I am officially announcing that I am the Research Czar for Final Haven.
That said there is going to be some changes in how Final Haven conducts research so it will be more fun than it is now.
Starting immediately:
1) All research must include a way to contact you between events.
2) If you are researching a new spell, potion, crafted item, then you need to explain to me how you think it would work in a role playing sense and what your character is doing to work toward accomplishing the research.
3) You must include what you think the finished OOG rule write-up will look like.
The burden of research is going to fall on you the player. We will no longer accept "I want a spell to kill people" and then have the burden of figuring out the mechanics be on the GMS's. In addition, this means that if your write-up is not even close to being balanced (as in it is too powerful) it will be rejected as a failed attempt instead of the usual silence as we attempt to fix everything to make it in line with current spells, potion, crafted items. This means that if your spell, potion, crafted item is actually more costly than its benefit we will not balance the spell, potion, crafted item in your favor.
Here are some guidelines that will help when coming up with research
1) Potions that are thrown (targeted), area effect, lash will never be approved at FH going forward. I understand there are other potions that do these things, but they are grandfathered in.
2) Spells that mimic transformation potions or healing effects will be rejected.
3) A potion, spell, crafted item cannot duplicate the effect of another spell, potion, or crafted item. If someone gets a potion approved first, and later you want to have that same effect as a spell you are out of luck. First come first served.
4) My plan is to turn research into a Role Played event that helps drive plot. I am much more concerned about your character's journey to the spell, potion, crafted item, and suggest that your research submission be juicy rich in RP content as it will help in not being rejected outright.
5) A good chance of getting things approved is to make it weaker than you think it should be.
6) Try answering questions like why you think this Is an arcane spell vrs a potion.
7) Tell me how you plan to go about living forever.
My promise to you
Communication! I pledge to communicate more than has ever been done before. You will know very quickly if research is rejected, and I will tell you why.
Lastly, think about your research. You get one attempt between events. I will not Reject research just for you to resubmit. If your research is rejected then you can attempt again between the following events.
Rsearch Czar
Moderator: Admin
Rsearch Czar
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
Just a reminder to get that rsearch to me as soon as possible so i can start going through it. You can PM me or you an email finalhavenlarp@gmail.com
I am monitoring both and the process will be MUCH (cooler I hope) different so we need to be in communication sooner than later.
I am monitoring both and the process will be MUCH (cooler I hope) different so we need to be in communication sooner than later.
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them
I be one of the gamemasters so e-mail me questions if you have them