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Post by Sunny »

Vaun concidered the words of Amagus very carefully. "I am not in the custom of much conversing with others," she began in her usual soft voice. Her common was softly accented, marking the fact that she had likley one begun speaking it with any frequence less than five years ago. "Nor am I one to much question others for their personal information. I am a private sort, and leave others to their own path, so long as they bother me not. However, if thou art indeed magi, then we do indeed have something in common."

The Valkin'vi looking Elven woman paused, again thoguhtful and chosing her words with care. She was very deliberate, this one, in all things it seemed. "Do not be offended, should I chose not to answer a particular question. Some things I keep for myself, but I have no great opposition to admiting that there is much about this land of which I know nothing. The Vau'An'Dar care nothing for the comijngs and goings of the Outlands, so long as thee and thine leave us to our peace, as little enough as that happens."

"I have answered thy first questions, magus, as to why I am here, and what path I follow. By thy arrangement, t'is my turn to ask." She paused again, thinking about what to aske him that would be worth knowing. "By that code doest thou live thy life, if any at all?"
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum steps from the shadows near the porch of the inn and approaches the fire with a slight smile for all gathered*
Your unigue situation certainly begs answers my friend. *He looks intently into Ravinal's eyes* Never have I seen any one return to being themselves after being slain while under the effects of that potion I gave you. As far as I know you are the first being ever risen to their former self, always either nothing would work or if it did what came back only had the slowly rotting visage of their former self, mindless walking dead or cognisant walking dead. I know I've apologized already, but again, I'm sorry for leaving you there. I always planned to go back but the goal of stopping that traitor Claude needed to be finished with no delay. From the moment that I heard that Claude had ordered the Phoenix to bar Corbyn's way in that whole debacle awhile back I knew he would be a liability to Haven, I just never expected such a quick freefalling descent. Unfortunately I also knew once I saw ED's interest in him that in his state of mind and body he wouldn't have the fortitude to deny ED's offer.

*Atrum turns to Vaun *

Be overly careful of this one,*nods slightly in Amagus' way* his intentions will be as hidden as whatever is under that patch.

*Gives Amagus a slight smile and nod and turns to walk away towards where Kidwynn went*
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For the first time that evening, a soft smile ghosted upon the colorless features of the woman as Atrum approached. She tilted her head to one side in a very bird-like manner, listening to his heart felt words to Ravinal. She was only slightly aware of what lay between the two men, for her attention had been elsewhere when the Great Dark One had fallen upon Haven.

She gave him a nod. "Thou of all knowest I take great care in all things, for the same could be said of myself as well. Save for the weavings of Fate, thou wouldst yet think the same of me." Her dark eyes traveled to the hooded face of the mage. Her world was black and white. There was no inbetween for her, no grey at all. A thing either was or was not, there was truth and falsehood. For Vaun, there was no ambiguity about or in life. Everything... everything was cut and dried.

Applying her delicate sensitivity to Amagus, however, she thought she sensed one who lived in the grey she could not see. This sent a slight chill down her spine. How did one comprehend a thing that existed in a space one did not? She turned back to Atrum. "Well I heed thee, Atrum Draconus, and with thanks."

As he turned to follow Kidwynn, she regarded Amagus again, awaiting his reply with infinate patience.
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Post by Ravinal »

*Ravinal's responce to Atrum seems rushed and yet guarded.*

"I bare no ill will to any who didn't come to my corpses aid. I know now that all had their own important agenda. I have a few thoughts on who this mysterious being that has risen me could be. Yet, you seem to be busy, so I will speak with you later."

*He looks to the ground as Atrum leaves. Ravinal says to himself.*

"I blame no one."

*He looks to Vaun; a sheepish smile on his face.*

"I expected the place I lay at that moment to be my grave. Haha, Im actually surprised Im not already a tool of some major adversary. I am very glad that I am not that. It very much seems to be any of our enemies style."

*Ravinal's smile fades fast.*
Last edited by Ravinal on Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:28 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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She shrugged. "Should thou have proven false, I would have slain thee. That stands yet, be thou latently mastered by some unknown force." Vaun saw the moment of pain in the normally kind eyes of the Druid and felt a moment of empathy.

Compassionately she added, "I have Seen no such thing in thy cards, Ravinal Goodson of the Woodland Way. Nor doest thou feel like unto the oily wrongness of those tainted by evil. I believe thee to be well and good, in so far as any human can be said to be so. Take solace in that."
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum stops in his tracks and turns to Ravinal*

Whatever you may need, you have but to ask. As soon as I finish my current business I will find you and we can discuss the situation at length. I appreciate that you don't blame me, but I blame myself. I consider you a friend Rav, and that's not how you treat a friend, the moment the beast that once was Claude was slain I should have returned. I owe a debt to you for that.

*Atrum gives Vaun one last small smile and turns and hurredly follows after Kidwynn*
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Post by Pugo Redfang »

* Form out of the woods comes a dirty, and well worn PugO. He looks to have not slept in a few days, and still has a smokey smell to him. He looks up at the folks out side. Nods to Rav, Attrum, and Vaun once he gets closer.*

"Helo anything good happen other than them talking in inn for to long? Vaun, Atrum can I talk when you have time!"
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Post by Amagus »

“Ah. Heh heh. You are correct. While your path may convey a wealth of information to those of like race, it is but a worthless title to me. Though you have explained why you reside here. Likewise have I all ready answered a query of yours, and by that logic is it my turn to offer a question.”

“But contrary to Atrum’s concern, I have nothing to hide. He merely sees an unknown factor in me, and wonders if that factor may conceal a threat. He does so worry so about his friends. A fine lord he could be, if only he possessed the desire to rule.”

“But as I have nothing to hide, I will answer your question – as a sign of good faith. Unfortunately translation is again less than accurate. I don’t know what code you refer to; however, I can assure you I don’t live my life by any code, save to better myself whenever and however possible.”

“Now. Perhaps you will explain your Path to me so that the term ‘Mystic – Storm Dancer of Winter Moon’ holds a similar value for me as it does for you.”
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Vaun gave the Ga’vin a slight nod of her head. “I will find thee within the Inn once I have wearied here, Pugo Redfang.” Her dark violet gaze slid from his face to that of cowled Amagus. For some time she gave great consideration to his words.

“It is unwise to guess at the inner thoughts and motivations of one whose depths thou knowest not. Folly to assume to know the mind of one whose path thou hath not walked in turn.” There was no recrimination in her eternally soft voice, merely what she saw as fact. “And it has been said that those with a desire to rule are those least suited for it.” She shrugged.

“Among my folk there are some in whom the blood of the Valkin’vi runs strong. Some even whisper that the Valkin themselves lent our bloodlines grace. Whatever the truth, some are given to the Sight of Foretelling, a sense of what has been, is, and may yet come to pass. I am one such. Mystics are those who hold most to the teachings and ways of our Valkin’vi heritage, who are seekers of lost and forgotten lore, wielders of ancient secrets and power. Among the Mystic are several schools, or paths. I am a Storm Dancer, one who follows the winds. Battle and tempest are my way; chaos and storm speak to me. My magics are derived from those forces, my life given unto them. Winter Moon is the ruling House of the Vau’An’Dar, those with the bloodline traits of white hair and violet eyes.”

She paused. “The closest I have seen among thy kind to my like would have been thy divinationist mages of the Old World. Yet, while they were meek, I am a warrior. I fear nothing and no one, and even death holds no terror for me.” There was fierce pride behind those odd eyes of hers.

“Thy question I have answered in full; now the turn is mine. What doest thou hope to find here in Haven?”
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Post by Nelkie »

*Door of the Inn opens and Arthos walks out holding a cup. He slowly walks over to the fire with a look of concentration on his face*

*Walking up to the group and politly saying*

May I join you around this fire? I find it peaceful and restfull to sit by a nice fire expecialy when there are friends around.
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Post by Amagus »

Amagus nods to Arthos. "Do as you will."

And smiles when Vaun speaks of the desire for rulership.

“A common misconception, but incorrect despite its popularity. For success to be achieved with anything, one must possess both the ability and desire for that thing. Aptitude alone is not enough, nor is passion. A gifted and skilled person will perform unwanted tasks with a lackluster attitude – doing only what is absolutely necessary, if that. One filled with craving will put forth all the effort require for success and more, but without ability, even the most furious efforts will be found wanting. Neither can excel. Haven will stagnate, flounder, and ultimately fail unless its leaders have both the ability and the desire to direct it into prosperity.”

He nods thoughtfully as Vaun describes her path and herself.

“A Warrior-Diviner, eh? I have yet to encounter such outside a warrior race. A rare path, indeed.”

“Now… what do I hope to find here in Haven? I will tell you what I have found. Potential. Great potential. I spent a decade wandering the land before finding the potential I require here in this small town. That is what I had hoped to find, and that is precisely what I have found.”

“Of course, this doesn’t answer your question, does it. Heh heh. What I desire is Power, pure and simple. However the road to power is anything but. One can only grasp that which lies within ones reach, and the Cataclysm has left my reach quite small. I need resources to extend that reach, and thus an environment that can provide those resources. I require a society capable of supporting my ambitions.”

“The cataclysm has wiped the slate clean – reset the board. Any one of a hundred of today’s warlords may carve out tomorrows kingdoms. Who is to rule the lands? The people here – the tales of their deeds, reveals the necessary potential for greatness, and I intend to see that greatness achieved. The more powerful Haven becomes, the more powerful I can become.”

“And Haven, in this time of beginning, possesses the potential to rule the world.”

“Tell me… would you have Haven grow and expand into a great nation?”
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The Storm Elf gave due consideration to his take on leadership. Of Arthos’ presence she gave absolutely no sign she even noticed. After a long silence she replied, “I see the reason in thy words, magus. Indeed, it is for the strong of will, of mind, and of ambition to carve out civilization from nothing. Without strength and resolve to a path, there is no path. If one has not a goal in mind from the outset, then the journey will be wandering, wasted, and fruitless. It is given to the strong to take and hold what they will, for good or evil as they see fit.”

She listened to his answer to her question, giving only the slightest nod. When he asked his question in return she merely shrugged.

“I care not at all what Haven does or does not become. Such is not my concern. I have neither will nor opinion on the matter one way or another. The folk of this place will make of it what they will, regardless of my personal feelings on any one matter or another. I am content to be an observer at present, and to learn all that I might. Like thyself, I see potential here… in all its many forms. However, I am disinclined to involve myself any further than I must to secure my own wellbeing.”

She rose gracefully then, standing to her meager five feet. “The night draws on, and I have matters to which I must attend.” Her dark violet eyes slid over to Arthos for a fraction of a second, her face icy still. “Thou doest intrigue me, Amagus of the Path of Power. It does not take my Sight to See that our paths will often intersect in this place. Find me again, should thou wish, I believe we could both benefit from open communication.” Vaun gave him a slight bow and with a silent sweep of her black skirts melted into the darkness like just another shadow.
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Post by Nelkie »

Interesting question Amagus. What do you consider great for a nation?

Haven has the potential to become a land where people can be safe, be able to raise families with out fear of stravation or attack, and be alble to prosper. With time and the contuine struggel for what is right, the citizens of Haven could shape this town into something wonderful and great. But it would require all citizens of Haven to make it happen. Only time will tell.
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Post by Amagus »

Amagus smiles as he watches Vaun depart, then turns to Arthos.

“Ah, yes. Safety and security – integral to any functioning society. With strong fortifications and armories can those such as myself focus completely on their tasks without concern for their well-being… and philosophers can safely debate what is ‘right’.”

Amagus carefully lowers himself to a seat by the fire.

“Make no mistake, Arthos, every kingdom you have seen or heard of – Silverthorne, Alleria, Depravity, yes, even Sil’Van’Dar – were founded on conflict and bloodshed. The birth of a nation, without fail, is an exercise in cruel violence. Only after the walls are built and armies hold the lands secure do the successfully established states make such declarations as ‘This is an evil act and shall never again be done’. And easy declarations they are, once all foes are vanquished.”

“And yet you and I, who have bared witness to long-established societies, can well vouch for their worth – can understand the necessity for the initial atrocities upon which they have been built. In the span of a single lifetime the first King Silverthorne carved a swath of destruction across Phanterra, leaving in his wake a land of order and control. One generation suffered and died so the many that followed could live in relative peace and safety.”

He leans forward.

“King Rodrick understands this. He will expand his fledgling nation and take Haven by any means necessary. He has all ready tried diplomacy – though not very well, from what I hear – and now he prepares for war.”

“Haven must do the same. For all your ‘values’ and ‘morality’ fate has rendered you no choice. Either you will expand and absorb your neighbors – either by treaty or by sword – or they will annex you. How many times has Haven all ready been attacked? I can guarantee the attempts at conquest will never stop until Haven is at last defeated, or itself expands and grows so powerful that none dare oppose it!”

“Only then, when at last we need no longer worry about that which is beyond our borders and may turn our attentions inward, may ‘what is right’ be imposed upon all the lands.”
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Post by Nelkie »

*Arthos Smiles and listens to Amagus*

Amagus, you speak openly and truthfuly from what you have experienced and what you have learned, not minding what others think of you or your ideas. It is refreshing to hear what a person is truely thinking instead of hearing what I might want to hear.
Mind you, many of your views and suggestions go against the grain of Haven, but what you say has truth to it. You look past today and look towards the future and can see what might be. You could make a good adviser if you have not served in that capcity already. What you say is one of many ways to grow a nation, but you are right in that haven will have to grow and become allies with it's neighbors or conqure them by force if they are a threat. I have many memories of past nations rising and falling, but growth of a nation is key to it's survial.

Another question for you. I over heard you seek power and that is a goal for you. What type of power do you strive for. The power of knowledge, wealth, politcal, followers, arcane, etc..? Many of Haven seek power, but you are the first that I have heard that openly states their disires, expectily when it can be looked down on.
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