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Saturday Fighting fun and Cook out - July 20th, 2013

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 10:15 pm
by GM-Taki
First off, thanks to everyone that came out for this Saturday's sparring and cook out. The weather was absolutely perfect, the grill was hot and the fighting was a blast. We had a good number of folks show up and fun was had by all.

Second, we're looking at doing it again next month on Saturday, July 20th. Hopefully this early notice will allow folks to save the date.

As usual, plan on bringing grill-stuff, sides, beverages, and your favorite foam weapons. Since it worked out pretty well last time, we'll have folks show up at the park around 12:00pm and fire up the grill around 2:00pm. People can drop in as they can throughout the day or stay for the whole duration.

See you then!

Re: Saturday Fighting fun and Cook out - July 20th, 2013

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 11:30 am
by Alinar
It's a long drive, but I am currently free that weekend. May just be there!