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Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:36 pm
by Ark
this discipline is in a rather sad state and had its uniqueness and flavor removed from it and replaced with skills that neither synergize well together nor form a coherent RP story to go along with the mechanics of the race / discipline.

but alas I feel I should not take the first crack at a VV discipline because we have such awesome VV players in game that could probably come up with something that fits better. if I hear nothing within the next while I will take a swing at it ^_^


Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:25 pm
by Haku
Honestly, I don't have an issue with with the first 3 skills, including the swap out. Definitely not happy with Dodge replacing Divination, as I fail to see what problems or issues it was causing in the first place. If it's not broke, don't fix it...

If there's absolutely, positively, 110% no way in the world Divination is coming back, give'em Blink Step.

Blink Step - 1 life point, the user is out of Game and can move up to 10 steps within line of sight, with the exception of moving into or out of a building. 5 minute reload (wording needs work, but I think you get the gist)

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:39 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
Good idea, and if your PC is the avatar of Chaos...the GMS decide what directions the 10 steps progress... : p

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 12:33 am
by Haku
Knowing my luck, they'd just make me walk in circles...

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:24 am
by Vivac
I agree with this. Divination was a great skill that shouldn't have been removed in my opinion. I just don't see how it was broken or anything since you have to be alone and it resets the scene, meaning you can't keep anything you picked up or found during your divination.

If it truly is gone forever then I would also like to see Blink Step put in. It seems like a good master discipline ability to me! At least consider trying a playtest? We already have a spell/scroll that allows you to use the blink ability so its not a brand new concept.

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:24 pm
by Ark
would it be a game stop effect?

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:03 am
by Haku
No, so you wouldn't be able to use during a game stop effect. The user would have to put their hand over their head, just like any other time they're out of game

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:06 am
by Haku
Also, make it so they had to verbally say Blink Step before using the skill. Hopefully this would stop people from immediately putting a hand on their head just as they're about to eat a massive call

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2015 4:29 am
by Ark
there was some toying with a mist form like vampire thing a while back and we were working with how to make it fun for the user, readable for everyone involved (you know what they are doing) and have counter play.

what we had come up with was

a 5 count that your turning into mist / bats / whatever (we were messing with balance of this being interruptible or not, was not tested enough.) as well as a 5 count coming out, this was like "1 I disappear" 2 I disappear". . ."1 I reappear" etc. you could move normally while doing this.

you held both arms crossed over your head to differentiate between "not here" and "you see mist, a cloud of bats, etc." (two arms crossed over the head became our standard readability sign of "you can see something moving and know what is going on" across any non gamestop blink or shadow skills. we were still messing with duration, 10 seconds being the norm of short term effect skills, and if you could walk or run or not.)

you were immune to most attacks / effects except for anything with "magic". (we were still messing with interaction with press and various other skills, was not tested enough.)

but that is a general concept of something like that idea. it does not require a gamestop. conveys a scene or effect with simple visual and audio queues of what is going on, where, and when. had benefits and counters, and was pretty fun to both use and counter.

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:19 am
by Torakhan
How about you have the Valkyn'Vi spend one perm Life Point, then be allowed to ask 3 questions for the upcoming scene ("How many creatures are in there?" "What are the creatures in there" "Where's the trap?", etc.)
That way the Valkyn'Vi still gets their "vision" and detail no one else would know, but it's neither extremely detailed, nor does it require other players to wait around outside while the V-player handles his personal scene.

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:00 pm
by Abaddon
i like arts idea.

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:32 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:28 pm
by Vivac
On one hand I like the 3 questions idea, but on the other I dont think it would be a very good 4th level ability. The reason I say that is because usually the game staff doesn't plan a scene by saying 'ok there are gonna be 10 orcs and a trap by that tree' they will give stats to the creatures and then give a certain amount of re pops or a certain amount of waves depending on how the PCs are dealing with the combat.

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 7:24 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
while the pre planning comment may be mostly true, and PC using this is likely headed into an area that has already been staged by a GM. I cant think of a situations where, if the GM has staged the next "encounter" the questions cant be answered. any examples I may not be thinking of?

Re: Ark's thread of tough love and abuse: poor Valkyn'Vi

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 6:50 am
by Abaddon
if I had it i would use it is for more relivent plot info anyway,

"is the maguffin we have been seeking in this cave." etc. ie things in mikes giant mind boggling long encyclopedia agjendica.