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Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:26 am
by Esmerelda
Esmerelda looks touched by Roic's concern, impressed at Braidenvayl's quick reply and gives Francesco a dirty look when he mentions running off by herself.

"I appreciate your concern, Roic, but I believe it's my first duty to help those in need. I did not become a leader for power or prestiege, I did it to make a better, safer place for the people I care about. And if someone is asking for our aid, I think it is only right that we give it to them.

"I know you are new, but those who know me well can attest to the fact that I do not enjoy sitting back while others do the work. I am no stranger to battle, even though I do not carry a weapon. And it seems as of late we have been sorely lacking in those people who are of a scholarly bent, which I have a feeling will be needed, and is a field in which I excel.

"I feel that we need to assist the Prince in any way we can. Anyone who wants to accompany me is more than welcome, although I will not order anyone to go who is not willing."

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 7:55 am
by witcheater
The creature walks past the crowd, dragging the lower half of an unidentifiable being, ripped to shreds, and trailing entrails like a kitten and a caught string. The thing it s carrying was obviously very large, clawed and scaled, but no other features are present.

It ignores the crowd, and leans against the trunk of a large dead tree, and sits down, gnawing on the flesh, pulling it away from the bone its back teeth, and gobbling the meat down. When the meat is gone, it crushes the bone in its jaw, and turns the carcass to the next meat morsel. Blood, gore, and clouds of flies fill the area, as well as a rich metallic smell that really sticka in the back of the throat.

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:59 am
by Dallid
“Sounds like this may be a symbiotic relationship. They need something to believe in, and you require their belief. However, you had been discarded before. Might there be opposition to your return? Do the people of your realm currently believe in something or someone else?”

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:02 am
by GM-Mike
When the creature walks past, the prince seems momentarily distracted, even allowing a moment of disgust at the site of the eating to appear on his face. For a moment he goes pale, as if he's going to vomit. Then, when Dallid speaks, the color and smile return.

"My proposition of happiness, while undeniably a beter way of living, is yet a radical change for my people. Whenever there is radical change, there is opposition, certainly. They are ruled by a king who only believes in gloom and are forced to follow him, have been forced indeed to the point of them not knowing any other way. Knowing this, though, is why I will be prepared to instantly send all of you back the moment I feel your lives are in danger."

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:56 am
by Dallid
“If this King can force the populace to conform to his desires, then he can and will bring force against any discention. That there will be danger is of little doubt, but danger is something with which all here have much experience. Do not be so ready to discount us at its first sign.”

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:48 pm
by GM-Mike
After a while of pleasant conversation (and OOG: anyone who wishes to talk further with the rainbow prince prior to leaving just has to arrive at the event early), the prince waits for all to be collected and then casts a spell of great magic. The last thing anyone remembers hearing prior to the jump to the other world is a single word: "Oops."

Everyone arrives inside a large building and several people ask what the "oops meant," to which the prince replies, "Used a touch too much magic I think."

Indeed, more than the group assembled made the jump. In fact, everyone within the general area of the spell came as well, i.e. your character need not be near the spell in order to rationalize your character being in this new world. If you want your charachter to be there, then your character was within the area of effect for the spell. If you don't want your character to be there, then your character was not in the general area of the spell. In addition, a portal has opened in the greater Haven area and people may walk through it at any time. In fact, if you get too close (yes another vague measure of distance), you get sucked into the portal as well. This is to account for people arriving at different times during the weekend. If I had to guess, I would say that the portal will close sometime early Sunday morning...

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:52 pm
by Elgoain Onyx
: somewhat dizzy from the trip, braidenvayl takes a few steps to gain his bearings, he shakes his head and looks around at everyone to see who was there, those looking at braidenvayl will see that he has a remnant green glow from the spell the prince had cast, as he looked around to see that he had been successfully teleported a smile comes across his face as he does a small fist pump to himself and claps his hands:

"let the exploring and treasure hunting begin!!"

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:30 pm
by Rhul
Rhul blinks away the afterimage of the flash of magic and pats himself down to make sure his traveling effects (and, pragmatic to the last, all parts of himself) are in order. Looking down, he then notices Scrounger at his side- the lemur evidently having been within the effect of the spell....... whether by design or happenstance.

"And what might you be doing here?", he scolded lightly. "I thought we had agreed that you were staying back safely within the keep with the others."

The little creature looked up at the beastman in return, and Rhul received a jumble of half-images and meanings--pure gibberish to others, but near perfect sense to a druid with such close ties to the animal world, or at least enough to understand the creature's meaning.

"Yes.... as our track record being transported to strange, unknown and dangerous places goes, I know we got through the Dreaming and Castle Gravesbane just fine, but it yet stands to be seen whether this place is of equal or even greater danger......will you at least agree to stay near myself or one of our friends for protection?"

He extended his hand down to Scrounger and, evidently agreeing, the lemur looped it's hands around his to receive a speedy pull up to his accustomed perch on the man's furry shoulder.

Rhul turned to the others around him, and then to the Rainbow Prince.

"I'm assuming you have a safe place for us to stay for the immediate time? I'm thinking this would be as good a time as any to show us there, please?"