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Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 5:42 pm
by Skal Tathar
Khal stumps around muttering to himself... " Now, where be dem womanfolk? Me been clomping around following them trail and they be not heading in de right direction."
"Hmmmm this where they stood for abit gazing around and be admiring de nature I bet. But why be they have the dang fool notion to be heading this way I wonder? Probably saw some purty flowers and be forgoting where de be heading."
Khal follows thier trail for another half a candle mark and spys them looking around in confusion. Ahhh he thinks to himself .... now this could be some fun as he slinks around quietly to reach a bush close to them without being seen.
Kahl tries to stifle his laughter as he starts shaking the bush and growling as if he was a horrible creature. At the last moment he remembers the two's casting abilities and makes sure there is plenty of bushes between them. No need to be nailed by one of them glowing balls or anything.

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 11:20 pm
by Lady
The hair on the back of the lady’s neck begins to rise. All of a sudden they hear low noises coming from the trees. Rosamund terns to Shea and says “what is that……were is that dwarf when you need him.” Looking very afraid she loses all of the color in her face. The lady says “we need to scare it away from us.” A glowing light begins to form in the lady’s hand. At this point in time the lady has her back to the brush. Giving it only a minute longer the lady throws a ball of light at the trees. (A 30 boom) Looking at Shea she sees that Shea has a ball in her hand as well. I have never felt energy that strong before, it is all around me I can feel it.

Looking back to the trees the lady can hear noises going away from them and then can smell burnt hair. “I think that it is gone….what ever it was…..I hope it was not a beast-men. I hate Beast-men.”

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 2:51 pm
by Skal Tathar

Kahl leaps out of the bushes wildly fanning his singed rump. You can see whisps of smoke rising from various scorch marks around his body, most notably from the one he is fanning.

" Teach me to play a durn fool trick like that" he grumbles. He turns to the women and says " Me don't suppose ya two be having some water on ye to put out me burning beard do ye? Me only brought me ale, and me be not wasting it it on the likes of me discomfort."

His eyes twinkle merrily as he speaks, and you can tell he is hard set to keep from laughing." Next time" he mutters, "Me be getting down further even if me be digging a bloody hole."

He looks at the two ladies and says, " Now, if'n ye ladies are done playing tricks on an old Dwarf, might'n I be asking where we be going? "
He looks expectantly at the ladies as he speaks.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 7:12 pm
by Lady
Shea and the Lady look at each other.......after a moment the two brake out in to laughter. What were you doing in the wood like that, the lady says this as Shea hands him the water skin they brought along. Shaking her head Rosamund looks over at Shea and says serves him right. Then looks at Kalh I hope you are ok?

After some time the three can be seen walking on the road. To answer your question we are were heading to the fishing village to find a messenger but we have decided to go find one in this village. I was told about a man named Brin, who maybe willing to take the message.

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:17 pm
by Shea Stonebrook
*After the laugh with the Lady Shea looks at Kahl smiles and touches his shoulder then says in a teasing way*
Are yea in need of any healing there Kahl? Or yea be cooking a bit of dinner we've yet to be see'n?

*She hands him some water to help his singed parts*

I've wondered when yea'd be around...we've lost ourselves in chatter and seemed to have gone in the wrong direction for a bit...we were just getting our barrings again. We're headed to the villiage to go fishing again...aaaand milady brought "precautions" this moon so to ease our queezy stomaches.

*holds up the bottle that the Lady recently gave her*
I hoped yea be coming with us....

Posted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:38 am
by Lady
Kahl do you remember how to get to the fishing village?

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 10:15 am
by Shea Stonebrook
*Shea puts her hands on her waist gives the Lady a angry look, then softens to a small smile.*

I KNOW how to get there.... I... just...was not paying very close attention. We didn't go that far out of our way.

*points back the way we came, and says in a very confident tone.*

We need to go back to Haven, and take a different road than this one.

*Looks at Kahl for confirmation*

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 2:26 pm
by Lady
I have offended you? I am very sorry......I think.

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 6:12 pm
by Shea Stonebrook
*Shea smiles and is a little embarassed and walks closer and whispers in her ear....*

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 8:59 pm
by Skal Tathar
Kahl grumbles abit and then smiles merrily at each of his two favorite humans. Even the stone of a Dwarven heart will soften when gazing at two true friends. "Hmmmmph" he snorts, no time to be dwelling on sentiments.

"Aye lassies, " he says, " we can be heading back to Haven to be picking up de right road, or we could be heading off through the woods here and be saving ourselves a league of sore feet. What thinks ye? "

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:14 am
by Lady
Looking to where he pointed the Lady looks back to Kahl. In response to his questing the Lady raised one eyebrow. “This dress is Toplin Satin and these shoes are from Silverthorn. I am not going to destroy them just to save some time.” Looking like she was not going in to the wood short of death. Smiled at he dwarf.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:32 am
by Skal Tathar
With a snort of disgust at Ladies fanciful ways and dresses.... Kahl turns around and without a word starts heading back to Haven.

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:59 am
by Lady
Looking to Shea well that was plesent!

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:37 pm
by Shea Stonebrook
*looks to the lady and smiles and then says to Kahl*

I'm truly sorry dear Dwarf... once we get back to Haven I'll make sure to pick up extra ale for the trip, hopefully that will bring relief to your tired feet once we get to the boat. Yea are fishing with us, are yea not?....With poles?? instead of ....your boot ....this time?.

*looks in the direction of Haven*
T'would be nice to pick up Atreus in town as well....never know what that elf be doing these days. Always off doing some thing.

*turns to the Lady*

Milady see I told you I knew the way... *Shea Beams :D :D *

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 11:37 pm
by Skal Tathar
At the Ladies mention of Atreus, Khal just snorts loudly and can be heard to mutter..." That be just great, now they be dragging the prancing, dandified Elfie into this jaunt."

Shaking his head once more, Kahl trudges onward.