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Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 12:15 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
*Kaylan storms from the inn, slamming the door behind him; grumbling a stream of dwarven curses at no on in particular. The obviously furious dwarven warrior marches nearly 50 yards into the field before stopping and slowly moving to stow his papers in his sling bag. Once he seems to have composed himself as much as he feels will happen in short order, her turns enough to see the door of the Inn and waits to see who follows*

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:55 pm
by Janus
Stillness was punctuated by a low thrum, somehow warm and reassuring. Janus felt the subtle surge throughout his body as he wallowed in the emptiness around him.

He preferred things this way. Everything was clear; no interruptions to his efforts. With a minor effort of will, he summoned up an image of Ebeneezer Morningway. A conversation with the imprint left by Janus' old master could provide the insight he required. Another thrumming beat punctuated this thought, as if confirming.

The Morningway image cocked an eyebrow, glancing around at the blackness. "Your construct is bare. How many times have I warned you about this?"

Janus sighed, avoiding eye contact. Another thrum.

Morningway's tongue clicked disapprovingly. "Your heartbeat is speeding up. Tell me, boy," he nearly spat the last word, "Do I make you nerv-"

The crash of the door abruptly brought Janus out of his meditative introspection. Ahead, Kaylan stood, fiddling with his bag. Janus blinked for a moment.

"Problem, commander?" He stood, voice not quite loud enough to be heard within the tavern.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:59 pm
by Kayla
The door shuts for not more than 10 seconds before it swings open (quieter this time) and Dakkon emerges, wearing his full suit of armor and carrying his longsword. His shortsword hangs from his belt.

Not acknowledging Kaylan's obvious frustration, "We should wait for the high elf and the man with the journal before leaving," he says, "there is always strength in numbers."

"But otherwise, I fought them not far from here."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:25 am
by Faust
Faust strides out of the inn, toward the group that is beginning to gather.

"Ah, Janus, my good man. I'm glad to see you can't seem to get your meditation down still." He smiles and turns to Kaylan, he gives him a large bow and when he returns to a straight position and pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to Kaylan. "I know introductions have not been made, this should suffice in some sort of manner. In any case, the name's Faust and I'm just here to help."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 1:59 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
*When the Inn door swings open, Kaylan's head tilts up and towards it only slightly, and his trained eyes crack just enough to see what threat if any had followed him. When he notices Dakkon exit alone, the dwarf returns to his silent meditative.
The agitated warrior nods slowly when Dakkon mentions Alinar, letting a heavy sigh seep from his lungs*

" I agree, he has shown himself a very skilled and talented combat mage, who also has a typically keen elven analytical mind and an eerie level of perceptive ability. We will indeed wait a bit for him.

The fact that you say the attack happened close to the town here concerns me a great deal, as not only is that rather bold of these brigands, it would mean they have somehow evaded the members of the kings guard I have here in the Wildlands with me. THAT is no easy task."

*Kaylan again turns his attention to the inn, briefly, as Faust exits. The dwarf watches as he moves to where Dakkon and he stand, his gaze straying only briefly over to Janus when Faust speaks to him. *
When Faust bows, Kaylan returns the gesture with a polite shallow one of his own, his eyes never leaving the stranger, aside to dart down to the offered parchment before reaching to accept it.
Once the missive is in hand, Kaylan unseals it as he takes a half step back and reads it over. The dwarven commander softly growls some non committal comment as he finishes reading, then tucks the note away in his sling bag before stepping forward and extending a hand to Faust.*

"Greeting Faust, I am...well you know who I am obviously, and I would guess you have heard who Dakkon is and his story as well. Well met, and my thanks for offering to help. Your friend...?"

*Kaylan nods to Janus , not keeping his eyes on Faust.*

" If so that seems an odd thing to say...expressing your pleasure at his meditative there some story I should be aware of behind such rejoicing, such as if he attains meditation the evil necromantic wizard trapped inside escapes or the ancient, extra planar, entity inside breaks free to conquer these lands...?"

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 9:14 am
by Alinar
Alinar glides from the Inn and approaches the assembling group.

"I am here." He looks around.

"I do believe this endeavor would benefit from the employ of multiple quality scouts."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 2:57 pm
by Faust
Faust is taken aback for a moment, not thinking his comment would spark a conversation.

"Ahhh, I am merely making fun of my good friend because of his inability to concentrate in meditation, and appropriately how much he speaks of the act as the sole way for him to harness his power...we have different opinions on the laws of magic, that's all."

He turns and nods his head to Alinar,
"Perhaps, but I believe our new friend knows where the bandits are waiting?"

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 4:48 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
*Kaylan nods to Alinar when the elf walks over to the small gathering, and to Faust to acknowledge his reply*

" Having one would certainly not be a handicap, However the only one I have seen is Cirrus and I have no intention to go back to the inn to request her aid, and she seems to have no interest in offering it. Then again, as was stated, Dakkon does know the way. The only advantage I see in adding one is double checking for ambush, but I have only a small concern that we four would have any issue with such an event. For the record, I would take Kami over cirrus at this point. If any on you wish to go to them to try to get them to join us, I am willing to wait a for a few minutes."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 12:02 pm
by Alinar
"Scouts would be required to track where the bandits have gone after their assault on Dakkon. Should they yet remain in the same location, then we should most certainly expect ambush, for the obvious conclusion of an escaped victim is the summoning of authorities."

"Scouts would also be required by the reserve group to track the primary force's movements."

"I will return to request Cirrus's and Kami's assistance."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:20 pm
by Janus
Janus rolls his eyes, pointedly ignores Faust's comment; the mercenary's opinions didn't concern him. After all, Janus had been educated, and he would not be taunted by such a lowly-

With a deep breath and shuttered eyes, the mage cleared his mind, thoughts of a roasted wizard slowly ebbing from his consciousness. Upon opening his eyes, his magical senses noted that he had begun gathering power - an emotional reaction to Faust's snark, no doubt - and Janus dismissed the energy with another effort of will.

"Sir Kaylan, I am magus Janus. I am an..." he paused, looking at a point between Faust's eyes, but not quite into them, "...associate of this wizard. I will lend my aid to you on this endeavor."

He took a few steps toward the dwarf, palms out. He stopped a few paces away, clasped his hands before him, and bowed slightly at the waist. "Should you desire references as to my training, proficiency, or character, I can provide them."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:45 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
*Kaylan tilts his head as he listens to Alinar, eventually nodding at the elf's assertion*

"That may be true. If you can garner the help of either or both it would be advantageous. If Cirrus balks, tell her I have fresh chocolate covered worms to offer"

*As Alinar heads back to the inn, Kaylan turns to Dakkon, Faust, and Janus. When Janus' hands begin to spark of gathered magic, the seasoned dwarf swiftly unclips his hammer and spins it to point at Janus. Kaylan lowers the hammer as Janus dissipates the energy and opens his eyes*

"I would say you have an odd way to greet strangers with welling magic in hand, Janus. Although its a fine way to get a concussion or worse, if that's your goal. I make a friendly suggestion to get a better handle....and tether...and a chain tied to a tree...on that temper of yours before it causes you harm, after it harms or threatens someone not willing to overlook sigh a slight.
As for your help, I would be glad to have it along...if you can promise to keep a calm head. I'm not looking to face danger from ahead AND behind because some mageling gets his fur ruffled. Do you think that's possible?"

*Kaylan swings the hammer back into its belt strap as he poses his question*

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:53 pm
by Nellie Duncan
From behind a tree not far from their position, a hand comes into view from behind the trunk near the ground, waving lazily in the air at them. "Foes ahead and behind, you say? Well, that's a rather poor situation to get yourself into, Kaylan. I've gathered so far that intercepting a strong militant force that is skilled in ambushing is your goal. A trap master would probably be a wise precaution to put on point, and while you may prefer Kami, Cirrus is the only such master I know of here in these lands."

"As for Scouts, don't forget that people as versatile as I can do in a pinch as well. It might take us longer, but we get the job done just as well."

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:48 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
*The warriors head swings back and forth as his seasoned eyes scan the area for the source of the voice, until he turns around and they settle on Nell. He chuckles gentle and shakes his head as if to say he should have known and not been surprised to see her in some random place.*

"Indeed, hence why I am trying to gather those needed to NOT end up in such a sad tavern tales beginning...

Although we are not attempting to intercept any militant force; strong or otherwise, but a band of brigands that earlier attacked several travelers and citizens, including Dakkon here..."

*Kaylan nods to the scarred dark elf*

"...and then decided to take hostages. An error on their part that I intend to soon rectify with non perpetrator induced bleeding and fractures.

My desire to bring Kami was as a healer. Obviously in any situation where I can trust cirrus, I would go to her for scouting or trap busting needs. If your interested in assisting, I have no reason to say no, even if cirrus decides to join us. You help has always proven valuable. To be honest never knows when there will be a need to turn a necromantic energy collector into a focus beam of hot death to enlighten our foes with ...right?"

*Kaylan's lips curl into a friendly taunting smirk that he directs at Nell*

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:43 pm
by Janus
Janus nods. Looking hard at Kaylan, his jaw tight. "Any flares in my temper shall be appropriately directed at those deserving -" Faust, his mind growls, and a snarl peaks through - "After our mission is complete, when the danger has subsided."

He turns precisely with a pivoted foot, just enough to face Faust squarely. Janus' gaze locks onto the bridge of Faust's nose, again refusing to look into the wizard's dark eyes. "Then, you and I..." He pauses, enunciating the final syllables of his promise: "...Will have words."

Resolving to ignore the sleight for now, Janus turns to face Kaylan once more and nods, momentarily satisfied.

Re: Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:22 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Nell rolls out from behind the tree, getting to her feet slowly. She frowns as she peers over at Kaylan. "Am I ever going to live that down? I'd feel more pride in the accomplishment if it had been on purpose, and the action hadn't strengthened the Master's army and furthered his plans."

She cocks her head to the side, tired eyes looking into the distance. "You say they took hostages? Did they kill anyone in the confrontation?"