Phoenix Guard Hall

A cold bed and a warm ale. Blood stains the walls, but it looks like the Bar Keep is standing...for once.

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Post by DrakelenasElderich »

*Drake looks at Donovan with disbelif in his eyes*

"Wronged in error? If not for that error you would be dead! Do not call what she did an error or a mistake ever again. She saved you Donovan, best remember that."

"Can you not hear your own words? I'm not the one who needs your help. You are. Your running the Phoenix poorly Donovan. No, I should't say poorly. You are being a bad Perceptor. And yet you are trying to give me an out? Are you really that blind to this situation? You have treated me with rudeness tonight. You let your men disrespect Robin, and did nothing to stop it. You threatened me with anger and violence. All of which broke our code. But thats ok, because it was behind closed doors. No one saw you do this. No one can blame you for anything. You put poor Drake in his place and he quit like a spoiled little cadet. Our hero, our Preseptor."

*Drake walks over to a table and sits down*

"I have not tried to wriggle out of punishment Donovan. I've tried to let you see what you are becoming. I used your words back at you so you would understand there power. And yet it went in your ears, you did not hear it. I'm not pulling away any wrong doing that I did, but showing you yours. Like you said Donovan, it is important to wear this tabard. And I can't just let actions go because of your rank. I can't let the Code go uncontested because of who you are. That would be failing myself."

*Drake looks over to Donovan again*

"Listen to yourself. Listen to what you are saying. This was never about me. It was about you looking stupid in front of others because one of your men called you out. It angered you beyond comprehention. And now your blinded to the fact that you were in the wrong too. Adhere to the code and you'll be following me anyway? Poor words for a Preceptor to say. I don't follow you Donovan. I follow the code to the best that I can. So the truth in the matter is that you too made a mistake. Yet you don't even see it."

*Drake stands up from his chair*

"Agree or disagree, the code was lost it that room. By Shale, by Ug, by Arthos, and by yourself for not stoping it. If you do not see that, then that is where you failed."

"So go ahead and twist what I am saying to make it alright in you own head. Go ahead and turn away from you own failure. Go ahead and use the Code for when it suits you best, and let it pass you by when you are wrong. Go ahead Donovan, you are the Preceptor after all."
Drakelenas Elderich
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Donovan Thynedar
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Post by Donovan Thynedar »

"Drake, I'm honestly suprised you can say all that with a straight face. I had no idea that your ability to decieve yourself was quite so comprehensive. If you think there was no wrong in what Robin did by making a deal with an evil spirit, than you've lost your mind completely. It's the same sort of wrong we commit each time we take a life in defense of the Haven - a necessary act, perhaps, but still wrong. Some wrongs can be easily dismissed in light of the good they accomplish, some cannot, and until now we each have made the decision on that matter on our own. Now we have laws and officials charged with upholding justice, and they must be given the chance to do their duty. We were halfway to Woodhold when Robin struck her deal, and while it did allow us to re-enter the coporeal realm, there's no guarantee that Corbyn's plan or Woodhold or even Frostfell wouldn't have offered us the same chance - without the grievous consequences. Personally I am grateful to Robin for her sacrifice, but I don't know that it was truly necessary. Regardless, I have an obligation to the Guard and to Haven to let our people do their jobs, especially when I disagree with them. What faith can the people place in a system that disregards the actions of its founders? For these institutions to be vaildated as fair and just, everyone must be held to the same standard."

"As for rudeness or threats toward you, it's very clear you've lost your memory. If you had any recollection of Harrison's Pass or the Academy at Elenguard, you would recognize being your being disciplined by a superior officer as a necessary part of a military organization. I did this "behind closed doors" out of respect for your former rank, as is appropriate. I "threatened" you with punishments suited to you indiscretions, which is also appropriate."

"Now, however, I'm afraid that your desperate attempt to vilify me has become rather tiresome. We both know that Shale's disagreement with Robin's actions and Ug's decision to carry out his duty are both well within the bounds of the code. Neither one of them was disrespectful to her, insensitive perhaps, but not disrepectful. The only person to violate the code this night was you, Drake. You have gone so far as to mirror my words, clutching at the structure of the truth I bring to you and using it to support your own fallicious agenda. It seems you would say anything to nurse the fragile lie that you have the right of this. It appears you would do anything, even betraying the Guard, to avoid the admission of your fault, and that sickens me. I am tired of hearing you try to use some farcical violation of the code on my part to justify your own mistakes."

Donovan walks toward the door, opening it, he turns to face Drake one last time.

"Congratulations, Drake. You've outlasted me. You can beat a dead horse longer than I can. It's clear that you won't accept the truth, and I certainly won't accept a lie. We will have to agree to disagree on this point. There are more important matters requiring my attention than a disrespectful former Captain and his endless allegations. I have an Order to lead, a Haven to save, and some friends who very much need my aid in freeing their child from evil. I'm more than content to let history judge my actions, as I know they are good and honorable. I hope someday you can say the same."

"Goodbye, Drake. I thank you for your steady sword and the sacrifices you made on behalf of the Haven. It was an honor to serve with you, and you will be missed: both as an officer and as a brother. As I said, keep the tabard. Come find us if you ever find the strength to put it on again."

With that, Donovan walks out the door.
One should rather die than be betrayed. There is no deceit in death. It delivers precisely what it has promised. Betrayal, though ... betrayal is the willful slaughter of hope.