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Special Thanks and Goodbye

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:03 pm
by Smitty19
I just want to say how much fun and how special each and everyone of you have been to me since I started back in '05. It has been a GREAT time and I couldnt have asked for a better group of people to learn and play with! So for that I say thank you! It has been a great journey, and I hope that my situation changes, but for the time being it will have to suffice knowing that Serith went out like a boss, and I couldn't be happier about how things ended. Thank you all for making this weird ass nerdy obsession mean so much to me, and I am very lucky to have met and played with each and every one of you! As it is always said when a Pro Athlete retires, if they will have regrets about hanging em up, and I can say, with how everything played out, and the special moments I had with the few that know who they are, I can say, I have none.

The good news is I am only stepping away from Playing, and that I still intend to make as many Winter Haven events as I can, but with the nature of my job and Family, that is even a risky proposition.

So if I ended up missing seeing someone who reads this, or hasn't played in a while, please keep in touch either through pm's here or facebook, because I fully intend on using the new portion of the forums to detail the new direction the Winged Serpent Clan will carve out, and the Growth that Serith will have.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart! And I hope to be able to come back some day and play again with a WHOLE new group and generation of Havenites and all my old friends!

As one of my all time favorite characters always would say to me, "May the light guide you" and I wish everyone the very best!
