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Resist stacking

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:00 am
by potentiallydead
Does taking a Resist more than twice give any benefit? I realized that it's entirely possible to have a Level 4 Guthrie with 4 Resist Fear (Essence Boon, Guthrie 1, Tribal Protector 2, Beast Hunter 2 for Savage or Essence Boon, Guthrie 1, Man at Arms 2, Peasant Hero 2 for Common). Mostly asking out of academic curiosity.

Re: Resist stacking

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:10 am
by Zydana
Short answer - No.
Longer answer - You're super immune!

Tangent - I think there had been discussions long, long ago about possibly being able to reflect it (I think the specific discussion was magic though) and add it to your next swing/throw. This never happened. I doubt it will ever happen.

Re: Resist stacking

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 2:48 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
someone poke CJ, as I think he had it 3 times and was able to "reflect" any fear attack directed at him or some such similar effect.....not clear on details

Re: Resist stacking

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:52 am
by Malachi
There is a description in the skill stating the effect of stacking the skill. Some Resists can be stacked, others can't. For example, in the skill descriptions of Resist Fear, Resist Poison, and Resist Disease, it is stated that if you have the skill twice you become immune. In the skill descriptions of Resist Shatter, Resist Mind Effects, Resist Magic, and Resist Sleep, no such disclaimer appears, so stacking those skills gives no additional effect.

Under the current rules, I don't believe there is any benefit to having a skill more than twice at all.

Re: Resist stacking

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 1:01 am
by Ark
as others have stated, once is resist, twice is immune. except in cases like magic and sleep where a straight up immunity would be broken. anything after that is a waste.

I think we did have a ruleset that if you had the resist (and possibly press) 3 times you could freely cast it back if you were struck with it (so reflect) but that is nowhere in the current rules but could exist in item form (lots of stuff does :rolls eyes:)

as a power gamer I recommend going for just 1 resist and ignoring immunity if its out of the way, better to be able to resist more individual calls then be immune to one. on top of that there are a few resists you can ignore slightly, fear is an example of one. it does no harm by itself and only removes you from combat for 10 seconds, also if something is swinging fear you probably do want to run away from it for a few. HOWEVER if you use a shield, GET RESIST FEAR. NPC's see a shield and just smack it with fear every time, or shatter, or press. if you use a shield build assuming they are going to try to destroy it or get you away from them somehow.

Re: Resist stacking

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:45 pm
by Marcus
As Brian said, back in the older rulebook if you had resist Fear three times, you could immediately throw fear after being hit with it. The was one of the keystones of my character Crowley, which unfortunately would not be legal with the latest rule change.

I was able to do it a couple of times and it was pretty fun, though most things that throw fear were/are also usually resistant or immune to it.

The real bummer was having Scout twice and getting the most out of it before both tracking PC's was legal and the scout/outscout rule existed; I always had to lobby like hell to get a better scout hint. Now it might have some utility, though.