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Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 3:31 am
by Nick
~: Legion of Many returns to the House of Chance...well...moreso the Portal to Avanguard. He heads into the ashes of the House to grab his supplies, a small tent hidden amongst the rubble and soot. From the tent he returns with a mask, a fishing pole...and a hell of a lot of string. He sits down and goes straight to work, removing his quill and ink bottle. :~

"You think you're so smart...I know you're waiting for'd rather see me dead to your cronies than let me live.....well...its a funny world we live in..."

~: And he set to work, writing some archaic message on the inside of the mask. If anyone was around and had seen it before they'd recognize it as his old mask, before the gold and black and red covered his face. Half white, half black, a yin-yang pattern with one happy eye of red and a sad one of blue. The smile mimicked the eyes, half upturned and half frown of matching colors. :~

~: After a bit of work he looked his writing over, nodded and strung the fishing pole. He looped the string through the eye-holes of the mask, securing it tightly in place. Another double-check on his work and he nodded his approval. He stood, carrying his fishing pole baited with mask and his giant spool of string to the Portal. :~

"Time to go trolling for idiots.."

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:28 pm
by Nick
~: His plans would be cut short it seemed as he watched lights and symbols flicker across the edges of the portal. He could feel the energy in the air, see the minute distortions made of something going on inside. This was a bad time to go fishing, he decided. So he took his things and darted into the forest, hunkering down low. :~

~: Legion of course didn't want anyone coming through while he was fishing...and he could only wonder who had decided to come to Far Reach now. Eyes on the portal he adjusted his armor, making sure his bracers were tight and his belt snug. His right hand strayed for the short sword at his hip. He stayed low and kept a vigil eye, safe in his camoflauged surroundings. :~


Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:47 pm
by Torakhan
The usually unseen groundskeeper of Avenguard's buildings walked from his workshop and to the remains of the House of Chance. Quen sifted through the ashes of the building, and stored several of the red embers into a container metal, filled with tinder and other elements, and sealed it up, though light bits of smoke could be seen from small holes in the top of the container. He placed it into a holder on his workman's belt and then proceeded then to look through the rubble, not for anything of great value, but anything that could still be reformed to nails and other bits of useful material he could forge later. He grumbled as he pushed his way through the remains of the building, poking with his walking stick and eventually after having collected a bucket of some materials, hobbles back to his workshop.

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:53 am
by Nick
~: Just a person Legion had never seen before. Once the groundskeeper departed Legion stood from his place of hiding and went into the ruins. He packed up his belongings, collapsing his tent and coiling up his bedroll. He secured his gear to his back, slowing him somewhat as he approached the portal. :~

"I'll be back to help...just need to get one job done at a time..."

~: And with that Legion jumped into the activated Portal, departing Far Reach and heading back to Avenguard. With luck he wouldn't collide with anyone traveling to Far Reach. He could only hope nobody...unsavory was waiting for him on the other side. :~