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Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 11:28 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
**the notice reads as below**

Under the authority of Korrigan, First Lord of the Vanguard Alliance and King of Haven; I Lord Kaylan Chargeender, Captain of the Haven Royal Guard do post this as notice that the Haven Royal Guard is recruiting members for induction into the Order of the Crimson Aegis. Members will serve as either Sentries of the keep or royal protection detail, depending on skills, experience, and performance during training.

Applicants should contact myself directly or present yourself for interview and assessment to the duty commander of the Royal Guard at the keep of the King. Inductees will be given quarters and provided for fully as a squire, and will be tested for order membership at the end of their first year.

Desired qualifications include, but are not limited to, master warriors, empaths, healers, and rogues; dedication to the goals and safety of both Haven and the Vanguard Alliance and its people, and therefore Korrigan the King of Haven; and the safety of the First Lord and King, even at the cost of your own.
