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The Haven Chronicles: Weaver's Month

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 1:47 pm
by GM-Mike
Massive Series of Earthquakes Strikes Phanterra.
By Carmac Winterwater, Senior Scribe –The Chronicles of Haven

The world is still in shock from the nearly continent spanning series of earthquakes that struck yesterday. Scholars at Brandybrook are still baffled, but they put the total at four earthquakes, all in quick succession.

In Redemption alone it’s rumored there are over a hundred dead from when the city shook seemingly without warning. Searchers continue to look for survivors even now amongst the wreckage. The King has declared a national day of mourning. Large swaths of the city lie in ruin, buildings tumbled to the ground, paving stones thrown up in the road, homes just…gone. Even the west tower of Blackwatch has fallen.

Similar stories have come in from neighbouring regions. Killeshandra and Caledonia have reported that part of Mount Craverious has tumbled down. Dawnvale’s famous market district has been destroyed. Mines have collapsed in Uggtown. And rumors from Woodhold, and even from Sylvan’dar, suggest they have suffered similar casualties. The King and Queen have sent ambassadors to these regions to see what aid can be offered, but it’s also clear Haven will have its hands busy at home for a while.

“The sheer amount of resources and manpower that will be needed to put things right again is staggering,” says Jerricon Seawedge of the City Watch in Redemption. Even now the King has put soldiers toward finding survivors and organizing the recovery effort, but it’s no secret it will take time to rebuild. And, rumor has it large parts of the royal army, those who can work with steel, wood, and stone, may find themselves at least semi-permanently reassigned to other tasks.

Some of the more superstitious are wondering if these natural –or unnatural- disasters are a heralding of something worse to come, recalling a time when earthquakes and chaos did not abate, but instead gave birth to the second Cataclysm.

Others are wondering where the resources will come from to pay for everything. “Mountains toppling on top of this er freakish weather?” asks Hadrian, a local farmer. “I dun know how all these crops are gonna survive, and no crops ain’t no good far no one. One gets ta wonderin’ if the kingdom’s gonna be broke by winter.”

The King and Queen have scheduled a memorial service next week for the fallen from this disaster, and recover efforts will continue. They have urged the populace to remain calm, and to extend hospitality to those temporarily without homes.

A Virulent Vine Invades Syl’Van’Dar
By Idyyrilah Enthrada, Foreign Correspondant - The Chronicles of Haven

A strange plant, the color of the fair larkspur, has taken over the bounteous gardens of Syl’Van’Dar. This plant has begun to strangle out all of the current growing vegetation from vegetables and trees to grasses and flowers. The plant has been found to grow extremely rapidly and has already hampered the food production within Syl’Van’Dar. The local horticultural experts are currently attempting to find the root cause of this invasive species. The Vanguard Alliance is beginning to ready additional food supplies if they are needed.

Some mages have taken to researching a way to manipulate the essence of the plant in a positive way to curb its growth. At the time this article was written, there has been no success in stopping or hindering the advance. The elves are currently referring to the plant as ‘Rampant,’ a human word meaning ‘growing luxuriantly’ and ‘violent in action or spirit.’ An apt description for the characteristics seen so far.

Any person who has encountered this or anything similar is strongly encouraged to send a missive or deliver your information directly to Or’Carion Orth’do’diir of the Hall of the Revered or through proxy Alinar, advisor to the King of Final Haven.

Warm Sea Currents Flow Through the Corsair Isles
By Ieram Allshead, Foreign Correspondent - The Chronicles of Haven

In a strange twist of fate, a wonderful give and take has occurred within the seas surrounding the Corsair Isles. The waters have become overrun with fish and sea creatures of all kinds. It has been wonderful for fisherman and all those who make their living from that which comes from the water. A warming of the seas has allowed for much growth this season and brought with it a large amount of food for the rapidly growing populations of the Vanguard Alliance.

“This is the largest load of fish I have ever seen!” said Ra’Pil Graewulf a fisher along the waters of the Corsair Isles. He and his crew have brought in as much fish in the past few weeks as their entire last season. They are not the only ones profiting from the warmer waters. Some of the inns and beaches have brought in a large amount of entertainment and tourism business from people across all of the lands.

Even with the sudden boom in income, there are those who are worried as to what this unexpected weather means. “Though this sudden change may seem good, the benefits are only temporary. The long term effects of this phenomenon are potential devastating.” cautions noted climatologist Taffy Tepid Tallalily Ternia T’Chafta [editors note: Taffy’s name has been shortened due to the inability to gather the full breadth and scope of her name. No offense is meant.] “Simply put, the ecosystem of the coastline cannot sustain the aggressive nature of this growth.”

Her worries are not alone. There are claims that the temperature of the waters are continuing to grow warmer as time passes, and have not abated as some had hoped. Currently it is simply rumor as no evidence has come forth to prove this to be true. Regardless, there are some who have gone to track down old relics of the past known for cooler temperatures for fear of the worst.

At this time, though, people are taking full advantage of the warmer waters to enjoy it to the fullest.

Funnies (answers at end of publication)
1. What did the grape say after the elephant sat on it?
2. What’s brown and sticky?
3. What do you call a guy who never farts in public?
4. What happened when the butcher backed into his meat grinder?
5. Why did the guard smell?

Freak Snowstorm Buries Fishing Village!
By Liar Luris, scribe - The Chronicles of Haven

Under fourteen inches of snow lies the Fishing Village. This poor town with a spirit stronger than most kings struggles through the most unusual weather it has seen in at least a season. Oddly prepared for this occurrence, fishing has continued without a hitch; the fishers of the village cutting holes in the ice after adorning well cared-for winter weather garb.

“Ain’t nothing I haven’t seen a’fore,” comments one fisher, buried so deep within his clothing it was nearly impossible to tell if he were man or woman. Just a few weeks ago, spring had begun to sprout, as can be seen when one digs deep enough through the snow to find it. Even the animals seem unusually prepared for the sudden shift in weather, crowding for warmth, barely noticing the reason why.

Bracing for the inevitable return of summer in full force, some are already attempting to build barns and plow fields. “If’n we start early, we may be able t’build the redundants,” states Garnina Dillish matter-of-factly. She is, of course, referring to a third of fourth field of crops in case some sort of disaster befalls the first or second crop.

It seems that the snow is already melting, causing mild flooding throughout the village. Luckily, the villagers also seem to have this well in hand, given that all of their recently renovated buildings have been built three feet above ground level. At least the villagers seem well prepared for the eventual disaster. Let us hope that their anticipation is not tested.

From the Seas
Seraphim Fleet Captain Spotlight

Ark, Captain of the "Renewed Valor"
By Arvellon Talmin, "Eyes and Ears" - The Chronicles of Haven

Time and permission was granted to sit down with each of the Captains of the Seraphim Fleet, answering many questions but leaving others in the winds. I was given an audience with the master of each vessel and present such so that the Kingdom of Haven and its Allies know they have nothing to fear. If their actions since their reappearance were too silent, perhaps their words will be louder to listening ears.

The second spoken with was known only as Ark, a man of regal dress and noble presence. He is the Captain of the "Renewed Valor," a frigate and sister ship to the "Incorruptible Truth." Recently the "Renewed Valor" was spotted sailing into a hurricane that appeared to form directly ahead of it, devouring 3 similarly-sized pirate vessels. I asked of him how his vessel sails through these most treacherous gales and escapes unharmed. He replied as such:
"The gales and storms are Storm Elf magic, and the means to create them were bequeathed to me upon the death of a dear friend. With her knowledge none of my creation will harm myself or those around me."

I then asked of him where he saw himself in the grand scheme of the fleet. Ark answered, with a deep understanding of trust revealed in his words:
"My role I would consider to be one of observation and strategy. Gin is a better fighter so he captains the flagship. I on the other hand took one of our twin frigates and the Valor suites me just fine."

Lastly I plied him on the goals of the Fleet, and was given these warming words in response:
"At the moment we are just trying to help people rather then seek out a fight. To that end an alliance with Dawnvale was an obvious choice and was very beneficial to everyone involved."

Each Captain Spotlight will be presented in kind. Continue reading to learn of all 5.

Recently the "Renewed Valor" came into conflict with a vessel that had fired upon the brig "Peaceful Intent." As spoken of in this interview Captain Ark brought his storms to bare, but it is said the opposing vessel, which was noted to be a deep shade of midnight black, sailed out of the maelstrom and away from the conflict.

Words from the Wild
Haven heroes dispatch diseased wildlife

By Snarl Strongjaw, Wildlife Expert - The Chronicles of Haven

Following a series of bizarre events a herd of deer became feral and began attacking other nearby wildlife in the Wildlands. The afflicted animals were reported to have transformed into terrifying monsters that harassed other wildlife as well as local farmers. The people of Haven were seen mopping the creatures up both night and day, and the creatures have not been seen since. They're actions of the Havenites has been greatly appreciated, as there was fear the cause was a plague or virus.

In my time here in the Wildlands I can personally say I have not seen anything like this. Information was plentiful from those who witnessed the creatures, and though no bodies remained this wildlife expert was able to make a conclusion. The cause of the mutation is completely new to the area. Perhaps new to the surrounding areas as well. Conversation with other experts has yielded no existing prior examples. For now we can only wait and see if this plague reappears, and be ready to quash it should it return.

The Wildland Players are having auditions to join their company on the third Seventh’s Day of this Weaver’s Month at three hours past midday at the Woodcarver’s Home, just two homes past Wynthor’s on the main road. Have prepared scene—no script will be provided. Bring your best work. All actors will be considered.

Funnies Answers
1. Nothing, it just gave out a little whine
2. A stick
3. A private tutor
4. He got a little behind in his work
5. Because he was on duty

Re: The Haven Chronicles: Weaver's Month

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:25 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Finished reading the newest issue of the Chronicles in the small inn she's stopped at on her journey back to the Wild Lands, Nellie curses under her breath and immediately pulls out paper and a quill. She writes quickly for fifteen minutes, before growling and shifting to a blank page. Taking a deep breath, calming herself, she carefully rewrites what she'd just wrote in a much clearer handwriting. Folding and sealing the missive, she packs up and leaves the inn for the local Courier outpost.

Approaching one of the men on duty, she hands the missive over. "I need this delivered to Blackwatch with all due haste. Preferably to the King and Queen."