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Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:08 am
by Slisk
Slisk turns sharply at the noticed movement, hoping it was an enemy to fight. He notes Atrum with both frustration and relief. His personal quest would likely once again have to wait, but at least now he could fulfill his own oath to Atrum.

“What isss to be our firssst dessstination, Regent?”

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:02 am
by Atrum Draconus
After the remaining lizardmen, trying to find them and convince them to return could take as long as the rest of the planned trip so it should be done first and then the rest can be figured out on the fly.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:18 am
by Slisk
Slisk smiled at Atrum's response. He had not expected this at all. His heart lifted with the news the lizardfolk would be sought first.

"The village isss easssy enough to find, and itsss inhabitantsss embarked sssouth from there. At that point the Ssscoutsss mussst take up the chassse."

He continued on toward the village with renewed vigor.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:53 pm
by Laura
* Glad to see the two additinal people Laura Gives them a smile.

" It is good to see you both I will help in anyway that I can."

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 3:32 pm
by GM-Mike
The group traveled south from the Lizardman village, scouts leading the way. A great amount of time had passed since the Lizardmen had fled from the black ooze that had threatened to destroy them, and the scouts were worried that their trail had gone cold or that the evidence of their departure was in reality the remnants of other groups traveling these same trails since.

Slisk felt more than knew that the tribe would not travel far. It's hard to find a place that could be called home, and the lands of the area suited them, and had fit their needs. They would want to continue to benefit off the rich resources of the area.

As the sun began to slope downward and hope began to waver, as dark clouds began to settle overhead, promising a more difficult trip than previously hoped, a small, ruined settlement where a thin wisp of smoke still fluttered upward from one of the destroyed makeshift huts is discovered.

On the ground lay three bodies, all lizardfolk, all beaten down by swords and arrows, their blood pooling together, painting the ground a dark red that was promised by the first drops of rain to be washed away.

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 5:17 pm
by Kidwynn
(OOG: Thanks for adding me already. I was waiting to see what Atrum does)

*Kidwynn goes near the front to assist with the other scout tracking and well she figured she should take point in this. She moves slowly to search for tracks and will look ahead to see if she can spot anything out of the ordinary.*

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:52 am
by Shea Stonebrook
*Shea goes to the bodies laying on the ground checks the status of each, seeing if there is anything that she can do for them, if she recognizes them from their last meeting.*

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 12:45 pm
by GM-Mike
She bends over to check each body's wounds, trying to discern if anything can be done for them. She seems somewhat encouraged, enough to bend over and check for breaths, for any signs of life.

None apparent on the first body.

She approaches the second, again checking wounds, checking for breaths.

The second body, likewise appears dead.

She moves to the third body. The wounds seem more shallow, the bleeding less severe. She bends over again, checking for any sign of life, which she receives when the arm shoots out and grabs her by the neck, strangling her. She makes gurgling sounds and cluthces and the lizardman's arm to little avail, but thankfully, even before anyone can react, the lizardman focuses his vision, seems to realize his error, and lets go.

"What happened?" he asks, visibly shaken and clearly foggy.

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:29 pm
by Eilonwy
(OOC: Teela's trailing you guys. Work has been keeping Lleana busy so she wanted me to let you know she's coming. Guess Eilonwy will shadow her. If it's easier, we can catch up after a little bit when you've stopped. Whatever works.)

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:48 pm
by Laura
* Laura concetrating on what she saw around her heard the noise behind her. She turns and see's Shea with one of the lizardman that looks to still be alive. She walks back to them.

"Shea are you allright?"

*Taking a quick assesment herself of the wounds and seeing if the are fatal she turns to the Lizardman.

"My good sir we are not enemies we would like to help in any way that we can. If you can please tell what happened hear so that we can help."

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:11 am
by Shea Stonebrook
*Shea a bit shaken looks for Slisk, then to Laura.*

Thank you Laura I am fine for now, but it looks as though this was a very recent attack...occuring less than an hour ago...

*Still sitting on her knees, a bit further away(...out of claws reach)smoothes her skirt, and looks back over to the injured Lizardman.*

Do you know who attacked you?

*Waiting for a response Shea continues to look for Slisk, and the others to come closer before she attempts to heal him fully.*

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 7:34 pm
by Teela Rainbalm
Teela arrives at the village with Eilonwy folowing closely behind. "I am sorry to be late, but I did not want to leave Eilonwy in the state of dreaming this morning." She lifts her nose and scents the air, feathers agitatedly rising at the smell of blood. "What happened? Is there anything I can do to be of aid?"

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:25 am
by Slisk
Slisk had seen similar scenes the previous summer, when human barbarians of the Cougar Tribe had begun raiding the northernmost settlements. He flexed his claws at the memory of the following recipritory raids his detachment had taken part in.

But that wasn’t last year. He knew now it was more than 10 years ago. Still, the lizardfolk villagers had mentioned they had recently traded with the Cougar Chieftain.


At the time, Slisk had thought he would no longer be able to carry out his grudge-battle against the Chieftain – the wars of old long since over. But with luck Muthar was involved in this. Perhaps he’d be able to draw the human’s blood again after all.

But now he brought his attention back to the matters at hand.

“Three doesss not account for the village, and the fight wasss recccent. The othersss are yet near – both villagersss and their foe. Our Ssscoutsss mussst find them.”

He turns to the recovering villager. “Who did thisss, and what ssstrength do they command?”

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:24 am
by Sunny
Vaun watched the scene before them with her usual indifferent coolness, though when Shea was accosted the Storm Elf’s hand glowed with crackling violet energy. Had any harm come to the woman, whom she recalled now with a fair amount of respect, she would have blasted the lizard man from this life. Now, however, she merely observed. After Slisk spoke, however, she turned to the two figures who flanked her, looking something akin to an honor guard, and spoke in a strange tongue no one else could understand. The pair gave her a synchronous nod and bow, and then vanished silently into the forest.

She gazed over at Slisk. “They go to collect the others, who will all five form a scouting pattern. Their like is unmatched for stealth and speed in the wood, so we should have word back from them soon.”

With that, the Mystic began a slow circuit of the area, seemingly lost to everything else about her. If there was something her Seer’s sense could divine, or her painful magic oversensitivity, she was determined to find it.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:50 am
by Laura
* Hearing what needed to be done Laura Trys t pick up the sent ans the tracks left by those that have flead the area.

"I will see what I can find."

*Laura heads in the oppisite direction of Vaun's "Friends" to scout the area.