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Why another forum?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:33 pm
by GM-Mike
This forum is to allow players access to the thought process behind the rule decisions that will be made and, if desired, to challenge us on that process/thinking. It will be an opportunity to make your case as to why we are wrong. It is NOT a place to make a case as to why other players are wrong. That can continue to happen in the rules suggestion forums. Before rules will become finalized, they will appear here first with the rationale. If you disagree, feel free to say so and explain why. I have no interest in reading why people disagree with the person disagreeing, at least not in this forum, but I wold be interested to know how many people agree or disagree with the comment. Therefore, as many people who want to share their unique reason why they disagree with a chosen rule, feel free to make your case. If you feel compelled to agree or disagree with the person making a comment, simply write Agree [insert name of person you are agreeing with] or Disagree [insert name of person you are disagreeing with].

Just because you agree or disagree with us does not mean anything will change, but we will consider all feedback. The more thoughtful your feedback, the more thought we are likely to put into it.

We will also use this forum at times to give you feedback as to when we are going to discuss things, in case particular comments about that subject are desired to be shared.