him anymore. As far as I'm concerned he's just some guy, and I'm just some other guy. He wanted to get to the portal, and I think I know why. So I'm going to take him to the Portal in the fishing village later. Maybe it'll wake him. Maybe it won't. One way or another...I don't think its healthy having both of us around."

~: He looked down to the sleeping figure, tousling Dani's hair a little before giving another shrug. The sooner they were farther apart the least in his mind. :~

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2011 10:42 am
by Dallid
Dallid nods. "Dizzy, was it? He wants her back, and blames you for her loss. Yes, it may be best to send him off on his quest - but he must be able to look after himself."

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:59 pm
by Nick
"He'll wake up, one way or another. Hell, he could even be awake right now. He was always good at faking things. He played the best possum."

~: Legion gave the sleeping figure a little nudge, but Dani did absolutely nothing. Just sort of teetered to one side of the chair, unable to catch himself. Sort of like pushing and prodding a ragdoll every which way. :~

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 12:49 pm
by Rothek
:rothek came in to the common room on all fours he looked at legion and cocked his head to one side with a puzzled look on his face as he looked at legion and then saw.. another legion.:

"hmmm?? two pale face? look same.. smell different.....this wrong. what happen white man??"

: the beast looked up at dallid after sniffing both legion and Dani:

Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 7:05 pm
by Nick
"Well mutt, absolutely positively nothing is wrong. If anything everything is perfectly right with the world again. And as for him.."

~: Legion aimed a thumb at the slumbering form wrapped up so protectively in its bedroll. :~

"A wizard did it."

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:14 am
by Rothek
:rothek looked at legion and then at the sleeping Dani still mostly confused. these pale face people were strange! :

"wizard make one pale face two.......this happen with all pale face?"