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Scream clarifications

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:58 pm
by potentiallydead
Question 1: would the Scream: Magic Taunt effect of Improved Visage of Power spell cause a person in Haven to leave the Haven to attack the spell caster? (I know it's possible to track someone to the "general location" of their Haven.)

Question 2: would a Scream: Sleep call disrupt Roach or Meditate?

Question 3: Does the Disrupt spell's Scream: Interrupt work the same as getting hit when preparing or holding a charged skill?

Re: Scream clarifications

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:26 pm
by Malachi
Preface: I am not a GM, nor do I necessarily agree with what I found

1: Phil had mentioned hearing second hand that Scream and Global calls do not affect people inside of buildings (unless the call is made inside said building). If that is not the case, probably not. Taunt states 'The target must direct all actions towards the Taunter until the target is struck by another character (Damage does not have to be dealt), the Taunter dies, the Taunter turns their back, or the Taunter leaves line of sight to the target.' Technically, line of sight would be broken immediately, and even if it wasn't it doesn't require you to move, only that if you do move you must move towards the Taunter.

2: Maybe? I would say yes, but Roach/Meditate do work when in the negatives (which is to say while incapacitated), so maybe

3: Absolutely, 100% yes. Scream: Interrupt/Scream: Disrupt is identical to being hit for damage, just without the actual damage. The only noticeable exceptions are characters with the 'Steady Hand' skill, which prevents disruption to a handful of Healer skills.

Re: Scream clarifications

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 9:09 am
by Isho
scream disrupt is the ONLY time scream now interrupts.

When you hear a scream call, you take the subsequent effect. For example, if you hear “Scream 3” then you take 3 damage. If you hear “Scream Disease” then you are under the effect of a disease, assuming you cannot resist that effect. The Scream call does not interrupt skills.

Re: Scream clarifications

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:21 pm
by potentiallydead
Sweet! I actually feel less clear. (Not your fault, Malachi and Isho. Rules are muddy, which is the point of playtest year.)

1) Based on the Scream definition that Isho posted, yes Screams affect a person in Haven. Also, per Malachi's clarification from Taunt, Taunt would be ineffective (as would Fear since cowering in place is an option).

1a) Follow-up question: does Hoar Frost affect in Haven (Scream: 2 Magic) because it is a Scream or "no effect" because it is an attack? (Haven clearly states "Once in the haven the scout is free from attack. The scout cannot fight while standing in the haven nor can other characters find the scout or their Haven.")

2) Would Sleep disrupt Meditate/Roach and resume bleed-out timer? (And for that matter, how would you know that the Roach/Meditating person was dead-dead and not just Roach/Meditating-"dead"?)

3) Actually cleared up. Thanks!

Re: Scream clarifications

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 12:02 am
by Ark
until rules are cleaned up to state otherwise assume *nothing* effects someone in Haven. Julie and I had a long talk with Wayne back in the day about Haven and ways to bypass it, even so far as the ridiculous of "what if we had 20 people with scout and spot?!" and Wayne's reply was "interesting. . .no" the point of haven was almost to create an out of game area in game, to remove interaction between those within haven and those outside. also because of RP your haven could be a portal that leads to another realm so how would someone hear scream calls? etc. etc.

this all stems from scream and recent calls being introduced without retroactive word updates, that is to say, the skill Haven was created before scream, and so does not take scream into account because it didn't exist at the time.

So as I said, assume nothing effects haven unless Mike is there and says otherwise. . .then assume that's a field call and subject to change :lol: (I say mike because I still argue with jared about parts of this and that's a long fight you don't want to get into.)

yes sleep disrupts roach and meditate and resumes the bleed out, and no there is no way to tell between the mostly dead vs dead dead unless your miracle max, its that way on purpose. though you could always effect them with a status like disease, sleep, or poison then re asses them, if they asses as under the effect of the status they are not really dead and only mostly dead :P

Re: Scream clarifications

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 7:44 am
by Isho
a field call is a call gms will make that are a limited time only clarification. it doesn't always hold sway. (sometimes they are used instead of looking up the real rule mid secne.)

Re: Scream clarifications

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2015 10:01 pm
by GM-August
I'll pipe up here to help with some clarifications. Note that I am but one GM, but a loud one. *grin*
  1. Haven states that someone within a Haven is 'free of attack'. This phrase has a few interpretations, not all beneficial. Healing isn't an attack, unless you're undead. Taunt is also considered a 'mental affect', and is not always an attack. But then again, you are not required to move to a target when Taunted, so you can stand and shake your fist. All these reasoning's and interpretations aside, yes, Haven would protect you from a Scream: Magic Taunt.

    Haven is a special skill with a lot of possible interpretations, so always seek out a GM if there are any questions.
    All of that aside, remember that Haven is special. It is not a 'get out of jail free' card. If your Haven is in the center of a forest that is burned down, expect bad things.
  2. The 'hearing' qualifier of Scream is out-of-game. If the PLAYER hears the call, you take it, period (sorry, even portals in another realm are affected). Scream was designed to be a way to take the 'Game Stop: Everyone within the sound of my voice, take X effect' calls that slowed the game down and remove the disruption to the flow of the game. Since this would affect someone Meditating or Roaching, I would say that this does as well. This is, by the by, the reason field calls state that people in different 'scenes' (like in a cabin) are usually unaffected. Also, since Scream calls are easier to spam then Game Stops, Scream calls do not interrupt.

    Hearing a Scream: Sleep affects someone in Meditate/Roach just as if someone hit you with a packet. BUT, unlike a packet, it is not considered an 'interrupt'. I would be fine with a person continuing to gain their LP back, but still be required to be 'unconscious' for the five minutes required by Sleep. Meditate/Roach only works below zero anyways, so the 'unconscious' bit doesn't really matter. (Unless you are hit when you are only seconds away from being at zero, in which case I guess you're a little boned.) I would be more worried about the 'Scream: Poison' call, which would not allow you to use your Meditate or Roach ability at all.

Hope that helps.