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Online Adventure!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:41 pm
by GM-Brad
So, I’ve decided to run an ‘online’ adventure. It’s going to be done slightly differently, though, as an experiment.

It’s going to last just 5 days. [Edit- I have decided to extend this, and run it like any normal forum adventure. I'll post the next "situation" when appropriate]

Starting Sun. Aug. 24 though Thur. Aug. 28, each day you will be presented with a situation. You can debate amongst yourselves your course of action (or not) through the day. From 9:30PM-11:00PM each evening I will be online as the NPCs “live” (note: this is the only time you’ll get direct responses from NPCs). At the end of each evening I’ll take the group’s consensus for how to proceed, and then present the next day’s situation. After 5 days the adventure will be over (for good or ill). Anyone may join or leave at any time (you can track your friends easily even without the skill), and you don’t have to worry if you miss a day.

And skills will be important. To illustrate, here is the lead in:

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:44 pm
by GM-Brad
With all the danger that surrounds the Wildlands, there’s still once a year that a few farmers take a moment to celebrate. The Festival of Barl and Badule stems from two warring neighbors who put aside their differences a few years back, and now their families- plus a few others – feast in remembrance of the day of reconciling. It’s usually been a modest affair, but they’ve gotten the queen’s blessing this year and it’s attracted outsiders (like you).

There’s old men telling stories, dancers, jugglers, and a rope swing by a creek for youngsters. A few traders peddle their wares, and Jordan Badule has rigged up something with pegs and a disk that looks like a plinko machine. The biggest draw of the festival , however, is the jousting. Sure, it’s mostly farmers in rusted armor pretending to be knights, but the horses are prized coursers from the Barl and Badule ranches, and this year sellswords and errant warriors have come out of the woodwork to try and win glory in the queen’s name, or the grand prize of 20 bushels of wheat.

If you decide to joust, roll one die ( Add +2 if you’re a Warrior. 4 or better you win, 3 or less is defeat. Describe your match. Or challenge each other (highest wins).

If you play Jordan Badule’s machine, you may gamble 1-10 silver (once). Then roll one die ( Add +1 if you’re a craftsman. 4 or better double your money. 3 or less lose it all. Describe your game. We’ll do accounting at the event.

Sometime before the end of the festival you hear Yannick Barl shouting. You recognize him as a boy who sells rabbit furs around town occasionally. Thirteen. A little slow witted, but good hearted. He’s supposed to be his brother’s “squire” today, and his hands are full of rusted chainmail missing links. “Darius! Darius? Where are you?”
You stop him, and he smiles shyly, remembering some of you from past trading. “I can’t find my brother anywhere,” he says. “Darius and Thurton Badule are supposed to joust next. Everyone’s looking forward to those two going at it! But where are either of them?” He looks off into the distance, and frowns. “Hey…that’s my brother’s horse.”

A lone horse with livery approaches the lists suddenly and the crowd falls silent. The horse’s flesh is rotten, bones sticking through stretched skin, yet it walks casually. There is no rider. Yannick screams. The horse meanders, then finally lines up like it’s about to joust and takes off at a gallop. It doesn’t stop, though, but races away from the crowd off into the countryside again.

A moment later there are shouts that the grand prize –all 20 bushels- is missing. Someone has knocked out the guard and stolen the cart it was on!
Everything erupts into chaos. After twenty more minutes, it’s confirmed that both Darius Barl and Thurton Badule are missing. No one has seen either of them in quite a while.

Yannick turns to you, nearly sobbing. "Help me. Help find my brother.”

There are very clear tracks, even to the unskilled. Will you follow the undead horse? Or follow the cart? (they go different directions). Split? Check their homesteads? Or something else?

Re: Online Adventure!

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:49 pm
by GM-Brad
Read only if you have spot
You confer with Yannick (describe this to others) pointing out details you noticed on the undead horse. It was, indeed, his brother’s horse –it had one white ear and one black ear- and it had the livery of the Barl family (three Hawks).
Read only if you have Sense Magic
When the undead horse arrived, you sensed there was, in fact, a rider, though it was invisible to everyone else. It appeared as a warrior with a shinning shield with three hawks on it.
Read only if you are an Undead Hunter
Undead horses are an oddity. There are stories of horses coming back from the dead to avenge the death of a beloved owner. Some say riding an undead horse will take you to another world.
Read only if you have Recall
The Barl and Badule families originally quarreled over a very dark matter. Harmon Barl fell in love with Dresda Badule, who was already married. Shortly after Dresda spurned him, her three children went missing, and it was thought that Harmon, in a jealous fit, had kidnapped them. Dresda threatened to murder a prize horse belonging to Harmon’s family once a day until her children were returned. After a week of dead horses, it was confirmed that Harmon had not, in fact, stolen her children. He had been far away on business and several people confirmed his alibi. The children, however, were never found, and the families later assumed they ran away.
Read only if you have Scout
The cart with the grand prize was a single horse cart. But you discover there are actually tracks for four horses leading off in the direction the cart went.

Read only if you have Healing
The man guarding the grand prize cart was knocked out and severely injured, but you help heal him and he wakes (describe this to others). He mutters to you that his attacker was not human. It was, in fact, a horse with no rider that trampled him. He did not get a good look at it though

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2014 10:57 am
by Phinkis
"Well, I had come here because I thought this may be a good place to ask around about this sword but it seems there's trouble to deal with now. Isn't that always the way, trying to solve one problem and you run into another."

Phinkis looks around, realizing that he had just been thinking out loud again. He walks over to where the rotting horse had just charged through and looks around.

"So does anyone know what a shinning shield with three hawks signifies and why the warrior riding that undead horse would be carrying it?"

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 1:02 am
by GM-Brad
Yannick hears you. “What are you talking about?" He rubs his eyes. "There was no rider. Three hawks is the Barl family crest. There’s a couple of us with fancy shields like that –mostly for show. My brother had one, in fact, but he lost it years ago…What did you see?”

Jordan Badule saunters over and interjects. “It’s your brother’s fault –this whole thing! His horse has never been quite right- too quick, never eats enough. Spooks all the other horses. Proof of it today! And his owner’s never been right either, you ask me, since he came back from his little…vacation! Gone for years, and because of all that scandal. Our two families nearly killed each other because of him. What made him come back this spring, I’ll never know. Everyone knows Darius Barl is trouble. I just hope poor Thurton’s okay. Probably caught the Barl boy in the act of stealin’ the grand prize, maybe even doin’ necromancy! Into dark magic, I say. Explains everything. Today’s oddness…and back then. I thi-”

“My brother never did anything!” Yannick yells, tears stinging his eyes. He nearly hurls himself at the man, but is interrupted by the approach of his father, Harmon Barl, who wraps an arm protectively around his son.

“I think your wife’s looking for you, Jordan.” He gives Jordan an icy stare, and the man wanders off.
Despite protests, Harmon sends his son off to find his aunt, and turns to you.

“Phinkis, is it? My boy Darius would never do anything to harm anyone, I promise you. You’re an outsider; you at least have a shot of believing me. They’re sending some men after the missing cart, but I’m going after my son’s …horse, if it is my son’s, and if you could even call that thing a…horse. I have a little money. I could pay you. I guess, I’m asking if you’d help me.”

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:40 am
by GM-Brad
I'm delaying the next segment till this evening, just to give a little more time in case anyone wants it.

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:51 pm
by Phinkis
"I'd be glad to help you Mr. Barl. I know it sounds strange but there was in fact a rider on that horse and they were carrying the shield I described. I don't know what's going on but I think the real mystery here lies with that horse and rider, who ever they are."

Phinkis fastens the extra sword he's been carrying around to his belt. He then checks to make sure his belt is nice and tight.

"Darn thing falls down to my ankles while I walk if I don't keep it tightened. So, it sounds Barl's and the Badule's have some history. Mind telling me what that's all about as we walk?"

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:28 pm
by GM-Brad
You agree to go with Harmon, and he explains a little as you track the “horse.”

“My wife died giving birth to Yannick. Five years ago, I, well, I grew infatuated with a woman –Dresda Badule. I didn’t realize she was already married, though.” He sighs. “Anyway, to make amends for a very embarrassing scene of me pouring my heart out to her, I agreed to babysit her children when she and her husband were away on business, and for some reason –perhaps desperation- she agreed. Well, turns out at the last minute I needed to leave the homestead myself to sell some horses, so I left my son- Darius- to watch over them for a few days. I came back, and her three children were gone, and Darius was a wreck. He had left them for only a few minutes to fetch water –they were nine, ten, and twelve. They just…disappeared. We searched all over and never found them. Dresda went crazy. Made threats. Cut her hair. Murdered several Barl horses in cold blood. If you ask me, the person who wasn’t quite right was her. Who knows what I’d do in that situation, though. My heart grieves for her, but it was probably a blessing that she died of consumption a year later. But my son blamed himself something awful. He never stopped searching for those kids, and he rode off on his horse two days after it happened and didn’t come back…well, until last spring. He never found them.

“It took a long time to mend fences between the Barl and Badule families over that, let me tell you. The ‘Wild lands’ have changed quite a bit since then. More settlers.”

You follow the tracks from the horse across the countryside and after a time they lead you to a dilapidated barn seemingly in the middle of nowhere. Nearby is the charred remains of a farmhouse- long burnt and almost completely levelled. You approach the barn cautiously, weapons drawn, and slide open the door.
Inside is an…odd scene.

There are three horses, all ‘undead’, casually grazing on hay –mouths partially missing- and milling about on legs peeling flesh. They don’t seem to notice you, or care. On a wall peg hangs some yellow livery with three hawks on it. Next to that are cupboards, mostly empty, though one, made of metal, is rusted shut with age, and you can’t seem to open it, even prying with a weapon.

In one stall is a horse that is clearly normal –not undead- but it appears to be sleeping. In another stall you hear pounding, and you investigate to find a man chained to the wall. “Thurton!” Harmon yells, and he runs to his side, but there is no recognition in the man’s eyes. Thurton writhes against his chains, and no matter what you do, he only blathers nonsense. “Blackedy garbnel yorkus. Manny Nujel! Manny Nujel!”

Under his shirt he’s wearing an odd –and rather ostentatious- amulet with a large ruby in the center of it. Odder still, it doesn’t come off when you tug on it. It’s bonded to his skin, and while it could be cut away, it would cause him harm (he would need immediate healing afterwards). As you examine it, Thurton lunges, a manic fever in his eyes, pointing towards a door just across from the stall.

Next to that door there are three amulets hanging on a peg. One is made of gold, one has a ruby in it (like Thurton's), and the last has an emerald. There is a parchment nailed to the wall which reads: “Barl Joust. By invitation only.”

Harmon looks at you confused. “Barl Joust? This is an old Badule farm. Hit with lightning years ago.”

You open the door and lantern light shows a dark stairwell going….down. An unnatural Fear comes over you, though, looking into those depths. You realize the stairs are enchanted, and you fear the only way down them is to close your eyes while descending.

It’s clear the mad Thurton wants to go down those stairs, but Harmon shakes his head. “I should take him home. I fear whatever’s down there made him this way, and will only make him worse.”

Will you unchain Thurton Badule? Will you take him with you down the stairs? Will you send him home? Or will you do something else?

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 11:37 pm
by GM-Brad
Describe your actions and results to others.
Read if you unchain Thurton.
He runs towards the stairs, but you manage to hold him back, and he finally calms down and follows your instructions.

Read if you cut away the amulet from Thurton.
You remove the amulet with a good deal of flesh and blood. If there is no healer present, Thurton appears near death. If there is, he's healed. Either way, he goes unconscious, and you cannot wake him for some reason.
Read if you put on the gold amulet.
You temporarily can Resist Fear. You feel light headed, though, and sick. And you get the weird feeling like you’re watching your own body from a distance. You act clumsy, and every fourth word comes out as gibberish. You may take it off, and the total effect goes away.
Read if you put on the ruby amulet.
You temporarily can Resist Fear. You feel light headed, though, and you get the weird feeling like you’re watching your own body from a distance. You suddenly feel a searing pain. If you speak, your words only come out as gibberish. You may take the amulet off, but with difficulty. It’s partially bonded to your skin. If you do, you are wounded, but the magical effect goes away. You will need healing, but you are still alive.
Read if you put on the emerald amulet.
You temporarily can Resist Fear. You feel light headed, though, and sick. And you get the weird feeling like you’re watching your own body from a distance. You act clumsy, and every third word comes out as gibberish. You may take it off, and the total effect goes away.
Read if you attack one of the undead horses.
Your sword goes right through the horse, and it looks at you, annoyed, whinnys, then disappears.
Read if you Banish one of the undead horses.
The horse disappears. describe this to others.
Read if you lead one of the undead horses away.
You grab one, and for a moment the horse changes in appearance from an undead horse to a normal horse. Then it disappears. You are holding thin air.
Read if you try to ride one of the undead horses.
You get on, and for a moment the horse changes in appearance from an undead horse to that of a normal horse. Then it disappears from the barn, and you disappear with it. Describe this to others. You can still hear others, and they can hear your voice, but no one can see you. For the moment, you do not know where you are at. You can’t see anything.
Read only if you have Spot.
You realize the horse you saw earlier is not one of the four here.
Read only if you have Sense Magic.
You do not see an invisible rider with any of these horses, like before. The amulets sense as magic too.
Read only if you have Decipher Script.
You get Thurton to write a little, and you realize that the gibberish he’s saying is not a language at all.

Read only if you have Resist fear.
You are able to go down the stairs a little, opened eyed, to scout (describe to everyone). They go for a ways, and you find a trip wire. If you have Disarm Traps, you may do so, otherwise, you may tell others it’s there.
Read only if you Awaken the normal horse via skill or potion.
You are able to awaken Thurton’s horse. It doesn’t seem scared, strangely. But, it looks healthy and fine.
Read only if you have Press.
You are able to open the rusted metal cupboard. Inside you find fragments of bone, melted candles -you think- made with blood, black sand, and the crumbled remains of herbs. The tools of some spell, but long past their usage date. On a scrap of paper is a list that reads- “Order of Potency; 1)rubies, 2)sapphires, 3)topaz, 4)emeralds, 5)gold, 6)silver.”

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:58 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
The shouts of the crowd that had gathered near Jordan Badule's game rose and fell in a slow crescendo until Jordans voice could be heard over the din, "Thats it, no more wagers from you Lord Chargeender. If I didn't know better than to doubt the honor of the Captain of the Royal Guard, Id say you found a way to rig my game, or bribed some wizard to pad your chances."

"Good sir Badule , I am here only as a representative of King Korrigan and Queen Fionna and to ensure the festivities are safe for a visit of the queen, should she visit as she mentioned she might." Kaylan bellows with a playful plaintive tone for the crowd to here; " I would no more cheat than I would be caught unarmored and weaponless in an elven keep, but I do so appreciate your contribution to the financial security to an old dwarven soldier!" The Captain chuckles as he counts his winnings into his pouch.

A short time later, just before the commotion over the rider less horse and the missing cart, Kaylan is seen striding away from the jousting area grumbling about the questionable sanity of anyone that would sit atop one of those "4 legged, bone powdering beasts from a dimension totally dedicated to evil and terror".

When the ghastly horse appears, and the shocked cries wash over the gathers spectators; Kaylan reflexively spins into a slightly defensive crouch, to face the events that are the source of the tows members dismay.

Kaylan turns to Yannick quickly. " You are sure that nightmare was your brothers mount?! One ear white, the other black and draped in the livery bearing three hawks?" Kaylan almost hisses as he grips Yannick by the shoulders. When the reply shows that Yannick is certain that it was indeed his brother’s horse, Kaylan starts to turn to follow that path.

When Kaylan hears Phinkis state that the horse had a ride and the following shouting; the dwarf turns and slowly strides close to Phinkis and Harmon Barl, pausing a few paces away to listen closely.

After Harmon makes his plea for help, Kaylan steps closer to the pair and behind Phinkis; nodding in agreement to his offer to help Harmon. When the two begin to follow the trail, Kaylan follows.

Once inside the barn, Kaylan's eyes scour the interior looking for clues or oddities. "None of these decaying beasts are the one that was at the joust, which means there are four necromantic steads. Lets hope we do not have to contend with four similar riders, at least all at once..." Kaylans words trail off as he moves over to the stairs, braces against the effects of the enchantment with a short, gruff growl and heads down a short way.

A short distance down the stairs Kaylan's arms go wide and he turns his head slightly to anyone behind; "trap!" The word breaks the odd silence as he lowers his lantern down to illuminate the trip wire. "Never a crazy bird when ya need one. Looks like its back up to search for another way".

Once back at ground level, Kaylan circles the walls inspecting the barns contents, stopping in front of the metal cabinet. The surly dwarf looks closely at the door and lock, tugs several times hard trying to open it before bashing it with his forehead. Almost as if apologizing for being defiant the cabinet door slowly creeks open on its own.

Inside Kaylan finds, and shows the others, small fragments of bone, melted candles -you think- made with blood, black sand, and the crumbled remains of herbs. The tools of some spell, but long past their usage date. He also pulls out a scrap of paper, reads it before shaking his head and handing it to Phinkis, on it is written: “Order of Potency; 1)rubies, 2)sapphires, 3)topaz, 4)emeralds, 5)gold, 6)silver.”

Kaylan turns to speak to Harmon, "I think whatever, or whom ever, is down there is the only way to fix what broke him. Id wager the coin I won earlier that whom ever made these things is hiding down that hole and knows the way to rid a person of the amulets and their magic." Kaylan glances at Phinkis, nods his head to Thurton and says " ... seems he tangled with, or was adorned with one of the ruby encrusted ones...we should find a way to get it off. Thoughts wizard?"

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 12:08 pm
by Phinkis
"I can try and disrupt the magical energies in the amulet but it's already bonded to him so that most likely won't free him. If we cut it off I can offer a cure potion to heal him but I'm not sure if he will need more extensive healing than that as I am no healer."

Phinkis walks over to where the other amulets hang and focuses his mind.

"At the very least I can use this other amulet to test if removing the enchantment is even possible."

He then let's out a wave of disruptive energies through his sword and into the other ruby amulet.

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 2:15 pm
by GM-Brad
You touch the amulet with your sword. Nothing visible happens.
Read if you have Sense Magic.
The amulet no longer senses as magical to you. After five minutes the magic flares back up again.

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:26 pm
by Phinkis
"Well it seems I can disrupt the magic of the amulet for about 5 minutes. I don't know what that gains us though. When we do decide to remove the amulet from Thurton I think it would best to do that first but I'm still not sure we should with out the aid of a healer. What do your opinions?"

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:41 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
"Well a 5 minute opportunity is better than a sharp stick in the eye at least." Kaylan looks over at Thurton with a frustrated sigh, then continues to speak as he moves to the rotting steeds, weapon in hand, and begins inspecting them closely(SPOT).
"I'm inclined to unchain Thurton, but he seems rather fervent on getting downstairs, and without the help of one Cirus or her ilk we ...I should say.. I will be walking into an unknown trap with unknown consequence. I don't have any desire to have him bolt for that before us and get transformed into a grim wall decoration." Kaylan glances over at Phinkis. "what say you unchain him while I ensure he isn't first down the steps if he bolts? I think any hope to cure him and solve this is down there."

Re: Online Adventure! 8/24-8/28

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:44 pm
by GM-Brad
Harmon stares back and forth. I defer to your judgment. I have never seen anything like this before in my life. All I know is Thurton should recognize me, but it's like his mind is just...gone. I do know a little first aid, if that could help. Mostly wrapping legs and setting bones for horses, and calves...