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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn just glares at the intruder. However, she just beams that mischievous grin at him.*

Humm...awfully nosey aren't you luv? I mean for all the talk you talk who is to say you aren't some damn spy or something tryin' to cause trouble...

If so then great for you, but this little game of yours is gettin' quite old.

It's like a really, really bad dance. It's fun for a bit, but the timing and rhythm are just off now.

What I'd honestly like know now from Donovan or Atrum or someone is about the security matters and all a bit more relevent to the day to day life.
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan sets his quill into an ink jar and looks up at Kidwynn.*

"Kidwynn, I'll give you a more detailed run down on any of these if you'd like, but for the moment here's the short version: the aspects were collected and assembled into the perfect being. We, with the assistance of the Lady Corel, managed to slay the evil dragon, who we referred to as "Ed". Many of us fell in the fight against Ed, and though most were raised, several Havenites have made the final sacrifice. Claude, Chargoth, Scout, DarKarath, Derek, and Dallid are lost to us."

"The Orcs and Forest Wraiths are at each other's throats, but we've been able to speak with both sides on multiple occasions. As it turns out, Ravinal's long lost daughter is Trazz, leader of the Orcs. His wife was among the Forest Wraiths as well, but a meeting between her and Trazz ended with Trazz killing her own mother for being a Forest Wraith. We haven't heard much from either faction since the business with Ed."

"Roderick has sent tax collectors to the Haven, and we believe he may try to move against us in force. We're currently trying to prevent any conflict, but we have yet to be able to meet with him personally. Again, this business with Ed seems to have caused a brief respite from our other troubles, but I expect them to return in full force."

"Lord Malcolm remains a bit of a mystery. Contact has been indirect and confusing. We do know that the Lady Rose was returned to life and reunited with Clover. This will likely complicate issues with Malcolm, but it's too early to know what his position will be in regards to Haven. Either Quen or Toshi may end up serving as an intermediary."

*Turns to Amagus.*

"Delicate means delicate, my friend. Some things are not secret, but should not be shouted from the rooftops either. While there are no secret arrangements that I am aware of, we have been protective of certain types of information in the past. This caution came from experience, as trust had proven costly - even fatal - to us in our defense of this land. Now, however, I hope things like this forum can build those elements of trust once again."

"As to the matter of merchants not trading with larger groups, I have no idea why they require guilds as trade parters. It seems rather foolish to me."
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn looks over at Donovan*

Thank-you. As for other matters, I guess we can talk later.
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Post by Amagus »

“My, my. Orks and Woodwraiths to count among our neighbors – along with the Lizardmen, Beastmen, Woodhold, and this Fishing Village. A wonder they were not mentioned earlier. One might consider their presence of some import.”

“Yes, yes. State secrets are a necessity – especially in troubled times.” Glances at Kidwynn. “However I question the wisdom of sharing them with one who flaunts them about so readily.”

“Anyway,” Amagus chuckles, “Does anyone know anything at all of strategic value concerning our neighbors? Hostilities are expected with this Woodhold, yet no one seems to know anything of significance about them. Nor how or if our other neighbors could help us. If such is the case, send scouts or delegations to each of these locations immediately to collect the knowledge we need to survive!”

“Heh heh. Not to the Wood Wraiths of course. They are known for their xenophobic and fanatical defense of their land, and have no tolerance for those they consider outsiders. But of course you all ready know this. They can never be an ally, but nor are they a threat provided you stay away from their territory.”

“And Lord Malcom. Is he a neighbor… or a resident? Heh heh. Best find out!”
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Post by Brago »

Brago, who has been sitting alone in the back of the inn listening to the conversation, takes a few steps forward to speak.

I myself was welcomed by the Gryffin Guild upon my arrival to town a short time ago and although I am not a member of that guild, nor of any other, they immediately earned my respect and gratitude for the hospitality they showed me. I may yet seek to join a guild but I shall first seek to listen and attempt to learn more about the ways of this town.

Amagus, for as many criticisms and questions you have about the guilds, it seems you were very quick to join one when you arrived in town. Not that I find any fault in that but you continue to assert that the guilds are only for the deception of merchants and defy everyone here to prove otherwise. I ask you to answer some of your own questions you have put forth here. I was out at the fire pit during your conversation with Shale. You seemed very eager to join the Guild of Thunder and to receive the benefit of food, shelter and protection they had to offer as well as to obtain as much knowledge of their spells and other magic as possible. Why then do you seem to speak so negatively toward the guilds?

My point is that, in my opinion, it is an insult to accept the benefits of this town and of its guilds and then criticize the means by which those benefits are provided. Especially when you are so new and still only a guest in this town as I am. To me, manners are a virtue still to be valued. This is not to say that it is not possible to do things more effectively but surely it is not the place of a guest to say. You have knowledge of many things Amagus, of that I am sure, but you may do well to be more considerate of your hosts when chosing the manner in which you dispurse it.

*looks around the room at everyone*

Please forgive my interruption.
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Post by Amagus »

“Bah! I am no politician, and refuse to waste time dressing up my words. I do not fear to cause offense like the good Preceptor here, but, to use Doctor Erasmus’s anatomical analogy, prefer to cut right to the bone of the issue. “

“And what do you listen with? Your feet? I have made no ill remarks toward the Guild of Thunder, which has a well-defined purpose that is parallel to my own. Rather my questions are directed toward those guilds that seemingly consist of nothing more than a name.”

“Yes, the Griffin Guild was ‘nice’ to you. No doubt you will find many members of the various guilds ‘nice’. Being ‘nice’ does not differentiate one guild from another. The whole damn town is ‘nice’. Rather most guilds, not all, but MOST, are, by the very testimonies of this forum, little more than names. Yes, they were founded to fulfill economic roles. Very useful roles. But why? How do they achieve this purpose? THAT is the heart of this issue – motivation, not function!”

“I am a member of the Guild of Thunder. I am a town resident, not a ‘guest’. I will not abide the chaos and confusion that mires my new home. I will see it swept aside and replaced by efficiency and effectiveness - no matter how many wittle feewings get hurt in the process!”

"The very first step it to get Haven to understand it's own nature - of which it seems thus far woefully ignorant."
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Post by Ravinal »

To Amagus-
Ravinal says with a sigh, "Why do you need these guilds to fulfill more than economic roles? Would you prefer to control them and give them names to fit a purpose? And what purpose would you prefer them to have? They fulfill a purpose now; does it matter that a group of people want to be called one thing or another?"

Ravinal's annoyed look persists; the same look he always wears at political affairs. He looks ready to leave.

"You've questioned the exact same subject for far greater than anyone else has spoken. Im am just curious as to why? Is there a point or a plan you have to fix whatever you feel is broken? Or is that your fear; name without purpose permitting some unseen chaos."

And said with a smile, "I personally do not listen with my feet, though I may use them soon. I am just listening for your point in all of this. Out with it!"
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Post by Amagus »

“Then you have not listened at all. My point has been delivered plainly and clearly multiple times. Look for hidden motivations if you will – you won’t find them. The benefit of my blunt demeanor is you always know exactly where I stand.”

“Or would you rather have all questioning ceased? Do wish to hold on to your precious ignorance? Then by all means take your disruptions away from here and leave this debate to the learned.”

“I am a thorough man. I will not leave an issue with questions unanswered – not when the answers are clearly held by those present. Arthos has come closest with the following explanation:

Guilds were formed to meet the merchant preference of dealing with larger groups rather than with individuals.”

“One may then surmise the Houses were founded upon these guilds. But then why would larger groups, such as the Phoenix and Atrum’s Guild, be broken into smaller fragments? This was apparently done to benefit trade, but how? By duping the merchants with feigned diversity? I can see the logic as such – more trade routes could be hoarded for Haven should otherwise pointless organizations be manufactured to confuse the market. A sound strategy, and I applaud its execution, if this is indeed the case. If not, then I await a new explanation of the logic behind such foundings.”
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum slams his hand down on the bar top as he stands up glaring at Amagus*


The only one confused here apparently is you, on quite a few things. First off, you have been given answers to your questions but because they don't match up with what you want them to be you persist. You have been given the motivations for forming the guilds by the people that formed them, yet still you persist in believing and insisting that the answers you have gotten are not correct. You stop listening with your feet, open your ears and your mind to the fact that you certainly do not have all the answers and stop prattling on like a witless fool. You call what you are doing cutting to the bone of the issue but I call it beating a dead ox, you can keep beating it but you won't get any more tilling done with it. You insult anyone that puts forth anything that is not inline with what you say. Your way is all too much like many that I have known, you bemoan anything that is not the way you wish it to be, feeling that your way is the only way. Of course you haven't made any remarks against Thunder, because it fits neatly into your very small minded, antiquated view of things, and how convenient it must be that you also get something out of it as well. I have sat here and listened to you make accusation after accusation, disparage the people of the town, disparage the way we have chosen to handle our affairs. NO MORE! If you really have such a problem with the way things are done here then leave! What I certainly will not have is you sitting here telling those that have worked diligently and without tire to create a society out of the chaos left after magic changed the face of Phanterra forever what the nature of Haven is. You have only just arrived yet you know better the nature of the town than those that have bled, been on the brink of death and lost loved and respected ones do? You who only knows an infinitessimally small amount of what has shaped our society in your oh so obvious infinite superiority have concluded that the people who have here for over 3 years are ignorant to what the nature of Haven is? You are sounding more and more like a fool the more you open your mouth. What I will not have is you disparaging this town, you can think or say whatever you feel about me or the others that have helped shape this town, but where the line is drawn is disparaging the town itself! The subject of guilds and their structure is hereby closed in this forum, if you wish to continue your beating of the dead ox it WILL be done when it is not wasting the time of the other citizens of Haven!

Is that clear?
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Kidwynn watches the new arrival carefully to see just how he reacts to what Atrum has stated. *
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan glances back and forth between Atrum and Amagus and makes a notation in his tome. He then nods to Atrum.*

"Given the circumstances, I must agree with Atrum. The topic of guilds and their structure is closed. There is still too much information to be shared to have a single topic stretch civility to the point of breaking."
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Post by Doctor Erasmus »

Well then, perhaps we may speak of the other threats that have been but vaguely mentioned. I believe Sir Thynedar stated that "flesh golems, necromancers and infant possession" were all recent concerns not to mentions issues of temporal disturbances.

Are these matters still of a concern or have they been dealt with?
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Post by Amagus »

Amagus smiles and nods in satisfaction at Atrums outburst, and seems quite pleased by Donovan's response.
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Post by Corbyn »

*Corbyn re-enters and takes his seat, addressing all present.*

The tidings from the scouts are as follows, my friends. They report no hostile activity on either the routes or sources of the primary food, cloth, and mystic trade routes. I have dispatched a small party to determine if some of the minor trade routes are likewise unassailed.

*To Atrum*

Whenever you are ready, I am prepared to speak with you about the arrangements we have been thinking about. I would be happy to have the security of the routes you or anyone else here is responsible for checked, to whatever degree you might be comfortable with.

*To Donovan*

How goes the discussion, my Knight? I have learned nothing new regarding the fate of my child, the return of the elves, or the machinations of Rodrick. I have left a small contingent of troops near his stronghold, in case he uses the portal there to move his army from Woodhold to our area. We should have several hours warning at least, should he march on us from that locale. Also, as I'm sure you and Atrum will recall, the Beastmen who live along the primary road between us and Woodhold have promised to send word should Rodrick advance by those means.
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Flips through his tome a bit and then turns to Doctor Erasmus*

"Flesh Golems, necromancers, and infant possession. Well, in that order you have Florin - fleshcrafter and perpetual enemy of Haven - who likes to send his creations at us in varying numbers. You then have Narnian, a now-deceased necromancer who used to send his creations at us in varying numbers. Some have theorized that it was his soul that four of our people encountered on a quest not long ago. Our Dutchess had a close encounter with some sort of spirit and we now believe that the spirit has gained some influence over her unborn child. It is likely that the spirit was/is Narnian."

"Concerning temporal disturbances, many moons ago we restored a key artifact related to the passage of time. Prior to this effort time itself was erratic and pockets of the past and future would interact with the present. Also, some have put forward the idea that the recent land shift may have been a change of both time and place."

*Donovan rises and bows when Corbyn enters, sitting again when Corbyn does.*

"The discussion goes well, my Lord. I believe we've been able to identify some subjects that need additional exploration. I'm honestly suprised that fewer specific questions have arisen concerning the battle with Ed. I know that many still do not know the details of the tremendous events last moon, and I know many were curious. Hopefully we'll be able to leave here with all the answers available."
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