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Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:44 am
by Ark
First up on my list because its a very basic feature under the "actions available to everyone" section of the rulebook is:

Wield Fist!

obviously and overlooked skill because how many people do you see running around with a fist phys rep on them? not freaking many! but I hope to help change that.

now by itself and all alone being able to wield a fist for no damage that you cannot block with seems silly, but like most things in FH combinations can lead to unexpected results. for instance, even though you cannot swing damage through it you can still deliver any damage steroid through a fist, this is helpful in the most critical of situations, of which I will list some below:

-your weapons have been shattered
-your weapons have been disarmed and you could not recover them
-you have had to give up your weapons for in game reasons (safety or security during IG events, this has happened in the past)
-your weapons have been taken from you (you got captured or kidnapped in some way)

so as you can see, not useful most of the time but VERY useful when in dire need.

back to the reason of having a fist, you can use damage steroids through it. nearly every single one of them in the game (most vorpal's have a silly weapon requirement) including but not limited to:

-throw stone
-any critical strike
-any channel
-any crush
-study thy foe
-spells (credit to cole45)
-any skill that requires packets (credit to cole45 and Kanter)

Less combative but can still save your life:

-Charms, Fear, Banish, Disenchant, Repel, Disease (credit to Kanter)
-Knockout, Press, Shatter, Disarm (credit to Kanter)
-Healing/Mass Heal (credit to Kanter)

As you can see just about everything but base damage, very useful to have.
now you still cannot block damage with your fist (unless you have the appropriate skills in which case this is less important for you) and you cannot swing base damage, but you can do SOMETHING! so pack a fist fis rep, there small and out of the way, and could save your life, or at least allow you to go down swinging :)

Fist phys rep pump - Ark <3

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:36 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
obviously and overlooked skill because how many people do you see running around with a fist phys rep on them?
I can think of 10...that rather prevelent.

(most vorpal's have a silly weapon requirement)

I don't see why an edged weapon requirement for vorpal is silly at all, and neither is requiring blunt for crush.

Fist phys rep pump - Ark <3
is that code for next to useless? : )

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:12 am
by Ark
requiring an edged weapon for the 5 vorpals would not be silly, if that was the requirement, as it stands right now its not, the only 5 vorpal available to the PC's requires the use of a specific weapon (a pike)

if you are referring to the other sources of vorpal, (touch of death and vorpal respectively) then yes those are generic edged weapons, they don't however have anything to do with my current topic as they are not damage steroids.

however there are other points I am just not going to argue because, please please please don't turn these topics into debate threads, there meant to help people not scare them away from the boards, PM me or start a new topic. unless of course you have other tips and tricks that fall under the current topic (you have played for a long time I am sure you have tips and tricks others have not noticed yet) then please post them ^_^

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:37 pm
by cole45
Also spells. You know packet driven thing some of us suck at all in fist. I Luke have a weapon and off hand fist.

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:56 pm
by Ark
cole45 wrote:Also spells. You know packet driven thing some of us suck at all in fist. I Luke have a weapon and off hand fist.
I edited the original post with credit given, thank you very much :D

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 6:21 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
requiring an edged weapon for the 5 vorpals would not be silly, if that was the requirement, as it stands right now its not, the only 5 vorpal available to the PC's requires the use of a specific weapon (a pike)
are you aware that a pike is a pole weapon with bladed and piercing projections? That does not sound like a vorpal capable weapon?

here is a fairly good image of one: ... _i10353431

if you are referring to the other sources of vorpal, (touch of death and vorpal respectively) then yes those are generic edged weapons, they don't however have anything to do with my current topic as they are not damage steroids.

I simply meant that it seemed you were implying it was logical to allow the use of things like staves, hammers, and clubs for the vorpal skill...and dagger and swords and axes for the crush skill.

however there are other points I am just not going to argue because, please please please don't turn these topics into debate threads, there meant to help people not scare them away from the boards, PM me or start a new topic. unless of course you have other tips and tricks that fall under the current topic (you have played for a long time I am sure you have tips and tricks others have not noticed yet) then please post them ^_^
so your asking to allow posts with the intent to "help" people, that contain information that isn't accurate or statements that aren't true or factual, to not be called out?!?! Sorry, that just nuts. Your a sharp and creative guy, but I don't see how you can think to help people RP better after just admitting that you min/max your builds and have certain pocket exploits that don't get noticed.

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:43 am
by GM-Merrick
Some additions for your list sir, for those less combative folks.

-Charms, Fear, Banish, etc.. things that use packets, but Travis covered that
-Shatter, Disarm

-Healing (The slight read a fist phys rep provides can make a big difference)
-Disease (Amazing Skill for the Healer that needs to fight)

Also the Fist Phys Rep is considered a weapon for you dwarves out there, or people who can enchant weapons.

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:52 am
by Ark
Kanter wrote:Some additions for your list sir, for those less combative folks.
Updated the original post with credit given, thank you very much :D

btw we need an advice or new player help section I can move these to.

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:23 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
just one note....
Wield Fist
Everyone can swing 0 (zero) damage with a single fist phys-rep. Fists cannot be disarmed and cannot be used to block blows (ie getting hit in the fist phys-rep is counted as damage). Skills and Hero Points can be used to increase a fist’s damage. Packet driven skills may also be delivered via a fist unless stated otherwise in the skill. Any packet driven skill used in this manner is still considered ranged for any skills the wielder may have to alter the skill, however is considered melee for the defender. Fists may not be the target of any skill or spell which would destroy a weapon nor are they affected by shatter. Fists are considered ‘Tiny’ weapons for purposes of construction and should be made white with no hilt. Please see page 91 for information on how to make a Final Haven Safe Fist Phys-rep

I don't see anywhere in that description that states the fist can be treated as a melee weapon aside from the direction on how they are CONSTRUCTED.
-throw stone
I haven't found a single "throw rock" skill, and the only mention is under Grenadier. the first skill there is:
Level 1: Throw weapons—Passive skill The Grenadier may throw a legal Final Haven Safe coreless weapon for “1” damage. The Grenadier may also throw Spell Packets (See page 90) to simulate rocks for “1” damage.
This isnt a packet skill at its core, it simply has an addition that states packets can be used to simulate rocks. Normally the skill requires coreless weapon phys reps.
Any GM call to allow this to fall under "packet skills" (which seems a bad idea) is essentially an exploit to circumvent the no damage portion of the wield fist everyman skill rule. Since there is no charge time, you could simply keep swinging for 1 AND it would be the same cost as Ambidexterity, but better since you could toss packets for damage also. That gives the player extra ability for the same cost, which you Ark seem very against.

If it is the intent of the GMs that:
1) fists can be considered melee weapons for skills
2) Using Throw weapons as a packet skill to increase fist damage

Then the descriptions need tweaking to be clear on that.

also found this, but its 6 years old and cannot be sure if its been rescinded or just never made it into the book: ... =14&t=4428

Re: Ark's thread of Tips and Tricks #1: Weild fist

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:48 pm
by Ark
you know what. . .

you win, I am out.

until such time as I decide otherwise I am done posting on the FH forums. If you need to reach me and have any questions about anything feel free to PM me I will check that.

Peace - Ark/Josh