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The Haven Chronicles: Harvest Month

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 1:13 pm
by GM-Mike
Wild Lands Settlement Gets a Name!
By Carmac Winterwater, Senior Scribe –The Chronicles of Haven

Blackwatch is reporting that the Wild Lands town where the queen and several famous adventurers have been spotted these last several months officially has a name, and that name is Brennondale. This reporter has been unable to confirm where the inspiration for the town name came from, though common rumor has it was named so as a favor to a great warrior in service to the queen. Regardless, it’s clear this foothold in the wild Lands is here to stay. Brennondale continues to be the place to watch.

Recovery Continues in Haven and across Vanguard Alliance
by Josiah Mason

With the first wave of emergency aid now distributed, King Korrigan has ordered that efforts now focus on reconstruction and recovery in the wake of the massive earthquake that shook the land a few moons ago. Interior Minister Nellie Duncan and Financial Minister Bartholomew Francis issued reports that showed reconstruction efforts will be initially centered in Blackwatch and in the forts along the border with Woodhold, than later will spread throughout the Kingdom.

Citizens still in need of assistance should contact their local Messenger or report directly to the nearest Caretaker outpost.

Haven Citizens enjoy a new luxury amid recovery hardships
By Josiah Mason

Citizens of Haven received a much needed lift in spirits today as the first shipments of ice began to arrive through Haven's portal network. A statement from Blackwatch described the means by which the ice has become available to our people.

“Thanks to the efforts of Haven's heroes, we have reached an understanding with a faraway realm that is comprised mostly of ice. Our valiant men and women were successful in liberating this realm from a grave threat, and in their gratitude they have offered us access to their nearly ceaseless supply of ice. Haven Academy healers and magi are inspecting the ice as it comes into Haven, and it is now available at the newly constructed ice houses at every Caretaker outpost.”

Citizens are encouraged to use the ice as they see fit, but are initially limited to 40lbs per household each week.

Mysterious Deaths. Mysterious Boy.
By Carmac Winterwater, Senior Scribe –The Chronicles of Haven

Locals of Uggtown have reported large swaths of the surrounding countryside that are just….dead. Grass and trees blackened with disease, animals lying dead. And indeed, those who have gone to see it have reported nothing but an eerie silence. There seems to be no identifiable cause for it. One farmstead was in the area of destruction, and its human occupants were also found dead, along with their livestock. No marks of attack were found on them, however. The Tsunotaur who discovered them – Carlstad Yorg- reported only one living person at the homestead who ran off when he approached: a young human boy. The boy would not give his name, and has not been found for questioning.

Able Bodies Needed
By Edric Ironeye, Siege Master, Crown's Paymaster

Workers have been disappearing from the Crown's construction and quarry sites in and near the Wildlands, able bodied workers are needed to replace them so that work can continue and initial defenses in the Wildlands can be completed.

Woodhold Criminals Expanding Empire
By Carmac Winterwater, Senior Scribe –The Chronicles of Haven

Two of four men in Redemption yesterday responsible for stealing artwork from the Gelgar Helmsith Museum (part of the Brandybrook Academy) turned themselves into the authorities, returning eight of the nine pieces of artwork stolen, claiming the last was “unrecoverable.” When questioned about the whereabouts of their fellow thieves, they suggested their comrades fell under betrayal and murder, adding credence to their sudden change of heart and request for asylum. Apparently, when they made arrangements to sell the artwork they ran afoul of men belonging to Jeremiah Gondoza. Gondoza is the suspected leader of a well known network of thieves in Woodhold, though he has evaded authorities there for quite some time. Some suggest due to his bribing of officials (Woodhdold constable Selwin Tomain was arrested last month under those very same suspicions). Why Gondoza has decided to range so far from home, and to what extent he has decided to be active in Haven is anyone’s guess. Several of Haven’s apprehended criminals over the years have suggested that Haven itself has its own network of thieves and thugs, secretly working for one or more leaders unknown –or known- to authorities. How the two groups might mix, and in what volatile ways, is a matter for grim speculation.

From the Seas
Seraphim Fleet Captain Spotlight
Onyx, Captain of the "Furious Clarity"

By Arvellon Talmin, "Eyes and Ears" - The Chronicles of Haven

Time and permission was granted to sit down with each of the Captains of the Seraphim Fleet, answering many questions but leaving others in the winds. I was given an audience with the master of each vessel and present such so that the Kingdom of Haven and its Allies know they have nothing to fear. If their actions since their reappearance were too silent, perhaps their words will be louder to listening ears.

The third spoken with is a man known as Onyx, a reserved and silent sailor of the seas. He is the Captain of the "Furious Clarity," a heavy frigate second in size only to the man-of-war "Glorious Purpose." She's been spotted alongside the "Glorious Purpose" on every venture, never far from the larger vessel. I questioned Captain Onyx about this fact, and he answered as follows:
"I have been saving Gin's life for quite some time now, so this is just more of the same."
I then asked him how he had trained his crew to carry this same ideal, and was informed without hesitation:
"Selflessness is not a quality you teach to others. It is the standard you hold oneself to. If you do not possess this trait you will not be on my ship."
In closing I questioned him about what he had to gain from a lifestyle as such, a guardian. Captain Onyx had a distant look for a few seconds, then turned and answered:
"One time I was not around to save him (Gin) he ended up dead for a few years. But we're partners in crime and try to stick together."
Each Captain Spotlight will be presented in kind. Continue reading to learn of all 5.

In a recent engagement with pirates Captain Onyx turned the "Furious Clarity" into a full broadside shot, sparing the "Glorious Purpose" from serious damage. The crew, though suffering casualties still managed to return fire ultimately sinking the enemy vessel.

Dangerous Typhoon narrowly misses coast
By Linnet Summers, 2nd Scribe - The Chronicles of Haven

A storm system of immense proportions was sighted off the coast recently. The storm, dubbed a "typhoon" by locals came dangerously close to Alliance harbors on it's northern trek. Strong winds affected countless miles of shoreline, causing several vessels to anchor for safety. Heavy rains and frequent lightning were observed out on open water, and the storm churned waves large enough to inundate local shores for several meters. Locals interviewed after the storms passing had the following comments to make.

"Been here 12 years, haven't seen one like that before. Usually they fizzle..that one just kept chuggin' on it's way.."

"We lost a lot to the storm, even though it was so far away. I saw houses washed away. A boy..he was just standing there. He disappeared when the waves came in. It's terrible to think this tragedy has affected so many."

"The weather's turnin' I tell ya! Been shapin' up for years, all this craziness! Now it's finally come!"

Scholars versed in weather have been asked to unravel the mysteries left in the wake of the storm. Should more information arrive it will be posted in later issues.

FUNNIES (Answers at end of publication)

1. What do you call a pony’s cough?
2. Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?
3. How is imitation like a plateau?
4. What does a nosy pepper do?
5. Why do seagulls fly over the sea?

Words from the Wild
Haven's heroes quell animal uprising

By Snarl Strongjaw, Wildlife Expert - The Chronicles of Haven

In a display of strength and tactics the men and women of Haven living in Brennondale (formerly known as the 'Wildlands') have cleared out a local infestation of diseased animals. Afflicted creatures were mainly herbivores that had suddenly gained carnivorous qualities. Deer, rabbits and squirrels were primarily amongst the afflicted. At this time it has not been established if this was the same affliction experienced by the local Garagon population. The infected creatures are known to be part of the Garagon's diet, so it is possible their is a correlation.

Since the actions of the Havenites the diseased have not been spotted both in the forests or on the plains. The local Garagon population, perhaps in response to the disease have moved elsewhere. Other predators have begun to fill in the niche, but to date have not been known to hassle the settlements amongst the wildlands. These creatures include wolves, bears and other large predators. Until the Garagon population returns it is recommended to avoid thickly-settled forests and high-grass plains. Predators are most likely to be found in these locations.

Calidonian Library Named ‘Kalderig Vaults’
By Ieram Allshead, Foreign Correspondent - The Chronicles of Haven

This past month, the city of Calidonia named the new Calidonian library the Kalderig Vaults after a fairly sizable donation of funds from a Killashandran merchant recently relocated to Calidonia. This merchant is well known for dealing in all forms of books, manuscripts, and any pre-cataclysm written record. He also has helped fund further study of the Duncan documents discovered by Nellie Duncan of Killashandra; Minister of the Interior for the Vanguard Alliance.

Kalderig Coaltome is well known for his cautious nature and fanaticism for preservation. This is well understood after his own races entire written language was buried due to the cataclysms. He has had some influence over the design for the new library; sections of the library act as entire vaults with doors rivaling the sturdiness of the old Dwarven crypts. This allows for major disasters to occur and entire sections of the library to be closed off, keeping the precious words safe.

Coaltome has also devised a few smaller branches of the Vault to be used for classrooms and scribing. As the educational center of this community grows, so too will its need for books and manuscripts. This provides the library with a way to continue purchasing needed books without the need for continued donations. Local factions are in current negotiations with the library for bulk scribing needs as well as donations for naming rights of prominent wings. This hugely successful funding has allowed the library to move up its schedule for full completion.

The Regent of Corw'in'Dar, Alyssias Starwinder, has shown an interest in visiting the library for its dedication ceremony once construction is complete. An honorary branch of the Obsidian Library of Syl’Van’Dar is currently being debated with the regent. Brandybrooke Academy has already been granted a small wing for the purposes of chronicling the history of the lands of the Alliance with special attention given to Silverthorne.

Increased Sightings of Ga’Vin to the West
By Ki'tal Lor'sith, Foreign Correspondent - The Chronicles of Haven

Throughout the western-most parts of the Alliance, reports of small raids and incursions are pushing some residents of the villages and hamlets easterly. There have been no direct assaults or declarations of war, but the turbulence is enough for some war-weary to pack up their belongings and begin the journey to more stable areas of the Alliance.

When asked why he was moving inland, one resident replied, “Whelp, I dunna see ‘em misef but Isen heard from my second-cousins great-uncles sisters husbands neighbor that HIS fathers cousins nephews mother-in-laws gardener was kilt byen a ####“.
[Editor’s note: This word has been redacted as it is a derogatory slur towards the Ga’Vin race. Though we strive for accuracy within our quotes, this kind of language is not tolerated. Apologies to any offended party.]

Though the proof of evidence that it is indeed a Ga’Vin raid is scarce at best, this has not deterred people of all races and organizations to begin a sojourn to a new home. The threat of incident similar to those in the histories of the travelers is what has prompted this ‘Flight to the East’ as some are calling it. The wars and violence sparked by members of the Ga’Vin race has touch many of the lives now on the move.

Some scholars at the Brandybrooke Academy believe that the movement of so many is causing a cascade effect and dragging other travelers into a sort of mass hysteria. One historians data has even caused some of the panic. Felgrin Finchly’s report titled Using Infamous Ga’Vin Invasions and Campaigns to Predict Further Aggressive Tendencies was to act as a predictor of violent Ga’Vin cultural swings NOT full incursions. The report showed similar movements before full Ga’Vin raids and was the main catalyst that caused the current scare.

The Alliance has sent investigators to the west coast to find the cause of the rumors floating about, calm the coastal villages, and squelch the rumors of a looming war. One of the Haven Chronicles own, Foreign Correspondent Idyyrilah Enthrada, has seen fit to go on behalf of the Alliance (with many other investigators) to find the truth of this matter out.

Freak Firestorm Burns Fishing Village!
By Liar Luris, scribe - The Chronicles of Haven

As the flames of the buildings reached higher than the trees in the forest, the fireclouds dissipated as quickly as they formed. The natural disaster, as it is currently being called, began shortly after a drenching rainfall. Clouds in brilliant reds and yellows begin to form in the northern section of the village crowding out the rainclouds. The local disaster prevention team (a newly formed organization formed by mayor Blackburn) was immediately alerted to this strange phenomenon and came out in full force.

One poor small lad was saved from a lightning strike by a man willing to sacrifice his own life. As a cloud began to billow out, Curtis Hodson, father of five and loving husband to Beverly Hodson, tackled a small child the cloud was ‘reaching’ for. “I’ve never seen anything like it before,” Curtis said. “It was like the firecloud was going touch him! I tackled the boy, and lightning spit out burning the land around us. We were just lucky the storm vanished right after.” The boy, unconscious, was quickly taken to a local menders home where he recovered shortly after.

The damage to the village was, luckily, minimal. After years of hardship, this stalwart village is capable of response to ‘natural’ disasters faster than any other within the Vanguard Alliance’s borders. Other authorities from areas within the Vanguard Alliance have begun to send teams to the Fishing Village to receive training from the disaster prevention teams. The cost of training and the specialized equipment the village has made for these purposes has shown itself to be a new revenue stream for the town. As counter-intuitive for a village with a high rate of catastrophes, the population has begun to increase!

Some folk have been reporting abductions to participate in strange exotic puzzles. No knowledge of who is doing this or for what reason is currently known.

A caravan of ghostly Sylvani has been sighted north of Killashandra. These spirited people are rumored to be searching for something, but even their presence is unconfirmed at this time.

Garlek Notsosen, the only Beastman participating in Bayshough’s annual Ackas event, has been rumored to be using a diluted bestial potion to enhance his performance. Ackas is an Orcish sport involving skulls, mud, snakes, fire, and not much clothing.

The Brandybrook Academy and all of its sister locations are asking for any and all interested in adventuring for lost treasures and ancient knowledge to please inquire with a local representative. Donations welcome!

The Kalderig Vaults of Calidonia seeks donations of albums, articles, atlases, ballads, booklets, books, brochures, codices, compendiums, compilations, dictionaries, dissertations, documents, encyclopedias, essays, folios, handbooks, leaflets, magazines, manuals, manuscripts, novels, omnibuses, pamphlets, periodicals, poetry, portfolios, primers, readers, scrolls, sonnets, textbooks, thesauri, tomes, treatises, volumes, works, and other writings. The council of Caldonia appreciates the donation of goods or funds.
New bakery open in Brennondale!
Posted by Tannalys of Haven

New bakery in need of staff. Must be willing to learn and capable of defending oneself from expanding dough and possible wildland issues. Apply in person in Brennondale with Tannalys if interested.

Number 1, a group devoted to motivating the common man, will regretfully have to cancel the public lecture: "I too have a voice!" as the speaker, Nick Romancer, has come down with a serious bout of laryngitis. Regular meetings will resume next moon and we will schedule Mr. Romancer again for sometime in the future. As always, your lucky numbers are 3, 9, 2, and 7

Funnies Answers
1. A little Hoarse
2. Because the ‘p’ is silent
3. They’re both the highest forms of flattery
4. Gets jalapeno business
5. Because if they flew over the bay, they would be called baygulls.