November event feedback

What did you think of the last event? Post your opinions and disucss the comments of others here!

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Post by General Maximus »


I will admit there where times I was a little to close to PC's while I was fighting. When I realized I got myself into this postion, I tried to pull back. It's hard when one is surrond by a ton of PC's and trying to manuver out of a bad postion.

My applogizes to Rhul (CJ) becasue I know I step right up to while you where guarding the clock and was way to close. I kinda stepped right into an opening and realized I needed to step back.

Getting to close will happen time to time in 4+ hour long battles. As long as folks realize what is happening and step back, than it's cool.
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Post by Smitty19 »

I have very mixed emotion of this event, all the bad has already been brought to the gm's attention, so I need not repeat it here, but now to the good...

All I can say is REALLY well done by the pc's, we banded together for a common goal and worked AWESOMELY together! We worked cohesively as units, and got the job done!

The roleplaying I was involved with was Awesome, and the look on Esmerlda's face as I presented her with the gift of the Golums and 100 Dark Elf warrior allies was Priceless!

The highs and lows I felt in game were great, because I as Serith truely felt like I was letting my own people down because I was very likely to die and not be able to free them from their own elven taskmasters, so I was quite sullen about the situation. Add onto that fact that I was tasked to lead a group into battle again, and that made me Nervous, as Brett and Serith both.

When my group and Eli went to the Obsidian Caverns to free Lexa, and watching the Courtyard Strike Team work as one and decimate nearly 2 battalions of elves without a single loss was truely awe inspiring, then being able to provide the one item needed in order to repair the machine to bring back Lexa from the Dreaming made me feel special. Add onto that fact that we made new allies in the Dark Elves of those caves, and following up on the prophecy that Ulfghar had heard about the Contructs of rock that were formed and turned out to be able to recieve the 10 Obsidian Golums was AWESOME!!!

Turn right around and getting ready to go to the battle, and as we are marching me frakking up the marching order, and our battle lines being split as we hit the gate breaker limit....and hitting the wall as the gate closed. That automatically made me question myself as a leader, and had to compose myself quickly to try and gather together a new plan of action...

The battle itself was very hard fought, and felt like a hopeless fight, and thats exactly as it should have felt...but we kept at it, and with some major boons we were able to do it! I was happy to be part of retaking Haven, after the last time having NO Chance in participating the climatic battle...

My concerns have already been brought up by others, and being on the other side of the coin, as in being a GM at Winterhaven I understand the annoying aspects of long/multiple game breaks, and sometimes they are unavoidable to describe the scene or with magic rituals so those werent as bothersome to me

All in all this was a good way to end the season, and look forward to seeing what transpires next season...
Serith Darkheart

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Post by Altearez »

before i start let me remove the foot from my ass where i've been kicking myself all day for missing the event..


whew now that thats taken care of, I hope you had a great time, and for the GM's I won't turtle again, and please when I'm doing somthing unsafe don't be afraid to be mean, make me cry, so i don't hurt someone and make them cry. I HOPE YOU ALL HAD A GREAT TIME!!!
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Post by Smitty19 »

Ill be mean right time....make enough brownies for your mom....and CLEAN THE KITCHEN NEWB!!! I feel better!

And we did miss you and Ariez (butchered the spelling i know)
Serith Darkheart

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Post by Arìen »

Ok, so awesome event, although I was really worried Friday night.... "Drain life".....glad it wasn't permanent... also, the groups going through the portal and only 12 people making it, cool but depressing seeing as we got trapped inside the building when zeria and jason ran out... thanks to zeira for coming back and saving us allowing us to reconnect with the rest of the world and heal everyone....glad I didn't die...yay, so thanks to the warriors who protected me, but i suppose that's kind of their job, but thanks anyway, also thanks to the gms and npc's awesome job, i cannot wait until next year.... :)

Also, awesome that I got to use my skills, interrogation, was fun... Noshii and I being able to recapture the elven mage after maggot was beaten and she was taken away....kudos to maggot who caught her in the first place...

*ya, i'm the elven interrogator*
...thanks guys, i try to be useful and come up with ideas :D

Post by Brecca »

Let's see, I had an AWESOME time. I didn't really have any complaints and IF I did, they were already mentioned. Now for some of my highlights....

I finally felt like a somewhat important PC! Orien and I worked together to share our IG knowledge and tried to make sure that at least one of us went on the important stuff that would need one of us.Super glad we figured out what my sage hints were BEFORE we finished whatever we were doing where that hint would have been handy.

Thanks to Orien who let me do the coolest thing I have ever done in a LARP (being that this is the end of my first year) It was super hard to do since I knew what Brecca would have done, but not being able to do it, due to certain AWESOME circumstances.

Food was amazing! just wish there was more of it next time so I dont have to share as much! I could have eaten the pot pies and lasanga all by myself if I was mean like that, but I knew how much we were all doing and we all needed some of that DELISH food to keep up the energy for the EPIC battle saturday.

Speaking of awesome-ness on saturday... it was just a blur of "No way! That PC just did WHAT? YAY!!!" Kudos to maggot when my evil elvin mage went to to make it rain something super nasty, but before I could even say what it was he had to be like 'oh, an evil mage is casting and the sky is turning black, I'll just use a hero point to redirect that back at you' it took a half hour to charge that! oh well. still awesome!!

Thanks to Chris for showing up and answering all of my dede-de questions because I knew how awesome the stuff I was doing could be and didnt want to mess it up.

Thanks to everyone else who made my first LARP season so memerable, it was super cool how my first PC is still alive, and there are times where I'm not at a larp and talking about Brecca and I stop and try to figure out how I dont know what MY OWN PC WOULD DO! like I have sczopherinia! I so cant wait to do it again next year! and I am so glad that I made so many new, great friends.

I think that about sums it up... ya'll should know by now that I tend to forget things and will usually announce them later whenever I finally do remember. If that happens, I'll throw it in here then! Cant wait to see you again!! hopefully the time will fly.
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Post by Keridwen »

First and Foremost, I would like to thank everyone for the coolest experience I have had in awhile. When I first started coming back in May, I was completely in awe of everyone and the amount of role-playing that goes on sometimes completely takes my breathe away. I have some individual thank you's to do before I get into the pros of this event.
* Theon and Cristo, what can I say but you are my protectors and I luv ya for it. My character would not have lasted this long without the brothers and I thank you for it. :D
*Malechi(sp), what can I say that the role-playing that you do is absolutely awesome that there times, I look at you and am like (tear, tear) because you have such a knack for it.
* Serith, my boom twin, I had so much fun blowing stuff up with you that I am looking forward to next season. :P
* Aurora, my loving battery where would I be without you twice in one day. AND THE BEST CUPCAKE MAKER EVER I can't wait for next season to role-play with you more it has truly been an honor. 8)
* Esmerelda, What can I say, but thank you for the food and the great honor of serving under you madam what an experience to truly watch you at work I am still in awe from it. :o
* Fionna, thank you for the great conversation and healing that you have provide me all season, I am truly in your debt madam. 8)
* Eli, I had so much fun arcaning with you this event I have never not used my empath abilities for a full event before and I can honestly say that I used them for like a quarter of this event. Thanks for showing what my character has to prove. :)
* Brecca, I have truly found a good friend in game and out of game and I can't wait to role-play with you again. 8)
* And to Zeira and Azra what a truly honoring and fun experience it was to game with you. I never could believe that I could have so much fun, but Zeira even in the worst cases you can come out smelling like a rose and what can you do but wonder. Azra I have only played 2 events with you but they were great and I must say "Awesome shot" :D
* And for everyone else I have missed I am truly sorry and I have been honored to game with you and will see you next year. 8)

Okay to the pros since I really don't think I have any cons

*** The Food Thanks Melissa and Dani for the wonderful cooking you two have done for the events, I am up for dish duty anytime.

** The battles were so great and memorable, although I was laying on the ground dying for most of the big battle, and all I can say is that I blame most of that on myself (damn arcane spells). Everyone I could like charge, just before I was able to cast it, I was disrupted and dropped to -1 life. And the only one I was able to cast was counterspell and redirected, I am GOING to learn that one next year, because I am going to use it.

*** The fact that there was hardly any down time and that even when I was able to get to sleep, it felt like a power nape and then to battle the next time. That was awesome although I sleep like Five hours after I got home on Sunday, but as previously written I definitely had a "larp hangover"

Well, Aside from being still in awe, I will see everyone at the next event and what a wonderful way to end a first season. Kudos to all the GM's and NPC's what an event where there was so much going on and a constant for everything. Thank you and congrats to another splended event.
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Post by Goonter »

Altearez wrote:before i start let me remove the foot from my ass where i've been kicking myself all day for missing the event..


whew now that thats taken care of, I hope you had a great time, and for the GM's I won't turtle again, and please when I'm doing somthing unsafe don't be afraid to be mean, make me cry, so i don't hurt someone and make them cry. I HOPE YOU ALL HAD A GREAT TIME!!!
Not to worry, if I ever catch you turtling, I will be sure to Sparta-kick you... AND YOU WILL CRY! :twisted:
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Post by Dallid »

Must say the flow of the event was great! Stayed busy much of the time, with just enough chances to rest, think, and interact with other PCs.

And Dallid now has an in-game pooch! :D I’d bring one of my own dogs to phys-rep her if only dogs were allowed. :P

The running battle that developed after ambushing the Elven arch-mage was a spectacular adrenilin rush. The elves HAD to know exactly where an when the ambush would happen, given the fallen tree blockade that was so obviously herding them along a precise path. The elation felt when the last of the guards fell and the mage was in our hands was representative of a well-earned victory. Thanks NPCs for providing that kind of challenge.

Then end battle was great, I’m sure – though as a healer, I had to miss most of it. Still, the parts I could be in were memorable. A solo fight against Slivandar elite will definitely be a last stand I’ll remember for a long time. 8) There were a number of frustrating issues, but I think most have been hit on. GMs did a stellar job organizing it. Putting on a two-front war for three hours is a herculean feat! I can’t imagine all the elements that had to be juggled. Major kudos there!

Though GMs should really know better than to let Nelkie write up his own NPCs. Are min/maxed Savage Tribal Protectors really representative of a Silvandar army? :P

Also big god-like resurrections kind of steal the PCs thunder. Roberts Ring was cool because PCs worked really hard to make that possible. Given that, I don’t know if that was a one-shot ability, but it really should be. But the other GM resurrections (especially Gaul’s) just remind the PCs there are gods in-game that make them feel more insignificant, and also leave them feeling like they can’t accomplish anything without their help.

My one other major gripe is hearing an NPC at NPC Camp call the PCs “Idiots” for not having the obsidian bracelet. I’m glad I bit my tongue and didn’t shout her down, but that level of absolute disrespect is infuriating. Just shows a complete inability to view from other perspectives – perspectives that don’t have access to NPC plot write-ups and notes. Odds are the PC who ended up with the bracelet wasn’t even at the event, so how does that make the PCs who are there and doing their best ‘idiots’?
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Post by Kalphoenix »

Dallid wrote:The elves HAD to know exactly where an when the ambush would happen, given the fallen tree blockade that was so obviously herding them along a precise path.
I had it clarified for me in a PM that this was indeed the case, however, the "Wow, that was stupid and worthless, huh?" moment was when they were able to spot us because of the blockade, BUT then all went running THROUGH the blockade like it wasn't there.

AGAIN, a logistical accident, but kind of hard to just ignore and not mention as an annoyance when knocking down the trees offered the NPCs an advantage, but no penalty. :roll:
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Post by Kalphoenix »

Oh, I just wanted to add (Since people seem to think I was really disappointed and critical of the whole event), while this doesn't rank up there as one of my favorite events, I feel the writing staff pulled off the feeling of intensity very well.

I was also very impressed with the PC planning, which I feel is some of the best I have EVER seen.

The clock prop was probably my favorite ever.

I feel that most of my complaints that I voiced at the game were taken seriously.

I was able to interact with certain NPCs in an enjoyable way and did not feel "rushed" to finish up with them as I know events sometimes can be and this was a HUGE balance into the favorable territory.

Again, I am speaking from my PERSPECTIVE, which may be different from other people. I'm not being critical because I want to be nasty, I am being critical because I would want the same if it were the other way around so I would have a chance to either correct the person, explain myself or apologize for the mix-up.

I'm glad it's done for the winter and I have at least about five months or so until I have to decide if I can gun it up for another season. :)

Speaking of which (not to get too off-topic), I'm going to be on the forums until the end of the week and then I am going to attempt to ignore them until just before next season with the hopes that my enthusiasm will be the better for the experience. You can reach me through livejournal or facebook if you don't have my email (And I will make sure you get it at that point). I am also happy to welcome RP that way if someone really wants it. At worse, PM me and I will come and check my messages when I get the email notification.

Can't please everyone 100% of the time. However, I do feel staff worked very hard on this event and that their dedication showed, which I think is something EVERYONE (Including myself) can appreciate.
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Post by Atreus »

I want to apologize for my bad behavior on Saturday night and I hope the people around me can forgive me for those who heard me.

I did have a GREAT time.

Mike,Chris,Bill,and all of the npc's FANTASTIC JOB!!
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Post by Aurora »

Atreus wrote:I want to apologize for my bad behavior on Saturday night and I hope the people around me can forgive me for those who heard me.

I did have a GREAT time.

Mike,Chris,Bill,and all of the npc's FANTASTIC JOB!!
Meh you were on severe lack of sleep for not getting your nap in during game feeding time.

'tis okies and there will be snickerdoodles in your future. :P
Aurora Darksbane

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Post by Frazzle Copperpot »

ok this weekend was a blast and a bore for me, making up my own character flaws hindered me in several ways this event but i wanted to stay true to my character. it is very difficult to try to not think and just act, thank you all for responding in turn to my actions and not letting me steel, and letting me run off alone, or messing with the big shinny clock thingy that you all faught so hard to get.

i have some huge props to throw out for those of you who have incharacter problems with a goblin or a goblin who heals by biting, it was a bast to bring someone back to life just to have them press me accross the road and put themselves back to zero.

thank you to the characters that i have major rp tie's to you know who you are and it really helps me when i consider playing that annoying little green guy.

the battle, holy cow, how many times do i have to try to run from things in the middle of the night in the woods, untill frazzle finaly closes his eys when he ran and BAMM!!! strait into a tree, it hurt but it was what my character would have done.

i hope the seige weapons helped this event however i was unable to use them much cause of the awesome snipers that kept killing me.

thats close to all i feel like saying at this point in time but i want to say thank you all for a great first year playing and i will be back next year.
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Post by Happy Windfall »

Soooo, glad those of you who loved this event had fun! ^_^ Sorry if you played and didn’t have fun, whether that was due to your own character’s restrictions, game-stops, or what have you.

I now have absolute respect for the GMs/NPCs/PCs that write up plots, because wow. I never realized how frustrating it is to see something so clearly in your minds eye, and be all ready to get it done, but not have anyone bite.

And yet I feel guilty, as I come down from the high of playing when I realize that, for the majority of this season, I’ve gone off and pretty much done my own thing instead of actually being available as an actual NPC for the GMs. I can only attempt to correct myself next year.

Whoever has the Obsidian Bracelet from the Dreaming event, PM me so I know where it is. It’s one of those Power Bracelets, with large black onyx beads strung together on an elastic band. This is not saying that I want it back – it is now an official in-game item – just that I need to know who has it.

As is, I had fun playing a bunch of RP characters that interacted with you all, whether it was to say you were all going to die, watching you band together to protect a Cauldron, being mysteriously vague, or just to watch you pick up candy, you all were just fun to interact with. And thank you Kiel, for taking the time during a game break to re-explain the abilities I was supposed to have on the stairs in the Castle. Expect to see some of those RP characters again next year, as I take the winter to write-up plots for them that may (or may not) go in!

*whispers* Snatch Trap! *giggles and skips off*
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