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Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 12:33 pm
by Kalphoenix
Drake Silentfoot wrote: I almost had her in tears she was laughing so hard, it was great.
Oh wow, I totally was in tears it was so funny. "Hey, what's YOUR problem?!" ROTFL!
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:44 pm
by Samantha
I came to a conclusion upon retrospect that I wanted to share with everyone:
I came home with the usual post-wandering monster soreness from having been beaten on for 8-12 hours straight. Kinda like my job, but with less actual blood. The next day, however, my stomach was in a painful way and I was getting worried that maybe I was coming down with something. It couldn't be sore abs from the excersise, as it had been days since I'd done any yoga and bellydance has been on hiatus for a few weeks. It might be the flu, I thought, but I'm not joint sore anywhere else. Hmm...
The only conclusion that I could reach (and this may be a sad reflection on my current state of existence, but nonetheless) was that I had sore stomach muscles from the sheer amount of laughing I had done in the course of my day with you all. I missed the last event back in November, so it had been a few months since I'd seen you all and in a sense, I was way out of shape.
So thank you, a thousand times, for the good times and the laughter I so sorely needed (no pun intended).
Seriously. I love yous guys.
Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 11:03 pm
by Onimaster
::Hugs the Sam:
Okay, I guess I have put this off long enough. I had a great time at the game. It was a great event and it had just the right amount of combat, story, and it was amazing to see you all.
I liked the idea of the land being unhappy, and finally tying up some loose ends. And, it will be interesting seeing how some threads grow. Like the Utopia colony idea. That peeked my curiosity. I loved the role playing.
I want to give a special shout out to Christin and Jared. In the six (Or is it seven?) years I have been playing the game this event was the first time I felt like something extraordinarily special happened to my character. Thank you.
Edit: And Richard... You are a very gutsy man.
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:28 am
by Dallid
Had a good time, though somehow managed to miss most of the major plot stuff. Just goes to show how much was going on. There were certainly many plot elements running even while crunchies kept the building under a near constant assault. Everyone ought to have had plenty to do whether it was combat, RP, or puzzle solving, and all such elements served very useful purposes. Stayed constantly busy, myself, and often had to choose between multiple problems to tackle. It was also very nice to see a focus on productivity and growth rather than mere survival.