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Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 12:06 pm
by Sunny
Having both NPCd and PCd during the event, I have a unique perspective.

First... you guys rocked my Role Playing socks off. Brad, you are the ORC.. I mean ELF! Great job with the elemental. Same goes for Lao and Ming, actually... who were the only ones I heard who put two and two together and gave thought to whether using a Greater Elemental was a really good idea... *grin* Even on the lesser plots everyone was fantastic, and my hat's off to ya.

As for the PC stuff... MacEwen gets a gold star for great role playing with Vaun. Way to go, mate! Atrum and Incarious were fantastic as well... and Donovan for looking beyond the obvious. Everyone was really cool and made this new character intriguing to play.

As a side note: It was freaking HELARIOUS to hear what everyone had to say about Robin in her absence! I love that. *giggle* :P My admaration to those of you running with that side story, you know who you are. Those scenes looked freaking awesome from the outside and I can't wait to see what happens when she gets back. *hugs all*

All in all, I think this was a VERY sucessful event. The Role playing was unparallelled and the politics seemed to be a' brewin'. You guys made it fun to both NPC and PC, so thanks million!

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:08 pm
by Peace420
I'm just waiting for Robin to meet Vaun and try and kill her. :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 2:35 pm
by Sunny
*LOL* I KNOW! How freaking COOL would that be... Robin would, too. Flat out kill Vaun without a second thought.

Saddly... my MPD only extends SO far... And I do NOT want to have that conversation with myself. *laugh*

Robin: *angry* You murdering BITCH!
Vaun: *haughty* You know nothing of me, begone.
Robin: *even more angry* You are SO dead!
Vaun: *yawn* Not before you, human.

*ensue girly cat fight*


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:16 pm
by Corbyn
Nice job everyone, lots of great pc dynamics coming to the front this time. I think everyone could now rewrite their characters to become full sages, and we would all have our own plot to work on, which is great. I thought this event was the most balanced yet, in terms of many opportunities for each path to be fully occupied, so nice job with the plot introductions/writing. Kudos to Todd for keeping things rolling Saturday night, it was much appreciated. The revolving wheel of reincarnation was fascinating! I think we should breed a whole race of Ka/Nuk love children and train them all as pirates-who have no boats.

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 5:19 pm
by Sunny
*tries to sack Vince before that last sentence escapse his mouth and Eric hears...*

*wry grin* God... that is the LAST thing Haven needs... *rolls eyes*

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:04 pm
by dier_cire
Moo haha! Yar, a whole clan of Ka/Nuk pirate love children! And the only boat being owned by their father! Moo haha!

Ka needs his own theme song... :D

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 8:47 pm
by Corbyn
Geez Christen, I thought you'd be the first to applaud my plan. One of your characters could lead the pirate Ka/Nuk children, the other could try and kill them all.

As for Ka's theme song how about a rousing chorus of row, row, row your boat!

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 10:02 pm
by Kidwynn
correction privateer cow love children.

They ain't no pirates.


Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:00 pm
by Sunny
*gives Julie a nod* S'right! NO pirates, mate!

*grin* But so true... Robin to lead them... Vaun to mock them haughtily and goad them into a position where she can kill them. *evil grin* All in a day's work!

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:07 pm
by dier_cire
Oh, don't even be talking about killing my children! And if I even hear one gab about a slaughter house, Ka will be turning some privateers into puppy chow... :D

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2004 11:12 pm
by Kidwynn
Wouldn't that be cow feed?

Or perhaps some nice jerky.....I mean you gotta feed the peasants somehow.

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2004 2:10 am
by Drake
In my opinion this was the best event I have been to. Lotta cool things happened and lotta bad things to. This was a big event for my character to go through (i.e. finding true happiness in a greater elemental only to have it destroy almost everyone) and it will only get better from here. So I must thank everyone for making this such a wonderful event.

1 Nuk, Kabre, and Todd - I think we know why I put this in here

2 Christen - Just having you as that elemental made my weekend

3 To the GM's - Good story plots and NPCing by all of you

4 Karen - I never knew I could "realy" be scared at these things, boy did you show me wrong with that little girl

5 The Phoenix - To all my brothers at arms

6 To everone in the Haven - I could go on with names but that would take forever, so know that everyone has my thanks for such a great time

With much love, Dan