After the changing of the Guard

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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After the changing of the Guard

Post by DarKarath »

After the change of the guard Darkarath heads up to get some shut eye while everything is "Normal" What a funny word that has become. It used to be something of a comfort, back when his family was still alive, and they would all eat together and celebrate life. That all changed when the undead swarm attacked my village and killed my entire family, leaving me for dead, all alone in this forsaken world.

With these thoughts going through his head, DarKarath closes his eyes and in no time slips into a deep sleep.

Images of the past days time flash through his dreams and seems to become reality.

*DarKarath looks around his surroundings notticing that he is in that damn worm cave again, bleeding all over the ground from numerous puncture wounds from the ancient beast. Struggling with all the power he can muster, muscules burning, bones aching, DarKarath props him self against the cave wall while grabbing for his pouch. Hoping he still has his potions, or this will be a very long and painful wait for deaths release.

Getting his fingers around one of the vials, DarKarath pulls it free from the fabric of the blood stained pouch and puts the cork in his teeth to help remove the top. Spitting the cork to the ground and empting the entire contents of the liquid down his throat, DarKarath feels the soothing sensation of the healing balm starting to take effect. After finishing the other two vials he had, DarKarath tries to rest for he knows he is going to need more strength than a mortal man should be able to muster.

Remembering something his father would always tell him about how, when put into stressful, and life or death situations people could summon up emormous amounts of strength and dexterity. Its funny, how almost on deaths door, little memories of times long past become so clear once again.

Taking his Phoenix Guard Tabard, DarKarath rips the fabric into sheets to try and plug up the life giving blood that is flowing freely from his wounds.

*Coughing up some blood as DarKarath chuckles*
"I dont think theres going to be enough fabric to patch all the teeth marks."

After what seems like an eternity, DarKarath finally patches up enough of the punctures, so that he feels comfortable that he wont bleed to death. Gathering all the power he can DarKarath begins the long, and seemingly impossible task of crawling out of this forsaken cave, for he will not die in the lair of a worm, not before his destiny is fulfilled!

As DarKarath crawls along the rocky ground, he can hear the squishing and popping of numerous amounts of the maggots, that were not long ago, trying to make of feast of his flesh. Getting some sick sort of joy out of the act, DarKarath smiles as he is exacting some small amount of revenge against the tiny flesh eatting vermin.

DarKarath Reaches the slippery acid coated slope in which his companions could not figure out what a good way to traverse down it would be. *Chuckling*

"Bet they didnt think of the way to crawl back up!"

As he is finishing saying that he nottices that the rope that was tied up above was still dangling there, DarKarath grabs ahold of it, and starts to pull himself up the slope. Feeling the remains of his Tabard, and even his armor start to bubble and fizz from the acid DarKarath finally pulls himself to the top of the slope. Resting around a corner after the long and painful journey DarKarath hears a rumbling from all around him. Panic and grief settles in when he realizes what it is that is prolly coming. The beast that did this to him in the first place, That Giant Worm!

Pulling himself as far against the wall as he can DarKarath freezes in terror, as he sees the giant razor sharp tooth filled maw round the corner. The giant worm slows its pace and looks directly in DarKaraths direction. DarKarath holds his breath hoping that playing dead will make this beast think that this was a fine meal for the maggots, and not for it. After what seemed to be like years the beast lets out a gutteral sound that shakes loose rock, soot, and dirt from the cave, the thing with unnatural grace slides itself down the slope heading back in the the darkness from whence it came.

Barely able to contain his fear DarKarath sat, paralyzed with fear, and terror, not even breathing until he felt the thing would not be able to hear his breath and come back to finish its grisly task. DarKarath resumes his impossible journey traveling back the way he originally came in with the rest of his group.

The pain of this ordeal starting to take hold at the sides of his vision DarKarath slowly crawling towards the entrance finds a giant pool of blood, and damaged weapons. Not wanting to think about which one of his comrades this could be, he steels his nerve against the carnage, and plows through the blood pool, vowing that he will not meet with the same fate as his companions did. Struggling with all he has left DarKarath finally crawls through the cracks in the wall entrance and slumps to the ground exhausted. Not knowing if his bandages held, or if the blood he was covered in was that of his former compatriots. Finally gathering enough energy to make the trek back to the inn, DarKarath left the entrance to that damn cavern behind, only stopping to take a glance back at what would now ALWAYS be a reminder, a nightmare of his first night in Haven.

*Waking up in a cold sweat, DarKarath sits up, and quietly sobs into his hands, relieved that this was just another dream, another reminder, of what his life had become.

OOC sorry if that was a little long winded!
Formerly DarKarath
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Post by DarKarath »

After gathering his thoughts DarKarath heads down stairs and heads over to the bar

"I would really like an ale, please good sir"

*Looks quite shaken still*
Formerly DarKarath
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Post by Robin »

Robin was up late, for little was she able to sleep of late. She had spent enough time in bed, and everyone seemed to remand her to resting. She didn't need rest, she needed to be active. Thus, she was up when the Phoenix awoke and came to the bar. He looked worse for ware.

"You look as if your dreams have not been kind, good Guardsman. Pray, keep a Lady company and tell her of your troubles?" Her eyes were kind, her voice soft. Robin did not know him well, and desired to. After all, he was Haven too... and thus he mattered to her.
"Is misery made beautiful, right before our eyes?
Will mercy be revealed, or blind us where we stand?"
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Post by DarKarath »

*bows when Lady Robin speaks to him*

"Mi lady, theres no need to worry, my dreams have just been dark of late. Only remembering a past that has long since faded, theres nothing of importance that a lowly guardsman could place upon the shoulders of one as busy, and stressed as yourself."

*bows again, and takes up his drink in one swallow, placing his mug back on the bar*

"Another ale"
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Quietly moving into the room, Kidwynn looks over at her fellow guild mate. Having overheard the conversation between he and Robin, Kidwynn looks at him.*

You sure you're alright luv? *Has a muffin in her hand and places it in front of the man.*

Here, don't know if it will help the dreams all that much, but I can guarantte you it's tasty and well might lift your spirits a bit.

*She smiles at him*

Oh and your are a lot more then you say about yourself, we all are.
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Post by DarKarath »

*smiles at kidwynn

"Thank you, i am a bit hungry"

*takes the muffins and eats it

"it is very good, thank you. As for the dreams, we all have them, some are more pleasant than others, that is all."

*bows to take leave

"if you'll excuse me, i have some practicing to do."

*with that DarKarath heads outside to practice his form*
Formerly DarKarath
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Post by Kidwynn »

*Before he leave.*

If you need anything, just ask ok?

*After he leaves*

Robin, remind me during some point today I need to make some more of those muffins.

*Now that she is feeling a lot better Kidwynn watches outside for a brief moment.*

Wonder if I'll get to practice with everyone today?
Dead pirate betrayed by Corbyn...ah well least I made him do his own dirty work when he killed me.