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October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 2:01 pm
by GM-Taki
Korrigan's Feedback Bounty

In an effort to help the GM's get valuable feedback about the event, I've decided to offer a bit of an incentive. I'm offering some in-game prizes for those who take the time to leave substantial feedback about what you liked and didn't like about the event.

To be eligible for a prize, you must:

1. Have attended the October event.
2. Leave some substantial feedback about what you liked and didn't like about the October event. This feedback can't just be shout-outs to other players and your favorite moments, but needs to provide the GM's with information they can use to improve the game.
3. Attend the next Final Haven event, where the prizes will be drawn.

For every seven people who leave feedback beyond the first seven, I'll offer one prize. So:

-If seven or less people leave feedback, I'll put up 3 gold as a prize.
-if more than seven, but less than 14 people leave feedback, I'll offer a 3 gold prize AND an additional prize of any exotic item complete with 4 events worth of upkeep.
-if more than 14 people leave feedback, I'll offer a 3 gold prize, the exotic item prize, and an additional prize of a magic item.

Lastly, if every single player that attended the event leaves the GM's quality feedback, I will pay every single one of you a gold piece in addition to offering the three prizes listed above. It's now in your best interest to get your friends to leave feedback, so badger, berate and coerce them as only you can. :)

The deadline for the submission of feedback will be November 20th, so get it in while it's fresh in your head.

Happy Writing!

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:06 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
wow...its like....i have seen this very post before....October gets soooo WIERD!

feedback to come....after much sleep...then summore sleep...and then maybe a nap.

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 6:59 pm
by pluflove0890
What an amazing event! Thank you to all the players and especially the staff for your efforts.

I spent most of my time this event in the "tavern" (if it can be called that after the events Friday night), so I do not have much helpful feedback for many of the plots. The few that I was involved with were ran very well considering the limited numbers.

There was only one issue that I noticed that may need some work, and I believe it had to do with the limited staff and lack of time not on plots. It seemed that information for many of the plots was limited to one or two (I know, that's half) of the GM staff. While the information was available, I know there were a couple of us who could have been doing more to obtain or interpret the information in a more timely fashion. For being so short on people, however, I think the GM's and Nick did an excellent job providing the right combination of combat and other types of interactions, and I enjoyed the roll-playing I was able to do while most everyone else was out adventuring.

I also want to thank the players for keeping the details that the sages, and other learned-folk, found in mind while we battled the Undead Ork army. Thank you for making me feel my efforts were useful.

Don't have much other than that right now. I would do shout-outs, but I think the great majority of players did very well and it would take too long to list all of you. Thank you for the great game. It made my weekend so much better than I expected.

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:27 am
by Phinkis
Phinkis here. Well, this was my first time on the PC side of a game and I have to say I had a lot of fun.

Even with the limited staff there was always a group headed out to do something, my only regret was that I'm a wuss and couldn't go out on more adventures, though I did push myself to the limit. I liked that there was still time to do the little things like save the mice beast men and the phased out villagers even though we had a lot that we needed to do to save the world.

One of the things I did notice that could use improvement is that it seemed that the better protected the back line was the more the determined the NPCs became to get to it. That's fine when you're fighting an intelligent foe and they use tactics to break through but usually this involved NPCs running as fast as they could past everyone else, taking the couple hits on the way and ignoring those attacking them. I understand that they may be disposable troops on a suicide run but the real problem is that it's boarder line to charging. If I see an NPC running full tilt at the healers I don't feel safe putting myself between the two and sometimes don't even feel safe swinging at them.

All in all I had a great time and I will definitely be coming back. I want to thank the Staff for all their had work. I know how much effort it takes to not only run but also put together an event like this.
Three cheers for the staff!
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!
Hip hip hooray!

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 6:58 pm
by Shea Stonebrook
I have not been around in a while, and was not sure what to expect with a different camp...
The Good: Loved the plots I was involved in, I didn't leave the inn to go out on plots much. That was my choice, there was still a lot to do, information to put together. I had a great time. I like the healing rules. 30 seconds per charge and being able to move with a charge helps to not having to start all over for 2 minutes when you're disrupted you lose less than a minute. Doing the same thing with armor makes sense to me...would be cool if you could get an "improved repair" like an "improved Heal" for 2 pts every 30 seconds.

The bad: My only complaint was that the big battle started pretty late. I was ready for bed at 1:30am Sat. but was having a hard time getting to sleep at 4am Haha It was absolutely worth waiting for. I know there was a lot going on. Honestly for the number of NPC's and GM's to the number of players you guys did great. Would be cool to not be spread thin, but you guys do a great job!

The ugly: It was hot and muggy... Thank you Jared for being generous with the walk in. :)

Things learned: Be sure the person crawling on the ground is on your side of a fight BEFORE accessing them. Thank you Mr Fiore!!

It's good to come back. Seeing familiar faces and meeting new ones... FUN!!!

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:00 pm
by GM-Amanda
I really enjoyed this event. Before I get into the event proper, I want to make a special section for the rules being playtested at this event.

Healer Playtest: Why is this still a playtest? There are healers who have never used the old rules. I *am getting to the point where it would be better for Cirrus to have the old rules back (it’s now 6 minutes instead of 4 to get from 1 to full with one healer dropping ones (or Mass Heals)), but for the majority of people, it’s a better system, and the ability to drop heals on people so they can run back out into the field with just enough to be effective again, not to mention multiple healers being able to team up and heal someone beefy, as well as not being interrupted/interrupting a charge. Seriously, I don’t think anyone still uses the old rules. I think we can be done.

Armor Playtest: Same reason as above. Lo me gusta.

Scream: This was by far my favorite new call of the weekend. MUCH better way of communicating scene calls.

Envelop: I liked the mechanic, and it was used just enough for awesome. I especially liked the scene in the worm cave where Cirrus got dragged down into a pit. Well done there Mike.

Terror: The concept is good to have a more powerful fear effect, but there is no reason minions should be calling it. I can recall very few instances of Fear being used, but even small fry were using the more powerful version. I can understand wanting to use the new call, but it should be used with more powerful foes. Fear is not that heavily resisted, and even if it is, it’s something a player spent 20+ points on. Let ‘em have it.

Throwback: Similar to above. At least you only needed one instance of Resist Press here. I tried to roleplay the effect as best as I could, but it isn’t easy to fall down and get up within 5 seconds, while trying to process everything you normally work through in a battle. I’m not sure how to fix this, and I do like the idea, but as it is now, this is a bit odd.

Starvation: No. Just call it “Unresistable Disease”. Or if you want it to be a part of the scene, say it can’t be healed. Or use an incremental effect where you go “Scream Disease” every few minutes. Either the players can bring in a boatload of healers to keep everyone functional, people will take it and play through the scene as the GMs intend, and people who spend the points for the resist can feel good about it as they stay on form. This does not need to be a separate call.

In the future, I wouldn’t recommend testing more than one new call per event. Keep it simple so you don’t have to describe five calls when someone asks about one. Just my two copper :)

Okay, now the actual event.

The Good: I saw a great mix of roleplay and meatgrinder plots this event. I wish the guys who had said they would show from WH had done so, two or three more NPCs (as usual) would have made this perfect. Long Lake is a great camp, and I enjoyed moving out away from the inn to use the woods. Rolling around with the Guthrie trio was awesome, especially the land before time and scouting the salt flats. Brad, I apologize in the most stringent terms for making you jump out of your skin, I have excellent night vision, and it’s completely unfair for me to sneak around in all black with no moon. I was a bit upset not to go on the Red X plot, especially after talking with Jared about it, and the apparent spasmodic glee I missed, but I did enjoy the roleplay still rolling on during it. Even with only four full time staff members, the event still flowed well. You guys are awesome, and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to play.

The Bad: I’m gonna straight up say it. I want chip draws. We fought two of the most powerful beings on Phanterra, with an army of hundreds to back them up, with NO deaths. Granted, we had quite a few of the most powerful beings on Phanterra on our side as well, and we did a boopton of preparations, but I felt like the Master was pulling his punches, almost like the Corbyn battle last year. The PC tactics were not on the level during the battle that we should have done that well. Why was the only Gather Essence (I saw) for an NPC whose essence had been dispersed anyway? I can’t remember the last time I saw Gather Essence USED at FH. Along with Wizard Focus Items outshining booms, there is less and less reason to play an Empath. The Red X plot only accentuates the disparity – I don’t want level 5 and 10 plots all weekend, with one level 30. The Final Haven system is supposed to encourage teamwork. Make us scared. Make us work for it. Make us lose before we win. Korrigan’s dramatic entrance in the Corsair Isles shows how great those moments are (not that Korrigan’s ego needs any more stroking :P).

I would like some kind of markers for plot boundaries. A dozen driveway stakes could delinate the area the PCs are supposed to stay in when we’re doing a “cave” battle, and there were a few times communication went awry when describing a scene’s flow, most noticeably during the Itty Bitty Potion Committee’s cube disposal.

The Ugly: Charging. Stoppit. I don’t want to trip you, nor get bowled over because Cirrus would throw you over her shoulder to stop you from getting to the healers. Safety first and all.

Booping skyjuice and humidity. At least the ground dried quickly.

Looking forward to 2014!

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 4:11 pm
by ollie
Cirrus wrote: Terror: The concept is good to have a more powerful fear effect, but there is no reason minions should be calling it. I can recall very few instances of Fear being used, but even small fry were using the more powerful version. I can understand wanting to use the new call, but it should be used with more powerful foes. Fear is not that heavily resisted, and even if it is, it’s something a player spent 20+ points on. Let ‘em have it.

Throwback: Similar to above. At least you only needed one instance of Resist Press here. I tried to roleplay the effect as best as I could, but it isn’t easy to fall down and get up within 5 seconds, while trying to process everything you normally work through in a battle. I’m not sure how to fix this, and I do like the idea, but as it is now, this is a bit odd.

Starvation: No. Just call it “Unresistable Disease”. Or if you want it to be a part of the scene, say it can’t be healed. Or use an incremental effect where you go “Scream Disease” every few minutes. Either the players can bring in a boatload of healers to keep everyone functional, people will take it and play through the scene as the GMs intend, and people who spend the points for the resist can feel good about it as they stay on form. This does not need to be a separate call.
I echo this to max and completely agree.

Cirrus wrote: The Bad: Why was the only Gather Essence (I saw) for an NPC whose essence had been dispersed anyway? I can’t remember the last time I saw Gather Essence USED at FH. Along with Wizard Focus Items outshining booms, there is less and less reason to play an Empath. The Red X plot only accentuates the disparity – I don’t want level 5 and 10 plots all weekend, with one level 30. The Final Haven system is supposed to encourage teamwork. Make us scared. Make us work for it. Make us lose before we win. Korrigan’s dramatic entrance in the Corsair Isles shows how great those moments are (not that Korrigan’s ego needs any more stroking :P).
QFT! Twice I used a form of essence gathering on NPC's and both times it was met with a resounding "can't find it." The second time, I walked off the field because I was livid and didn't want to disrupt anyone elses staying in character. My character is not only an empath, but an essence mage as well. A character that understands beyond the fundamentals of essence and you're telling me I can't find it.

Another thing that grinded me a little was when the "Gamestop-Banish" occurred that was triangulated. Not only is that skill exceedingly situational, but that specific call comes from having two different magic items together for a one time per event call and it was counterspelled. I guess I feel that spells are spells and items are items. On the same token, why didn't the Master counterspell the Efreets? That to was an item that called for a gamestop IIRC. Just sayin`.

On the flipside of that token, during the long narrative during the battle with the master, a spell was used by him and we couldn't counter it in the narrative. Seriously?

I guess what I'm trying to say is I want the world to be believable. Maintain the verisimillatude of Phantera
Cirrus wrote: The Ugly: Charging. Stoppit. I don’t want to trip you, nor get bowled over because Cirrus would throw you over her shoulder to stop you from getting to the healers. Safety first and all.
Agreed. Also I saw a little hooking going on as well with reaching around with claw physreps. Not safe considering this is supposed to be a tap fighting larp.

All in all, the weekend was mediocre for me. The roleplay that I was involved with was great and intense but it's rp that could have happened elsewhere. If I think of anything else, I'll add to or just PM it. :|


Nick: Loved the impromptu table and chair throwing in the tavern.

Fafnir: You have gone from sarcastic ass to Brother in the eyes of the Grey Ravens in a single moon. Bringing us in with the legend Ga'vin you slew spoke volumes to us.

Brad: The way you are able to immerse anyone in the plots you run is extrodinary. :D

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:29 pm
by Gondowon T. Falbor
Gondowon here. I'm going to do my best to give you my thoughts on the events, though I must say upfront that a lot of my time was taken up as an NPC (by choice mind you) and that means I wasn't in as many places as I could have been. TL;DR, I have a limited perspective of the event so I'm sorry if I'm missing details.

I'm also going to Copy-Pasta the format of previous posters to keep things consistent and organized. Kind of.


I agree that the healer playtest should be an official part of the rules, not only because it's effective but because it makes sense in a roleplaying sense as well. Patching up minor wounds and the like can definitely be done in increments and thus taking longer to fully fix someone seems fine by me and shouldn't be stopped by being hit once. That would be akin to all of your cuts and bruises reappearing all along your torso because someone hit you in the leg once while a healer was tending to your head. The same sort of thing can be and has been said about armor repair, though I'm fine if it doesn't reach the point where I receive "Two Repair" in thirty seconds. As for surgery and first aid, I'm fine with those delicate procedures remaining timed skills that take several minutes due to the care needed to properly perform such tasks, although I don't think that was ever in question.

Scream is a wonderful call that works for area affects that no one can escape from. In addition it keeps the game flowing, which is always a plus.

Throwback is iffy to me, mostly due to the knockout effect. If pressed into combat by accident and then left unconscious on the ground for five seconds it can prove a bit hazardous for roleplayers who really like to roleplay each part of combat and thus lie on the ground when knocked out. Perhaps if it was instead a "Press back and Press down" instead it would be a bit safer. Otherwise I don't see why enemies can't use knockout more often if the knockout effect is what is desired. Perhaps monster knockouts could just work differently than player knockouts in regards to the time a person is knocked out for.

Terror is great, but I agree that minions shouldn't have it, or rather if minions CAN use terror then they should be fear-based creatures such as wraiths or revenants. Basically, if I'm TERRIFIED of a creature it should be TERRIFYING, not just scary.

Starvation is something I never ran into, so I don't think I'm allowed to comment on it, but I'm going to anyways. When I initially heard about it though I didn't really like its concept, simply since it's like terror but doesn't make as much sense as terror. Maybe if it was called "plague" or some stronger version of the word disease it would make more sense as a stronger version of said call, rather than an unresistable EFFECT of disease. Actually, on the note of disease, I know that it's difficult to keep track of many different stats, but I think disease could use some work since there is only one disease I'm aware of: Starvation. Perhaps if there were more kinds of diseases it would be a more interesting call and you wouldn't need "starvation" and could use "plague" instead. Just my thoughts, and again I'm probably missing a lot of details due to never encountering "starvation" (then again I don't encounter disease all that often either).

I never saw envelop, but I have no problem with its concept.


Again I was not on a lot of these plots but I'll comment on what I can.

The Good:
I loved the tavern of undead stuff that had the funny drinks. I like it when you guys find a way to tempt PC's into their own demise. Even Gondowon was tempted to purchase a drink from the place, and he's the kind of guy who is usually saying straight up "no" to things like that. I also liked how the bartender reminded us each of our fathers, allowing very different roleplaying situations for each of us all within the same encounter (Gondowon for example avoided the bartender like the plague). That was probably my favorite encounter during the event (besides the one private one I had while Gondowon was off rounding up birds...) simply due to the good mix of roleplaying opportunity and actual combat. But that's just my personal favorite sort of situation.
I also really liked the mini-encounter with Victor, which could have gone many different directions and left it up to the PC's to decide how to take action, and also allowed for some good arguments and roleplaying, although I stand by the Undead Tavern being my favorite part of the event.

The Bad:
Though I don't entirely agree with Cirrus on the topic of needing to draw more chips (I was saved by Panda multiple times while on the brink of death so I feel like that counts at least in part :p ), I do wonder why the last fight didn't seem... big. I understand the difficulties of not having enough NPCs and how it can be hard balancing a fight so that it's "fair", but I also felt that this big battle was rather mundane. I know a lot of it had to do with the fact that I didn't know as much about "The Master" as others did, but I also feel like he wasn't as much of a threat as his minions were (both in terms of in-game threat and out of game charging dangers, though it only seemed to happen with one NPC in particular). I also am aware that a lot more preparation went into this fight though, so I'm fairly sure that my argument here is based on circumstance rather than a regular occurrence. Moving on...

The Ugly:
Um... I got nothing. Poor weather seems to be the norm for my Final Haven excursions so I'm used to it. :p

That is all I have. I hope it helps and I hope you don't take any of my comments or criticisms too seriously since I'm what you could probably call a "casual" player, considering the amount I actually show up to events. Good day to you sirs and not sirs, and thank you for an enjoyable event.

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 12:05 pm
by Gideon
The rules-

I do believe with a game with minimal amount of calls is better, because game with too many calls cause “pocket hold” to explain an effective, and that really kills the emersion. With that said here we go

Scream - The “Scream” call is amazing. Less game stops makes a game better. (This call enhances emersion)

Terror - I like it, and I realize this is a call for a small NPC base to control battles with large amounts of PCs. Also, this is not necessarily a new effect it is just stronger effects of an existing skills/effects currently in game. And I will echo that Terror should be used for big baddies and fear should be used with little baddies. It is not easy to get a resist fear, and it is actually really hard to get immunity to fear. Also, after NPCing one of those Undead Orcs and using whatever in-game knowledge my character had about them I was ok with them throwing Terror.

Throw - I like it, and I realize this is a call for a small NPC base to control battles with large amounts of PCs. Also, this is not necessarily a new effect it is just stronger effects of an existing skills/effects currently in game. And again I will echo Throw is the same as terror for big baddies only, not small baddies, and yes those Undead Orcs fell into big baddies due to the plot connectivity, in my opinion.

Starvation – I do not know what the GM purpose was for starvation. I can think of two things an unresistible disease call, which I do not think was the purpose, or a disease call that the PC base, especially healers, would not have to spend the next couple hours healing afterwards. Since each healer would have to spend 10 minutes on himself then 5 minutes on everyone else. And if this was the reason for the call, cut the healing time for disease in half or down to 2 minutes so you can use the “Disease” call more often, or in a scream call. Also, if the purpose was to have an unresistible disease, I feel like this is poor form, resist disease in by far the weakest resist in the game, don’t make a loophole for it. And there is a third reason, for RP, and for this since starvation is an already in game effect that people should know I am cool with it, but let it be resistible by resist disease, give it that extra bit of power, and hopefully that will bring it closer to the caliber of resist poison or resist fear.

Mend Armor play test – It is good, because sometimes one does not have the time or does not need to spend the time to sit around for 5 minutes to get their armor fixed. Also, I know there was GM worry about this play test allowing the PCs to leave the fight and then come back into a long battle at full stats. Currently this worry should not exist; there are not enough people in the game with the repair skill to make this situation come true for more than 1 or 2 people per encounter.

Healers “Play Test” - Do you mean the healer rules? They have been in the commonly used rulebook for almost 2 years now. These are the rules. You are actually confusing me. I keep thinking there is a new healer’s play test every game and I have to keep asking about them every game to clarify that there are no new play test for healers every game. And yes I do like the new healer rules better than the previous healers rules.

Game Experiences-

For us late check in far travelers, I felt like the check in went rather smoothly. We walked right into plots which was nice. The plots to get the boxes, and place them were rather clever and enjoyable. I particularly enjoyed the cat and mouse plot, and the undead bar.

The only ancillary plot I had time to do was the Red X plot. Which was fun, but I think not my particular cup of tea. I felt that the Red X plot was difficult, the combats were fun and difficult, the conditions were fun and difficult, the puzzles were difficult, but frustrating. And it was in that frustration that I do not think these plots are for me. With all that said, I do like creative dungeon like the Red X Plot, or like the wind, water, fire, earth temples/guardians from last event. Also, I do not mind long dungeon lengths so we can fully experience a creative dungeon (I understand creativity takes a lot of time and you cannot keep using the same idea over and over again, but you can make a long dungeon out of a good idea, to get full use out of it.)
The battle with “The Master” was a little off kilter. I wish I could elaborate more for feedback purposes, but I am not entirely sure why I feel like that. <EDIT> Maybe this was because "The Master" did not feel all that magical during the confrontation. I know he was the cause of the scream calls, but they did not feel like they were originating from him during the combat, and took some hind sight to realized that they may have coming from him. Which is also possilbly a flaw of screem that should be noted. Or maybe it was because of whom the scream call was coming from. Personally I associate Mike with both enviromental scream calls and scream calls for the NPC he is playing. Just some thoughts.<EDIT>

I do not know if I feel the same way about chip draws as Amanda does. I use first aid and surgery a lot, so it is not like people are not dropping. Maybe focused plots for people over level 50 that have assassins coming after them, increasing their mortality rate. Also, my opinon on this could be particularly skewed from the red X plot that I was on, which had a chip draw after the first combat, and multiple limb reattachment chip draws.

Now for all of the awesome shot out like stuff,

Watching a Gavin attempt to reattach his leg by himself.
All of us healers being awesome
Being resuscitated and using resuscitation, I was wondering when I would see that part of the “surgery” skill.
Arctic Blast, freezing the water was really fun and creative on the GMs part
My fellow Guthrie using “slick’ to make a Gorilla fall down a hole
OMG there is a Gorilla riding a Jaguar
Cat and Mouse
Actually using real world stealth in a mission. This makes me want to wear more concealing garb.
The armor enchantment thing I was give, this was amazing all weekend long. Thank you much.
Illusory cave of seeing thing
Bailey stopping me from drinking the “drink of greed” at the undead bar, and being thankful for not drinking that drink later against the master.
Solving a couple puzzles that were not part of the Red X plot

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 3:54 pm
by GM-Mike
I will chime in to first encourage more feedback--all of this has been great and I hope everyone posts their thoughts and feelings to improve the game.

Second, though, I wanted to address the "starvation" call. First, we have no intention of adding such a call to the game and it should not have been called a playtest, which is on me and I apologize. We just needed a call for this particular event that would cause a weakening of a character via a magical it really wasn't a disease and actually didn't need to be mentioned at the game on meeting at all since it was only going to be used in one scene that could be described then. In reality, it should have been "magic starvation" that could then be resisted by resist magic. At any rate, don't worry about that infiltrating the game. In fact, it is unlikely any of the new calls would make it into the game as a rule you need to know, with the possible exception of the scream call, which I too thought worked really well. The rest would be used situationally and you would be advised of such with my usual preamble of "For this event and this event only, you need to know x."

Carry on,


Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 5:27 am
by GM-Amanda
Gideon wrote:I do not know if I feel the same way about chip draws as Amanda does. I use first aid and surgery a lot, so it is not like people are not dropping. Maybe focused plots for people over level 50 that have assassins coming after them, increasing their mortality rate. Also, my opinon on this could be particularly skewed from the red X plot that I was on, which had a chip draw after the first combat, and multiple limb reattachment chip draws.
Glad to hear you saw some draws. I don't want to go back to completely getting smashified, but there is no terror to going off by yourself anymore. Walking to NPC camp used to get you ambushed. This is a dangerous world, and I don't want there to be only 2 hours of real danger all weekend.

Could just be we have lots of super awesome healers. :P

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:31 am
by Nick
-Scribbles on notepad-

Make....roads...scary again.... Can do \^^/

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:43 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
The Good:
check in- Seems this is getting smoother and faster each event of late, someone must have given Jarod Scooby Snacks finally.
healing rules- I like the "play test " and the skill that boost the healing to 2/30 sec and steady hands. Makes for a nice focused healer PC build.
While not hating the armor version, I like the in game actions to have a more realistic feel (In other words, if FH was reality...) and think the armor repair should be slower and require a tool kit phys rep present. This also comes from a heavy armor wearer.
I can get behind the magical healing, but armor repair done by a craftsman should be more akin to how its done in the real world. I am OK with the 2 pt repair/30 second(or whatever the time is) skill being added for crafters.
"New Calls":
Overall i think the game needs more, and that they add variety and depth to a LARP. I have heard and read comments about them adding game stop to get effects described, slowing things down and so on. In reality that isn't true in the long run. I come from a game much like CARPS, and while the list of calls is certainly a learning curve situation for new players, what slows the game down isn't the different calls its player not knowing the calls/rules.
In a game with a variety of calls, where the staff is doing what it should be doing(not saying the FH staff isn't) and making sure the missions/plots are properly scaled; players only encounter
the higher skill based calls from NPCs or form players when they are in the level range to acquire them on their own,
In essence if the plot team is doing things right, the calls get learned as the PC grows.
Scream- great effect, I suggest switching to "VOICE RADIUS" as its more universal (as in doesn't have to be NPC generated like scream implies) and its more self explanatory.
Throw- I've always liked this effect for PCs/NPCs of the brutish super strong arch type. reminds me of the cave troll fight in Fellowship. I would suggest adding a distance to the call: " Throw 10 feet back/5 steps left" similar in the form as the press call has evolved into.
Throwback-needs a different name if its to be used again, to easy to be confused with throw. a press with a knock out might be best suited, no matter how cheesy or Marvel related, with "CLOBBER". Or something similar.
Starvation- I get the call considering the intended use, but it already exists in the rules"
Heroes and Villains Expansion
Drain – Charged skill
The Empath is able to sense and impact the magical energies inherent in all individuals. Through their mental focus, they are able to temporarily sever some of these energies from individuals. The Empath must charge for 30 seconds, and can then throw a packet with the call of "Magic Disease." The effect of this disease is Starvation.
But I am sure the GMs already knew that... :roll: :lol:

Red X plot- I didn't see the first one but i think the over all set up of this made it one of the best ive seen. loved the puzzles, they were awesome. I wish Kaylan was the type to dive into such, because I love em and really liked the ones used.
I am NOT a fan of NPCs using coreless pool noodles as weapons. to hard to tell whats parried and whats not and WAY to easy to deflect shots into someones face (not very dangerous but very annoting and unpleasant, especially for the bespectacled or those with contacts)
I hope the option to return and finish this one presents itself again.
tavern of undead-Brad you are an evil plot writing super genius, and I wanna have your curly haired, bespectacled love child. It will happen...oh yes it will..
I am just glad Kaylan has adamantite like will power to resist the toys the drinks offered...who KNOWS what plot chew toy mischief could have resulted...... :lilangel:

Victor-one of the best "NEVER PUSH THE RED BUTTON" type NPCs I've ever seen, and a hilarious character. I just wish it was played by someone with acting talent....geesh.
Arctic Blast, freezing the water was really fun and creative on the GMs part
THIS...ALOT. I would love to see this type of roll with the punches more when the situation allows. it was great!

The Bad:
last fight-Anti climactic, and not because some jerk tied Kaylan to a tree for the entire fight for no good damn reason...
Fighting the master should have been like fighting Saruman, Loki, Voldermort, or Magneto. It felt more like fighting one of the power ranger bad guys with tons of lackeys. I expected several PCs to be brought back to town dead(me being one of them likely) since the hype made it seem like he could have stood toe to toe with town by himself.
Shea Stonebrook-the palpable absence of this PC and player at events is a travesty that the GMS should rectify post haste. That is all.
It seemed that information for many of the plots was limited to one or two (I know, that's half) of the GM staff.
I know this is a manpower issue, but don't you guys have radios?
I would like some kind of markers for plot boundaries.
On many occasions there have been plots run where seeing the IN GAME space limitations would have made the plot/combat better and more immersive. Id suggest a few rolls of the caution tape, construction cones, and padded PVC core "posts" be added to the "monster camp wants/needs" list to have on hand for such use.
The set up for the red X plot was exactly what was needed, I would just rather not see wood stakes used due to the danger potential they bring.

The Ugly:
Phil in a Danceskin....just the thought of it is paralyzing... :twisted:
but as for event related items...
limited staff-This has been mentioned before. Haven't come up with a fix myself so I wont hit the equine corpse.
"The Master" did not feel all that magical during the confrontation.
agreed, and aside from the master fight comments above, I guess I also expected him to be tossing more spells and channels and death rays and such.

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 9:26 pm
by Jamie
What I thought about the new calls has all been said more eloquently than I'd manage so I shall not repeat them at length. throwback = cool, terror = would've been more "terrifying" if there'd been regular fear calls around to contrast

I had a lot of fun on my first red x plot - I wish we'd been able to see more of it, but what we got to experience was great -just the right amount of danger and nearly getting killed and reattaching limbs. Sucks that we couldn't solve that one puzzle forever, but that's our own fault and now we know better :)

The dwarven tomb was another high point, stepping over lasers was crazy and ridiculous and awesome. I can't believe we didn't all pass out from exhaustion in the middle of that.

And a thanks again to the GMs for putting up with my absurd research requests.

Re: October 2013 Feedback

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:08 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
Did we not get around to this at the one day or did I just miss it?