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Introduction to Solaria

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:38 am
by GM-Phil
(This story begins moments after your characters step, jump or fall through the portal that transports you to the new setting. It ends approximately 5 seconds before Game-On at the April 2017 event.) - (If you wish to do some introductory Role-playing feel free, but the staff will not be posting as everything after "do you have any questions?" will be handled in-game).

The ground falls away from your feet as you feel the energies of the portal consume you. Flashes of color and light blur your vision, and the roaring in your ears blocks out all other sound. You feel yourself tumbling through a vast emptiness, and for a moment all is silent. The colors and lights give way to darkness, and a chill unlike any winter wind passes through your skin. An instant before the cold becomes unbearable the stillness is shattered by a thunderous explosion, sundering the void and revealing a vast expanse of sky. The warmth of the air and the feeling of sunlight on your skin welcome you into a world that makes you grateful to be away from whatever all-encompassing void you passed through in order to get here…
…grateful, at least, until you realize you appear to be several leagues in the air.

Confused, you briefly glimpse the land beneath you. You can see forests, mountains, rivers, and what looks to be a great bay or inlet some distance away. Roads spread across the land, and toiled fields dot the landscape. Clusters of buildings that must be towns and larger collections that suggest cities are also visible, but before you are able to discern more about the land, you come to the alarming realization that the roaring has returned to your ears. The ground begins to grow larger, and the panic of falling from a great height grips your heart. Flailing, you begin to spin end over end. Feeling increasingly dizzy and light headed, your eyes flutter and then close as you lose consciousness.
“Go easy now, stranger,” you hear as you feel a hand resting gently on your shoulder. Beneath you, you can feel the soft earth cradling your body, which though stiff, feels intact and unbroken by the fall. Opening your eyes, you see a young woman in leather armor squatting next to you. She has a short sword at her hip and a bow strung across her back. The crest on her armor depicts a golden lyre atop a multi-colored pentagon.
“I’m from Arland’s Song, and if you’re like the others, you’ve just had a bit of a shock. We’ve been finding people from Phanterra for months now, so if you’re a bit confused, that’s understandable. This is Solaria, stranger, and you’re a long way from home,” she explains as she steps back and helps you to your feet. Looking around you can see several more men and women nearby, all similarly equipped and attired. Not far beyond them you can pick out four or five others who, judging by the bewildered expressions on their faces, came through the portal as well. You attempt take a few steps and the young woman steadies you till you find your feet.

“We’ll escort you to one of the camps we’ve set up for the refugees who’ve arrived here,” the woman explains as she leads you to the group of other refugees. Your vision is still a bit blurry from the experience of coming through the portal, but you swear you recognize a few of the people in the group. The other soldiers fall in around you as the group begins walking down a wide trail. Several have their bows drawn, but are facing away from the group and are clearly guarding you and the other refugees. As you walk, the woman who spoke to you before addresses the group.
“The Quintus, that’s my boss’s boss, is working on a more permanent solution for all of you, but for now the camp has got hot meals, soft beds and a working bath house. We’ve had a few incidents, but I’ve got orders to let you keep your weapons so long as you’re not a threat, so let’s keep things friendly, ay? We’ll be at the camp in a bit, and they’ll be happy to answer all of your questions then. The appearance of confused and vulnerable people from another land – some of whom are carrying large amounts of valuables – has brought out some of the less desirable types from both your world and ours. We’d prefer to avoid trouble, so please, save your questions till we get back to the camp. Fall in, and let’s get moving.”
Exchanging glances, the group seems to accept the Soldier’s requests and begins moving along the trail. The country is hilly, but not difficult to pass and the exertion of walking is helping to bring your senses back into focus and work the ache out of your muscles. The smells and sounds of the forest are no different than home, and for a moment the familiarity of the scene allows you to imagine that you are still back in the lands of your birth.
The soldier leading the party signals to her comrades and the group stops. One of the leather-armored soldiers walks to her side and they have a whispered conversation. Removing his hood, you can see his skin is a ruddy reddish-brown in color and his bald scalp is covered with odd, purple-hued shapes and patterns. He crouches low, pressing a hand to the earth. Perhaps it is a trick of the sun, but for just a second the purple patterns flash in your vision, after which he stands and shakes his head. The woman signals the column to proceed, and in short order you arrive at a large clearing where a camp has been made. Several rough buildings have been erected and rows of large tents extend across the space. More leather-clad soldiers patrol the perimeter, and you are greeted by the smell of campfires and roasted food. A rumble in your stomach reminds you that some time has passed since your last meal. The other soldiers from your group break off and begin to make their way to a set of small tents set along the far side of the clearing. After exchanging a few words with one of the soldiers on the perimeter, the woman leading your group signals for you to follow her.
“Come with me, it looks like we’re just in time. They are briefing a new group of arrivals in the mess hall, and it smells like they’re serving dinner,” she says as she leads you and the other refugees to the largest of the squat, simple buildings. Walking in the door, you see rows of tables and chairs along with a serving area for food. The room is nearly full of people, and you recognize several faces among the crowd. You have just enough time to grab some food before an official-looking man in the front of the room gestures for everyone to sit and asks for quiet. He speaks with the manner of someone accustomed to public address.

“Well met, and on behalf of the Primus and Quintus Firbach, I welcome you to Elessia. I am Drega Savo, an Orchon… an official representative… from the Section of Defense, and I have been dispatched to brief you on the things you’ll need to know going forward. First, we have come to understand that you have all come from a realm known as Phanterra, though you may hail from places with names such as Haven and Witchwood Hold. You have arrived in a land we call Solaria, and prior to the arrival of the first of your kind several moons ago, we had never heard of Phanterra or any of the lands from which you’ve come. The best Orchons from the Section of Knowledge believe that Phanterra and Solaria exist on different planes of existence, and as such we have no idea how to return you from whence you came. Since we are a peaceful people who wish not for others to suffer, the Primus has decreed that you shall be granted guest status within his lands.

Elessia is a protectorate, founded some 200 years ago to keep and maintain the Peace of the Five Kingdoms. Each of the Kingdoms deeded land to create Elessia, and each maintains a district within the capitol, a city called Arland’s Song. Arland was a man of great and many talents who, just over two centuries ago, offered his life to bring an end to a war which threatened to destroy the Five Kingdoms. The Song he wrote, when combined with his noble sacrifice, brokered the Peace we keep today. Each of the Five Kingdoms – The Dianeum, The Royal Concordant of Parameed, Lukada, Kragnu and Nox all use Arland’s Song as an intermediary to preserve good relations. Keeping that Peace is our first concern, and the leader of Elessia, who is called “Primus”, works to see that concern fulfilled. Beneath the Primus there is the Council, comprised of those who hold the title of “Secondus”, “Tritus” or “Quatrus”. Elessia is administered by many Sections, the largest of which are Peace and Defense, under Secondus Mateo and Secondus Lark respectively. There are many other Sections, each answerable to a Secondus, Tritus or Quatrus, but I will leave it to you to seek out an Orchon from the Knowledge Section if you wish to know more.
You are now in Sopran, one of Elessia’s five provinces. Each province is governed by a “Quintus”, and our Quintus Firbach has agreed to accommodate you within his lands. It is our hope to construct a settlement for you, a “New Haven” in which you will be able to grow and prosper. Sopran is the largest and least developed of the provinces, and while it may lack the history of Altus or the beauty of Tenore, its rustic charm and wild nature will offer significant opportunity for you in the days to come. As land deeded by the Nox it is not without peril, so do not venture away from the camp without adequate escort or protection.

The Primus has given permission for you to visit both the capitol and any of the other provinces, but residence in those areas is limited to citizens of Elessia at this time. None of the Five Kingdoms have granted permission for guests to enter their lands as of yet, though many have sent missives suggesting they are sending representatives to speak with you and the other refugees.
Being welcomed within our lands is also dependent on you obeying the laws we have set forth. Elessia is home to people from each of the Five Kingdoms in addition to our own native daughters and sons, as well as a few of the Ignis. Therefore, our laws are simple and center on the Seven Rights.

The First Right is the Right of Acknowledgement. Any being capable of acknowledging and respecting these Rights is hereby granted these rights and is held under their protection.

The Second Right is the Right of Safe Passage. You have the right to move about freely and to be safe from slavery, assault or imprisonment by anyone other than the Primus and their assigns after a rightful decree from the Section of Justice or the Council.

The Third Right is the Right of Expression. You have the right to speak what you will to whom you will, save those words that violate another’s rights, call for a violation of another’s Rights, or endanger the Peace of Five Kingdoms.

The Fourth Right is the Right of Property. You have a right to keep and maintain that which you have made, purchased or found while respecting the Fourth Right of all others, save those things which endanger Elessia or the Peace of Five Kingdoms.

The Fifth Right is the Right of Trade. You may buy and sell any goods or services that do not violate another’s Rights, subject only to the rightful taxes levied by Elessia.

The Sixth Right is the Right of Autonomy. None shall impair the ability for free people to form associations that respect the Rights and the Peace of Five Nations. None shall seek to prevent the conduct of an individual or group whose actions and charter respect the Rights.

The Seventh Right is the Right of Justice. Should any Rights be violated, the Primus and Council are directed and empowered to stop that which is violating the Rights, make whole those violated, and take actions to prevent such violation from happening again.

In the 200 years since our founding these Rights have been tested in innumerable ways, and each time they have proven true. The Orchons within the Section of Justice do a superb job of administering the Seventh Right, and Tritus Allistair is known far and wide for her fairness and insight. Respect the Rights and Keep the Peace and you will remain welcome within Elessia.
Those with whom we have spoken from your world have said our home has much in common with yours, but there are also many differences. We share a language, and you will recognize our seasons, the common plants of the forest and many of the beasts of the wild. Our lands are also home to Men, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs, but your Aviana, Ga’Vin, Valkyn’Vi, Tsunotaurs, Gnomes and Guthrie are unknown to us. Likewise, your people have looked with wonder at the Kragnu, Ignis and both heritages of the Lukada. You will almost certainly see things with which you are unfamiliar, and as such we must ask you to be cautious and courteous – for your safety and ours.

Lastly, word has spread of the refugees arriving in our lands, and many interested parties have begun to appear in Sopran. We have admitted representatives from the Great Guilds to this camp, and the Primus has granted their petition to construct chapter houses in the settlement of “New Haven” once plans are finalized. Each of the Great Guilds caters to different needs across the Elessia and the Five Kingdoms.

Arland’s Guardians consist of warriors, explorers and adventurers of all types. People seek out Arland’s Guardians for a variety of jobs, spanning everything from guard and mercenary work to exploration and treasure hunting. Guild membership is open to all who prove themselves worthy and obey the Guild Charter.

The Conservatory is dedicated to knowledge and has amassed the finest libraries in all of Elessia. Their members conduct research, explore new lands and seek out new peoples from which to learn. Membership is open to scholars of all disciplines and those who treasure learning.

The Order of Scales admits merchants and tradesman, and its Master Merchants are some of the most influential members of our society. Membership requires significant effort and coin, but grants access to the most connected network of trade in all of Elessia. It is often said that nothing is bought anywhere in Solaria that has not been sold twice by the Order, and the truth might prove that to be an understatement.

Anontas Serona dedicates itself to the healing arts, and works tirelessly to ensure the health and welfare of the people of Elessia and the Five Kingdoms. Skilled in medicine, surgery and magical restorative arts, Anontas Serona admits only those willing to dedicate their lives to the protection and preservation of life.
As guests within Elessia, there are no bars to your membership in any of these organizations, though meeting their requirements for admission may prove no easy task. Seek out their representatives in the camp if you would like to know more.

At the conclusion of this moon we will break camp and relocate to a larger staging camp some distance away. We will remain there until the settlement of New Haven has been completed, at which time we will journey to your new home. This concludes the briefing, and I will remain for a time to provide any other information you may require.

With that said, does anyone have any questions…?”

Re: Introduction to Solaria

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:23 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
will there be cookies?