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Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 11:26 am
by Nick
//A few ground rules. This will begin as a free-form forum RP, but will later on become turn-based, so keep that in mind. Despite the nature of my first post anyone is free to post here with their characters, and given the circumstances and role play could join the adventure. As always don't god-mod, stay in character, and have fun!//

Cerebraxus, the teacher sits in the Inn, enjoying the comforts of Phanterra. Taking a sip of hot cider, the man watches the activities of the people. The joys and elations of success, survival are ever present. The Inn has seen an incredible increase in patrons as well, as foot traffic to and from Brennondale appears to have increased.

He doesn't appear out of place anymore either. Various dignitaries and representatives have come through. Dressed in their finery Cerebraxus may appear slightly droll, what with his blacks and silvers, the purple scarf, the intricate vambrace on his right arm. But he isn't vain. If anything he's just delighted to see so many more in this world.

But the teacher isn't there to see everyone, no. Healed from his own wounds he sits and waits. Because there was one in particular he wished to help first. A mutual problem they both seemed to have. He's a very patient man, taking another sip of delightful warm apple. Waiting for Gondowon so they may deal with their problems together.

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 12:57 pm
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Gondowon strides into the Inn and quickly looks around for the person he knew without a doubt would be waiting for him. As soon as his eyes land on Cerebraxus, he holds up a finger, indicating for the teacher to wait just a moment longer. The sage then walks toward the kitchen and asks one of the bartenders for a pint of Caldonean Ale. Upon receiving his drink, Gondowon slips the bartender a hefty sum of coin, much more than the drink was worth, to show his appreciation and to clear any tabs he still had.

With his drink in hand, Gondowon turns and finally joins Cerebraxus at the table he sits at. "Hello again," he says. "Feeling better since last we spoke, I hope?" The Sage smiles weakly as he says this, but the question seems to be earnest.

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 1:41 pm
by Nick
A smile lit the teacher'a face, and he initially replied with a nod. He spoke cleanly and crisply to Gondowan, seeing him and all of Brennondale's populas as equals for all they had done.

"I am, thanks to Sir Gideon and various others. I am always in awe of the healing arts here."

Pausing for more cider he cleared his throat, then folded his gloved hands on the tabletop.

"As I stated before, I am more than willing to help you with your situation. I owe you and the people of Brennondale a debt, on behalf of my people."

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 6:08 pm
by Gondowon T. Falbor
"Ah, well," Gondowon said, hesitating, "Incidentally, I feel as though I am helping you. If the creature my mentor is leeching power from is one of your kind, and a powerful one that you've been hunting at that, then it's... simply my duty to assist, as I see it." Gondowon took a swig of his ale and chuckled. "Incidentally, I don't recall you ever calling upon me for aid oh so many years ago when I agreed to it, so I still feel a bit beholden anyway. It just so happens that our individual concerns collide at this juncture."

Gondowon sighed heavily, his expression turning grim once more. "Well... no matter. I'm very grateful for your help. I suppose I must ask, what can I do now to get us ready? Is there anything about your kin that I should know that would help me be better prepared for when we face him and Fringe?"

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 7:16 pm
by Nick
Bringing his hands to his chin, Cerebraxus pondered this. The situation was a complex one, and having seen some of what lay ahead through Gondowon's eyes he could begin to formulate a plan. He spoke.

"The one of my kind that your teacher, Fringe, is siphoning from. We called him Iteshk. In your tongue 'Sorrow.' His power we call tambra, which means 'to enslave.' Drinking deeply from the well altered him greatly, and how his body works in comparison to the rest of ours. He's a subjugater, and through those he dominates he siphons essence to feed his ever-present hunger."

Bringing a hand up the teacher rubbed at his eyes. He didn't like this next part, for he knew his assistance would only be minimal. Best however to let the man before him know the stakes.

"When we arrive, no doubt, Fringe will pull allies to him. Your order, those who have fallen under his and Iteshk's dominance will fight to the death for him. They are lost, and I am sorry to tell you such. But know we can still free their essence. Iteshk will no doubt fully awaken when he senses my presence, and will be quite hungry. Any new essence he will attempt to reap, by trying to subjugate you and any others who come with us. It will take all of my power and focus to keep Iteshk's attention, but I cannot guarantee he won't be able to attempt such an action through Fringe. Resistance to such effects would greatly assist us. I would also recommend you acquire any willing to assist. No doubt your former teacher will have a small army. Any willing to help will bolster our numbers, and perhaps tip the balance solidly in our favor."

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:39 pm
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Gondowon sat quietly, a look of concern on his face. He silently pondered the situation carefully before speaking again.

"For what it's worth, I can quickly train whoever I can find to resist some mental pulls," the sage said, rubbing his beard with his thumb and forefinger. "I don't think my lessons will last long, but at the very least it will provide our group with an initial defense against anything Fringe tries to pull. I hope. If someone DOES fall under his influence, I believe I can break them free of the enchantment as well. Of course, that might mean I will have to focus my efforts on countering Fringe rather than fighting him."

Gondowon chuckled. He realized that he was smiling. "I know that this is a serious situation... but I'm enjoying coming up with a battle plan with you. It reminds me of..."

The sage trailed off. He was still smiling, but his eyes seemed sadder at that moment. He carefully lifted his tankard to his lips once more and took a sip of the strong ale. When he spoke again, he continued discussing the battle plan without elaborating on his emotions.

"The difficult bit, I believe, will be amassing a force large enough to fight Fringe and the Order. I trust my friends as fighters, but I also trust Fringe to throw a wrench into the plan somehow. He's smart... so for the first time in my life, I'll have to be smarter."

The sage stood up and began packing his things. "Leave finding allies to me. I'm going to start with the Redwind Crew and see who else I can find. I have some concern for you though. Your job may be the simplest, seeing as you only need to draw the attention of a single foe, but your job is also the hardest. Is there anything I could go and find that would aid you in your fight against Iteshk?"

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 5:20 pm
by Nick
Surprise on his face, warming into a smile.

"Something else that never ceases to amaze me...the proclivity of many here to care for the well-being of others. It is a wonderful sight indeed. As for helping me, well, I believe all that I am and have will suffice. You need not worry finding some means to assist me. I know Iteshk's tricks, and I am as prepared for them as I ever will be. Focus on your task, and we will all succeed."

Folding both hands on his mug of cider, Cerebraxus looked into its copper depths. Seeing his reflection before closing his eyes, and planning out the course ahead. A bit of magic warmed the mug, until steam rose once more. He took a sip, and prepare. Much needed to be done. He trusted the people of Phanterra to see this through.

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:01 am
by Khorvalis
From the Inn, the voices of children can be heard in the distance. A slight commotion can be seen if one peers out the windows.

In the distance, the figures of young children can be seen playing and laughing in front of the orphanage. Many of them have bandages covering some wounds, but it would be hard to tell that any of them were in pain as they wrestle around and continue their games and giggling. The terror of the last moon is no longer evident on their faces.

In the center of the group of children is the old druid Khorvalis. A fatherly smile beams from his face as he begins to perform ticks of magic for the orphans. Behind him rests the statue-form of the Sphinx. Standing next to the effigy is a feminine figure clad in flowing white robes as well as other followers of the Circle of the Sun that manage the orphanage as well as Brennondale's hospital. The white woman looks exhausted but still manages to retain a regal composure.

As Khorvalis pulls what looks like a shabbit from his leather satchel, the children's voices grow stronger and cheering echoes into the distance. The woman dressed in white finery nods at her druid friend. As she does so, her diaphanous veil is caught by the wind. It reveals a Ga'vin baby being held lovingly to the woman's breast. She begins to rock the child gently before delicately placing the infant in the care of one of the Circle's acolytes. Then, in a motherly fashion, the woman claps her hands and motions to the orphanage's children as Khorvalis finishes his final magic trick. Instructed to return to inside the orphanage for lunch, the children start to retreat into their home.

Waving good-bye to his children, Khorvalis reminds them to wash their hands before starting their meals. After the last orphan walks into the orphanage, the lady in white closes the building's doors and then joins her old druid friend.

Khorvalis turns his scarred face to the direction of the Inn and then begins leading his friend in white toward the tavern.

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:15 pm
by Morgause
After a few moments, the doors to the Inn open and Morgause enters the establishment. She is being supported by her Ga'vin friend, Khorvalis. Although it is apparent that she is suffering from some kind of malaise, the Winter Witch tries her best to hide her condition.

"Khorvalis, I am fine. You worry too much, old man." Morgause makes her way to the closest table in the tavern and takes a seat. "My body is still recovering from the ritual. I can still feel the energies of the heart of the Nexus working inside of me. I will be well in due time. I just need a few more days to regain my strength."

The Seer orders some drinks from the Hops Sisters and gives the barmaid a few silver.

"Hierophant, join me now for a drink. I know that you too are tired and your feet weary. You have been playing with the orphans all day... Not to mention, you have been travelling much between Brennondale and Sanctuary making sure that the children we evacuated last moon are doing well."

Morgause raises a glass to the old druid then takes a sip from her wine glass.

"I hope that Tovey and those lost boys followed the instructions that Ruscion and I gave them to bathe their grizzly bear companion. 'Stinky' should be smelling better now with the flowers and herbs that you collected for the bear's bath, that is, if Tovey remembered to use them."

The Valkin'vi woman lets out a soft giggle, amused by her own story. As Khorvalis takes a seat at Morgause's table, the pair scan the room to see who else is at the Inn.

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 8:17 am
by Nick
The Inn is alive with activity this day. Familiar faces from Brennondale, a few Knights of the Moon, all manner of folks visiting from near and far. The Hops sisters have quite a job ahead of them serving the multitude of patrons. For Khorvalis and Morgause the crowd did part, and their table was unoccupied. From there they had the perfect seats to survey the comings and goings.

Most of the talk was of recent events. The general air was of relief, safety in what had happened. Some uncertainty on how to move forward, but assurances they would progress nonetheless. Several men and women of various races are looking at something tacked to the inside of a lesser-used door. Murmurings about its contents and whether or not something was worth the risk.

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:19 pm
by Khorvalis
Seeing the commotion, the old Ga'vin limps towards the crowd and makes his way to the door. He scans through the parchment and his eyes begin to widen. With the enthusiasm typical of someone more than half his age, Khorvalis swings around and scours the tables of the Inn. Squinting his eyes, the druid spots his good friend.

"Gondowon! I know I have been away from Brennondale for some time, but how could I have missed so much in just two moons?!"

The Hierophant hobbles toward his crewmate: "Our beloved vessel, The Redwind, has been retrieved? Your mentor Fringe has found you? And what is this talk about a shadow dragon?!"

Khorvalis pulls up a chair at the back table and sits across from the Redwind's master sage, "My dear son, would you be so kind as to illuminate an old friend as to the news I have missed... and how, of course, I and the Circle of the Sun could be of help to you in your time of need?"

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 8:36 am
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Gondowon smiles upon seeing Khorvalis approach, though something in his eyes makes him look more tired than usual. "Of course, I'd be happy to illuminate as much as I can," the sage says, taking a break from his work.

"The Redwind is ours once more, albeit at a price... I'd agreed to join my mentor's side, a bargain I didn't intend to keep. By now, of course, I'm sure he's sensed my deception and is making plans... I only see two possible things he could be preparing for. One would be to retrieve me by whatever means necessary. The other would be to destroy Brennondale in an attempt to show me a life without the people that I love... a punishment for my betrayal and an ultimatum forcing me to truly join him."

Gondowon takes a breath, then continues. "More importantly than all that, however, is the status of the creature he now feeds off of. Fringe has been drawing power from a creature named Iteshk, a dragon of darkness from Cerebraxus's realm. I'm... not sure if you've met him yet. He's a very wise person. Dragon. Person... He's very wise is the point," Gondowon says, sheepishly. "I think you'd like him. If you want to meet him, I'm sure he'll be around here somewhere, though I've been concentrating rather intently on my work and haven't taken a look around lately," Gondowon says, making a quick, sweeping gesture around the room full of people.

The craftsman sighs and returns his attention to his hierophant friend. "If... if you truly want to help me, and you want to know how, all I can say is this: if being alive is more important than giving your life, leave this task to others. I would never force you to leave the side of the people you take care of. If your conviction is stronger than my warning, however, I'll do what I can to figure out how you and your Circle can help... and believe me, I know how they can help."

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:08 pm
by Khorvalis
The old druid nudges his quarterstaff into Gondowon's rib.

"What did I tell you about making bargains such as those. Nothing good ever comes from such dealings," Khorvalis scolds his crew-mate.

He nudges the Master Craftsman once again...

"And that one is for forgetting with whom you are speaking with! Do I truly want to help you? Am I so afraid of dying that I would abandon you in your time of need? Shame on you Gondowon... As if you and I were strangers?!"

Khorvalis looks into the eyes of his human compatriot before continuing.

"I have walked this realm for nearly two centuries now. My time here is drawing nigh. I do not fear death as it is a natural part of the cycle of life. But while I am still breathing, I will make good on my commitment to serve others..."

The old druid speaks more passionately: "I have fought in many battles during my youth as a Firewalker. And since devoting myself to the Circle of the Sun in my latter years, I have peaceably defended and healed those who could not do so for themselves, many of them strangers. As members of the Redwind, you and I are bound by our oaths and friendship, and so much more. You need not ask me such nonsensical questions. You should already know by now, dear son, that I would not hesitate to fight by your side and lay down my life for you."

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:14 pm
by Morgause
"Be easy on the boy..." Morgause calls out to the Hierophant before slowly making her way to Gondowon's table. She braces herself by holding on to the chairs of other patrons as she trudges through the crowd.

"Gondowon, don't worry about Khorvalis. This old man is like a weed. He might not be the prettiest thing to look at, what with his wrinkles and scars and such, but he is pretty hard to kill."

The Seer takes a seat at the table and laughs a bit while looking at the druid, "Cut him down and he just grows back."

Re: Breaking the cycle (Online Adventure)

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:21 pm
by Khorvalis
"I may not be as easy on the eyes as you, Morgause... consider me then a thorn among the roses."

Khorvalis smiles at the Seer and the Sage and then looks at the crowded Inn.

"So, where is this dragon-man you speak of? I knew dragons still existed. I had feared that the evil Ga'vin empire had its sights set on using the powers of dragons against us. I knew from my research that they had been procuring mystic creatures and using them for corrupt ends. My portents alluded to the Djinn, perhaps the Sphinxes, but a DRAGON? Who would expect that it was your mentor, Fringe, that would be the one to find a dragon for himself!"