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Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:00 pm
by Morgan
Morgan stops and heads back towards the group

"Leads make things a lot easier. Otherwise, you've just gotta get lucky. Which way're we going?

He rummages through his pack and produces a map of the area, only slightly marred by eight circles drawn on it

"Now, here is where we found the bandits, and the goblins, and the trolls, and the giant spiders. It's not that way, is it?"

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:31 pm
by Dallid
Dallid merely points northeast and begins walking. “It is this way.”

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:06 pm
by Leo
Leo lifts his wrist and whisles high like a dog whistle.

moments later a Barred Owl lands on his wrist.

"Good Boy Adam...",he says looking at the Owl.

"Adams who allows me to Scout, so actually we only have 2 scouts..."

He Shrugs and whispers into Adams ear and He takes off low around the area.

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:34 am
by Dallid
The group approaches the home of the Elder and knocks on the door.

(Need NPC interaction at this point)

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 12:57 pm
by GM-Mike
OOG: Sorry, I'm usually very good at keeping up with these posts--the one I don't get to is the one I needed to read--thanks Melissa for pointing it out to me. I'm going to try and chat with Karen today who played Gypsum at the event and will respond in game shortly thereafter, tomorrow at the latest.

The Wise Woman

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:12 pm
by Karen
The day's bright air is slowly filled with the scent of herbs baking in the morning's sudden heat, growing stronger as the search party follows the direction Dallid indicated. Soon the drone of bees, harmonizing with the laughter of an unseen spring, completes the atmosphere of quintessential summer.

The path defers to a sprawling oak. Around the bend, the searchers can see a comfortably disheveled looking stone cottage. The expected herb garden is lushly visible, and a few hives some distance away can be seen by anyone curious enough to look for them.

The two figures before the door stand in contrast to this idyll; they appear to be at the point in a bitter argument where words have ended. Two strong wills grapple silently, a crone stooping to grip a maiden's shoulders. Gypsum, the young woman, stands rigid under her elder's gaze.

Then they notice you. The woman releases the girl and they both turn to face you. It takes a few moments for these two sets of eyes to mask their iron and fire in the presence of company. The old woman steps forward. When she speaks her tone is practiced and polite, revealing nothing of her actual character or thoughts.

"Be welcome in this place, travelers. How can this woman serve you?"

As you come closer, you can see rough scratches and welts on Gypsum's hands and arms.

Slight slip!

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:16 pm
by Karen

Um, that's assuming Doug doesn't mind the scene prior to knocking on the door! I'm not writing another one now, so you'll take it and like it. So there.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:57 am
by Morgan
Morgan trots up towards the two women

"Hi! I'm Morgan. What'd you do to your hands? I think I have a salve for that..."

He becomes oblivious to the world as he sits and begins rummaging through a brown satchel almost as large as he is.

Gypsum's hands

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:33 am
by Karen
Gypsum immediately hides her hands behind her back and stares at the ground. The old woman sniffs, raising her eyebrows slightly.

"Thank you, young man, but my stock of salves is full at the moment. The type of nettle which caused her injuries takes some time to heal, even under the best of ointments. If she is wise, she will take a lesson by it, and wait to be taught things she is not yet old enough to learn. She is still a novice in herb lore."

This last is directed at Gypusm, with a pointed look. Still facing the girl, the old woman continues in an unmistakable tone of command. "Now, you must excuse us. This child is on her way to her father's funeral."

Gypsum's head jerks up to resume her staring contest with her mentor. Her hands clench into fists and she stamps her foot. Then, suddenly, she becomes very still and quiet. All expression drains from her face. She nods once, slowly. Then she moves with a stately grace, very odd to see in a thirteen year old, back toward the village and the waiting pyre.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:15 am
by Dallid
“We came seeking Gypsum. Her absence from home has had many people worried – not least of which her family. They have much need for strength and comfort, and each and every one of them is needed to contribute. You have our thanks for looking after her during this time, and we will accompany her back home to ensure she arrives safely.”

"Though I do fear what she might do once she has carried out your command. She must learn through her own will how her family has need of her."

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:27 am
by Morgan
Morgan seems almost oblivious to everything around him as he paws through his bag of stuff


Childish actions

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:30 pm
by Karen
Gypsum stops and turns back to face Dallid with a sneer. She seems about to speak, but after she draws breath she stays silent, as if reconsidering. Then she smiles. She turns and continues toward the village with a dancing step.

The old woman is obviously irritated by something. For a moment, one might have thought she was angry, or even just a little bit afraid.

She turns her irritation on Dallid. "You appear to be wasting your talents, sir. Lecturers should be paid. Perhaps that ridiculous academy will invite you to address your observations on felicitous family life to a gathering of interested parties.

"Your protection is worth something, however, and you deserve to be thanked." She briefly acknowledges the entire party with her gaze. "I suppose as guests you deserve something too. I prefer to allow my tongue its liberty, so my hospitality must rest on other talents.

"Your charge will soon be too far ahead to benefit from your protection, but if you come back you may request a small favor. My name is Innogen Honeywine, since we're being polite."

She continues acerbically as she walks into her cottage, "You are to be congratulated on your concern, and you, sir," she says, ignoring Leo and inclining her head respectfully toward Adam, "are to be congratulated on your magnificent Owl."

She pulls the door definitively shut behind her.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:29 pm
by Dallid
“Trust I will return.”

Dallid turns to the others. “Let us follow Gypsum and keep watch. The way is long, and Innogen’s hold over her does not appear as strong as she might hope. The nature of this hold may be investigated later.”

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:31 pm
by Morgan
Morgan gathers his things and sets a decent pace after the young woman. As he walks, he looks towards Dallid curiously.

"What are we protecting her from?"

Back to the village.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:40 pm
by Karen
Gypsum's brief merriment fades quickly. Soon she's just trudging along, head down. The scouts detect no danger, and the only alarm comes when a snake darts across the path.

You will reach the village soon.