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Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 11:13 pm
by GM-Taki
*Shaking his head, Korrigan glares right back at Val.*

“Downplay and blur? Hoity-toity? Really? You claim to see what’s going on here, but if you seriously think that all of this is about being elitist and prissy than you’re not just deaf, you’re blind.”

*Korrigan stalks over to the door opens it. He points outside at the courtyard of the keep and camps of recently-relocated Haven refugees scattered about.*

“It’s about them, you surly shit! Not the Queen, not me, not you or your ignorant fucking sensibilities, them – the people of Haven who have suffered and died because the so-called “brave adventurers” whom they feed and clothe are too busy bickering with each other to build a place where they are safe. That’s why all this is happening! We’re getting our shit together so outsiders don’t see us as a juicy target with no direction, so we can respond to threats without ten hours of arguments and so those poor bastards out there can feel like there’s a reason to get up tomorrow morning. We’re making something for them to be a part of – for all of us to be a part of, and you’re whining because there are titles involved? Fuck you!”

*Furious, Korrigan’s hand hovers between his sword and his drink for a moment before he curls it into a fist and slams it on the table.*

“This isn’t just for show, its fucking necessary. How much of what happened to those people out there could have been prevented if the lot of us had been working together? How much time and effort was wasted plotting against our own fucking people! Atrum vs. Ingram, House of Chance vs. Tipsy Tavern… all bullshit! Only when existence itself was threatened did we manage to man up and work together, and now that we’ve got a breather people are right back at it again.”

“Blue hell, almost all of us have been caught up in this crap, but Esmerelda is the one person who has always worked to take care of the people. She’s also the only person I’ve seen bring this rabble together for more than five minutes, and that’s why it has to be her. Rhul’s right, people need titles to consider something legitimate, and that means titles and ceremony and tradition they’re familiar with. We can just thank our lucky stars that the person who we’re giving a title to and lining up behind is wise and genuinely good.”

*Looking more exhausted than angry now, Korrigan slumps back a chair near the door.*

“Or we can do what we’ve been doing. Talk shit about the Queen, plot and scheme, bitch that we’re not the ones in charge. Then, the first time the Queen is challenged or actually has to do something we can all call her a tyrant and say “I told you so!” With only part of Haven actually behind her there will be a new divide. Loyalists against the Resistance or some shit like that. We’ll fight amongst each other yet again, and in the end, we’ll all suffer for it.”

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:21 am
by Onimaster
Val jumps up and fastens his cup to his belt by the leather strap and walks up to Korrigan without fear or self doubt. “No, fuck you! You seem to think that throwing these people’s suffering in my face gives you the right to call my people’s values ignorant, and spit on generations of tradition just because it would make your work easier. You wield concepts of royalty and grace like they were empty rubbish you found on the street discarded and without a care for the traditions of old. She could easily lead these people honorably without calling herself a Queen. They could come together and learn to trust each other first! But, you decided that to keep them in line in the long run it would be better to appoint a monarch while spirits were high from victory, hope no one questioned it until the idea was firmly in place, and then leverage the good of the town into keeping any rivals from stepping forward. Hell, she didn’t even want the title. And now, you think I want to lead. HA! That’s rich. I’m the least of your worries. I have the balls to speak my mind in the open. I think she hasn’t earned such a right, but I have no desire to plot against her, usurp her, or do anything other than keep on doing what I have been doing. Good luck with your meddling barkeep. I’m going to lay down before I pass out.”

The little man staggers to the left then right and then off toward the door to their room slamming it shut.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:06 am
by Dallid
“And therein lies the difference, Val. Many of the people living here do believe Esmerelda has earned the right to such a title. Indeed, your dissention is the first I’ve heard. Respect must run both ways – people can only respect your beliefs if you are willing to respect theirs.”

“Titles are mean things. I, myself, place little stock in them. I won’t call someone by their title, as when I talk to them, I talk to their whole – not the sliver of them bracketed by their title’s definition. Nor will I kneel before any mortal. I consider all such my equal, and to imply one is my better would mean I am lying.”

“And if there is enough dissention from enough people, appropriate changes in mere words of office can easily be changed.”

“However, as others have well stated, they do provide a means of organization and point out who is likely the most knowledgeable and capable in a given field. Descriptive titles do prove useful.”

“And to best meet the needs of Haven, different roles should be assigned to multiple people. Security is an obvious one. As is town infrastructure. Even formal structures offered for mages, artisans, and scouts might prove beneficial.”

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 11:16 am
by Rhul
*Rhul watches Val leave*

Ah, don't worry about it Korrigan. Men like Val are the way they are, and there's no changing them. I'd rather have someone state their opinion out loud than behind closed doors, even if it's the opposite viewpoint, and I'll never be the one to bully someone into my way of thinking, as long as they are on the same side, which so far, it seems Val is.

And realistically, we'll always have two groups, simply because some people need to stand out- to be 'the other group'. It's inevitable. The main thing we should worry about is whether all sides can have differing opinions but still come together to do the common good, or just spend our time working against each other like the House of Chance and the Tavern.

*He looks toward Esmerelda*

If anything, I think we should make it a point get all the townsmembers together before anything formal happens. I know some weren't around when the idea was first thought up at the mining village, or were otherwise occupied when we were talking to the Elven king; I think they should all have a chance to hear what is being proposed, and the reasons behind it, before anything happens.

That would be the first large step towards the town becoming one entity. Have everyone, well, try to agree on what is going to happen. That way we won't have a brand new instance of "The folks at the castle versus the people of the inn."

The previous situation existed because people simply gravitated towards one side or the other, before those sides even came into existence. We need to loudly and firmly cement the idea in place that whatever befalls one group is a major concern of all the others, because we are all part of the same town.

We need to show everyone that this keep may not be large enough to hold all of us, but that shouldn't be a stop to us being one entity.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:14 pm
by Malachi
As Rhul glances towards the retreating dwarf, he catches a glimpse of Malachi stalking towards the remains of the ruined tower, hammer glowing white hot in his hand. He stops at the base and takes a deep breath.

Suddenly, the craftsman seems to grow. Not literally, but he just doesn't seem such a small figure compared to the mountain of partially collapsed rubble before him. He roars and raises the hammer high above his head with both hands. He brings it down with all the strength he has in his body.

A thunderous *CRACK* echoes across the entirety of Haven itself, followed shortly by the sound of thick beams snapping, glass breaking, and mortar and stone crumbling.

Malachi, apparently unaware of the effectiveness of his initial blow, wades into the debris, hammer flying.

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:03 pm
by Rothek
:ulfgar shakes his head as val leaves and lights his pipe turning to address dallid:

" security is part of the reason ah've returned, when Altearez asked me teh be part of the guard, ah couldn't refuse. :ulfgar takes a draw from his pipe and the smoke escapes as he continues: if there is any other way ah can help, let it be known

:ulfgar then hears the thundering crack outside and gets up to look outside to see malachi waist deep in rubble he takes another draw then lets it out before he turns to esmerelda:

" doin a bit of redecoration are we?"

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:08 pm
by Esmerelda
The crack of Malachi's hammer pulls Esmerelda's attention out of the deep thought she'd been in. In response to Ulfar's querry she answers, "not quite redecorating, but repairing the tower that was destroyed in the battle. If we're going to live in the keep then we need to repair it so it's worth living in again."

She turns to address the rest assembled.

"Let it be with Val. Until he sees this working in action, I do not think he's going to be convinced that it is a good idea. And like Korrigan said, there will always be people who are not happy that they are not in charge. I worry more about the ones who are plotting silently in the shadows then being openly outspoken about it. And as Rhul has pointed out, there is no changing the perverse nature of some people to have to go against the rules simply because they are the rules. Evil will sprout up even in our our town, much as we wish it otherwise. My only hope is that when I move to eliminate it that I will still have all of your backing. The only way this is going to work is if we stand united. Unfortunately that means at times doing unpleasant things. But if we do not stand up for goodness and the protection of our people, even if it means against people who would like us to think they are our allies and towsmembers, then all will be lost before it has begun.

"We can call everyone together at the earliest time possible to discuss this. I am sure Val will not be the only one openly opposed. And I am more than willing to listen to their options, should they be able to provide any. Unfortunately it is my experience that while people are quick to complain about the situation at hand, they are slow to offer up any alternative options. But I am willing to listen, should any be proposed. I ask you all to do the same.

"As for titles, I tend to think of them more as job descriptions. People need to start earning their upkeep. Merely because one lives here is not a good enough reason to be fed every month. Townspeople need to work to protect our farmers and villgers to gain the benefit of the services provided. And if we assign specific jobs to specific people, it will make it that much easier for new members of town to figure out who can help them when they arrive in town. Need a history of what's going on in town? Ask Rhul, since he's the town scribe. Need help when an ambassador from our allies comes to town? Find Mohdri or Dallid, they're our two main diplomats in town. Have a question about getting supplied? See Malachi, he's the man at Arms in charge of the town's weapons and armor. Need work? Talk to the captain of the guard and he will get you set up. Need to talk to me about an issue and I'm busy? Talk to Chancellor Fionna and she'll make sure I get your message or request as soon as possible."

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:34 am
by Dallid
Dallid nods.

“I will help spread word of the town meeting. Best be prepared to address a wide range of concerns. Be they critical need, baseless superstition, racial intolerance, or outright paranoia, every issue will be of great importance to at least some of the townsfolk, and should be treated as such.”

“Should the question of legitimacy of authority arise, the best response, I believe, is endorsement by those who support those granted positions of responsibility. Everyone should be ready to explain their own reasons and feelings on the matter, much as has been done today. Think, for instance, why Esmerelda should speak for Haven and set its priorities, as opposed to any other?”

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:15 pm
by Atrum Draconus
Val will never come over to the idea, he has a skewed view of what "action" is and believes that his dwarven traditions say that you shouldn't be "given" a title that you should take it. I assume that he has never spent time in a dwarven court or he would know that all this same bull happens there. S

*Nods to Rhul* He has the right of it, there is ALWAYS going to be a group of people that don't like what's going on at any time for a multitude of reasons. The mark of a good leader is to know when to deal with it directly, indirectly and frankly, to ignore it.

After 8 years I can tell you that no matter who is leading people at the time, when our noses are pressed to the grinder and we need to come together we have. So all the talk and who leads the town has amounted no less than a pile of horse shit. Despite the efforts of people like Corbyn and others. Esmerelda is our leader, don't like it, take your bullshit with you as you leave.

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 3:27 pm
by Daffyd
Daffyd walked in to the courtyard of the castle, carefully watching his step, avoiding the debris and ruin. His gazes fell upon Malachi, watching as the young man reshaped the tower, once again in awe of his skill as a craftsman.

"Anything I can do to help, Malachi?"

The newcomer removed his cloak and bent to pick up a small piece of the rubble. Energy gathered in his hand as he spoke a few strange words and sketched a mysterious symbol in the air. The small piece of stone began to shine with a dull green glow, as did several other nearby pieces of rock.

Daffyd walked through the rubble gathering the glowing pieces, fitting them against each other as if working on a puzzle.

"This should help save some time."

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:41 pm
by Rothek
" and in the very short time ah have been here, its become very clear teh me, those who gives a damn dobber about anything, : looks at esmerelda then fionna, dallid, rhul and then atrum:

"and as far as this dwarf has seen, they ave all done right, and ah'm honored teh share company with em"

:ulfgar grabs his tankard and drains it, then rifles through his pack for another bottle, looks up and counts the empty bottles on the table next to him and sighs:

" ah'm also honored to share drink seein that ah've run out"

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:48 pm
by Fionna
Fionna rises from her chair and walks to the kitchen. She returns to the room with a bottle of wine and her chalice. She pulls the cork and heads over to the dwarf.

"Well said. Here Ulfgar, I'm still not the level of brewer of your kin, but this is one of my grandmother's recipes and this was made before we left Far Reach, so it still tastes of home. Hopefully its satisfactory. Just remember, it may taste wonderful, but there are no answers in the bottom of that bottle."

She fills Ulfgar's mug, adds some to her own. She returns to her chair and her book and continues to study its contents.

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:35 pm
by Rothek
:ulfgar lifts his tankard to Fionna: " thank yeh"

:ulfgar takes a drink and then gives a nod in approval:

"sweeter than any dwarven brew ah've had. but a fine recipe it is none the less and true words of wisdom"

:ulfgar lifts his mug to fionna:

"teh you and yer house"

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:34 am
by Dallid
With much to do, Dallid exits the Keep and crosses the courtyard toward the gate, though pauses as he reaches the area where Malachi is working.

“You wield that hammer with great power. Enough, one would think, to bring down an intact wall or tower in short order. “

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 3:57 pm
by Altearez
"Speaking of the guard, I'm always looking for new recruits if anyone is interested, yes there will be in interview first. just ask. Right now the guard consist of Ulfgar, Leo and I. Actually, Rhul seeing as your a scribe and I can't write, If you aren't to busy, could you help me with writing up a notice to post here."