Had Enough

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Donovan Thynedar
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

*Donovan nods to Dallid*

Yes, we will need at least one more person to hold the aspects in the interim, but we also have to figure out who will be the one to assemble them all when the time comes. I’ve heard numerous people offer their services, and what I don’t want is three or four people simultaneously trying to play hero and potentially mucking things up.

As for the Orcs, I’m all for using whatever allies we can muster, but we should be aware of the potential reprisal if Traz’s followers find out we’ve allied with the Woodwraiths. It may not be a reason not to ally with them, but is certainly something we should keep in mind.

*Donovan stands and bows when Corbyn enters, then retakes his seat.*

Good to know about the Beastmen and the Lizardmen, anyway. I’ll talk with Ravinal as soon as I can. Hopefully he’ll know how things sit with Traz.

*Donovan sits back as Ug delivers his speech, a slight look of wonderment on his face. He had seen Ug slip into this refined speech before, and the spectacle never stopped being impressive.*

You make a good point concerning Roderick, Ug. I’m just hoping the Dragon hasn’t already claimed his numbers for himself. I’m taking his threat to unite all our enemies very seriously. If we can convince him to hold back, if he believes us, then that would be one less army arrayed against us this moon. Who would be best suited to convince him? Atrum? Perhaps this would be your chance to dust off those court skills you mentioned.

For the record, I’m not thrilled about dividing our forces this time. We’ll certainly need to array ourselves in a manner that takes advantage of our respective strengths, but I’m not so sure we can afford to split our numbers at all when the fighting starts. It’s precisely the kind of maneuver I’d be looking for if I were on the other side of this conflict. I’m not saying it’s out of the question, but you’re going to have to sell me on it.

*After Pugo speaks*

Thanks for the offer, Pugo. I’ll talk to Ogrom if you think it will help, or perhaps Atrum will if it would be better coming from him. I still need to be briefed on what happened on your mission, if someone doesn’t mind.

*To Ug and all assembled*

I’m also all in favor of action, but without a single person making decisions action comes in short supply… well, unless you’re Kels, and no one wants him calling the shots. The people in this room can cover a great deal of ground in a very short time so long as we listen to each other, so let’s keep this up. Atrum, I’m specifically interested in your take. What say you?
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Post by Atrum Draconus »

*Atrum listens as everyone speaks, nods with a smile as Corbyn speaks*

That's the Corbyn I see sometimes.

*Gives Ug the sideways glance he always gives him everytime he witnesses the change and listens to the others speakand raises an eyebrow when Donovan suggests that he go to Roderick*

*To Dallid*
Does the joining of the Aspects have to go that way?

*Nods to Pugo*

Donovan can speak with Ogrom and the two of you can fill him in on the raid.

*Looks to Donovan*
We did inform some of the Phoenix but you are right, we should have made sure that it reached you Arthos and Corbyn atleast.

*then to Corbyn*

If there is time, I would suggest sending a few people that would include Roland, Talana, Nathaniel and myself. I think it should be Corbyn's decision who he sends to speak with Roderick. I would suggest that the decision should be made once we have come up with atleast some type of strategy in case the envoys are delayed and return during the fighting and so that the people selected are not needed direly as part of a plan.

*To Donovan*
I don't think that we can stand against all that could possibly be amassed against us. We could be facing an army larger than we have ever faced in the past. We have never planned to leave the town any other time but it certainly has happened. A plan of how to attack in that case would be prudent I think. Spots to meet need to be setup in each direction and known so that there can be a chance of regrouping. Many things will need to be considered.

*Walks over to Corbyn*

May I suggest that those you wish join in on ths planning Each person may have some knowledge that others may not or a different approach to a problem.

*Leans over and whispers something into Corbyn's ear ans then takes a step back*

Teall us how you wish to proceed.
Atrum Draconus
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Pugo Redfang
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Post by Pugo Redfang »

* Pugo look sup as he is being talked too. He smile a toothy grin and nods.*

"Ok Donivan you tell Ogrom he repects you. As much as he repects Atrum and Incarus. I tell you all I can about mission when they done talking."

*Pugo goes back to being amused with his round stone try not to make to much noise.*
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Post by Dallid »

"Such would be the best handling of the Aspects, yes. Thus the third volunteer would be the one to make the sacrifice with the Perfect Being, and thus face almost certain death."

*When the conference is over, Dallid informs Donnovan of the details of their trip to the Dragon Fortress.*
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