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A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 10:01 pm
by GM-Taki
*On a pleasant spring day after their return from Gateway, Korrigan and several other townsfolk (Cirrus, Aurora, Rothek, Toritaka, Marcus, Xil, Nellie and Kaylen) gathered to take a brief tour of Haven's lands and meet with the people responsible for their increasing prosperity. Steamy trundled down the road, pulling a wagon full of townsfolk through the lands of Haven. Korrigan, playing the part of tour guide, described the needs of each village and holding to the people who will be managing it. Finally, the wagon arrives at a large canvas tent set up in a clearing near the village of Robert's Field. Inside a lunch has been prepared and several people from the territories have gathered within.*

"Okay folks, now that we've taken the tour, I'd like for you to meet the people you'll be working with. I had Barry whip up something for all of us to eat as you all get to know each other, so let's head on inside."

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 1:45 am
by Kaylan Chargeender
*I drag my aching dwarven bones from the cart, almost silent grumbles streaming, from tight lips through clenched teeth, with every stiff movement until both weathered hardy leather boots are solidly on the ground again. My eyes glance back at the metal monstrosity as I pull my shield from the cart before turning to slowly walk towards the tent*

First, I vote a stern lecture from you, for your tin draft team, that it is socially acceptable to avoid SOME of the craters in the road and thereby prevent the shattering of spines...repeatedly. I think you owe us lots of free ale as compensation.

Forgive the explorer in me speaking out, but will we be seeing, and hopefully getting copies of, the map or maps you have of the region; because I know that I am no where near familiar enough with this town to remember what lies where in relation to any specific location.

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 6:25 pm
by Nellie Duncan
Nellie blinks at Kaylen's words as she hops down from the wagon herself. "Ah, maps. Wonderful things, maps. If you know how to read them, and they're accurate, the other races put so much valuable information down on them. Why, I saw a map once that measured the height of land in relation to the land around it once - right useful in predicting where the spring floods would travel so that you had an idea of which areas it would be dreadful for surface dwellers to build on, or which crops to put in what areas."

She finishes and then darts into the tent, asking the most important question of the day, "Barry did bring some ale, right?"

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 6:10 pm
by Rothek
*rothek looked around and hopped down from the wagon and was on his way toward the tent when a rustling in a nearby bush caught his attention. his head darted toward the bush and a rabbit darted off deeper into the forest.

the beastman almost immediately gave chase but the smell of food coming from the tent was better, so after shrugging he stood back up on to two feet and walked into the tent.*

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:59 pm
by Marcus
Marcus grins at Kaylan as he jumps down off the wagon himself.

"Bah! You just don't want to admit that you aren't as young as you used to be. On the other hand, if you want to know more about places around here, I'll try to work you up a decent map. I know my way around most of the villages around Haven, especially places around the lake, near the old fishing village.

*Marcus is bereft of his usual armor and tabard, as a trip like this doesn't seem to overly concern him enough to wear more than comfortable traveling clothes, though his Oathscroll still hangs from his belt. As per usual though, he reaches into the wagon before hopping down, and comes up with his ever-present warhammer in hand.*

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 11:24 pm
by Kaylan Chargeender
Markus...there are snow capped mountain ranges that arent as young as I USED to be, but even if I was but off the teet, that ride would have curved my spine like the twisted words from a dark elves lips..

* I take a few slow and obviosly paine strides to the tent and turn to spak as I head in*
but, yes I would welcome any maps...the more accurate and large in spope the better...

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:49 pm
by Marcus
Markus rears back his head in a loud bark of laughter as Kaylan's comment, and follows the dwarf inside.

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:53 pm
by Kayla
Xil hops down from the cart, looking around warily with his hand on his sword. Satisfied that there's nothing too dangerous about, he walks into the tent.

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 10:36 pm
by GM-Amanda
Cirrus waited until last to exit the wagon, despite being seated right near the door. Her eyes flicked quickly around the empty wagon, and she bent double to check beneath the benches. The Av'yana then jumped out the back, landing heavily enough to make a loud thump and raise a small splash of mud from the wheel ruts. Her entire kit, including a new shoulderpack, was still strapped securely to her person as she made her way inside the tent.

"I agree with Nellie - maps and ale are the most important thing right now!"

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 4:50 pm
by Nellie Duncan
After quickly drinking down her first mug of ale and getting a refill, Nellie starts mingling with the rest of the gathered people, looking for the representatives of the Mining Village and making mental notes on the places she's never heard of before.

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 1:21 pm
by GM-August
An old Dwarf greets the heroes as they walk into the tent, repeating the same message for each of them.
  • Welcome, welcome. T'ere is food 'n drink inside. We 'ad a larger turnout t'an expected, so t'ose not directly involved 'ave been asked to move out back w'ere additional 'commodations 'ave been provided.
When the Dwarf spots Korrigan his eyes brightened.
  • Well good t'meet ya finally sir. Er... King, well not yet I mean, o' course, but...
The old Dwarf continues to yammer on a bit, obviously flustered.
  • Well, t'anywheys, names Old Man Waterfall. Most folks 'round t'ese parts just call me 'Old Man'. Seems I'm the first of t'em "Caretakers". I'm trying to wrangle all t'ese pepole, but it seem as if'n some mouthy one did spout off 'bout t'is meetin'. "Open Invitation" is whats they callin' it, so we just stuck 'em out back so t'ey can watch. Not sure if you 'ad any ceremonies planned, but couldn't be 'urtin' 'bout now. Maybe just 'troductions?
He smiles a toothy grin, and is accosted by a few noisy Ga'Vin and he disappears back in the mob of people.

Once inside, it is obvious that more than were invited have shown up. Barry looks a tad ragged, though happy keeping things running smoothly. As usual he planned for this possibility and supplied well more than was needed. Even so, the ale is running low and the available food was significantly reduced. The townsfolk seemed ravenous, as if they were truly filling their bellies for the first time.

The noise was almost deafening as people shouted louder to be heard over the one shouting next to them. The Beastmen who had claimed a corner of the tent were yipping and yowling at each other while the Dwarves sloshed drinks upon everyone in the room as they laughed uproariously. The cacophony made quite a few Avyana take their leave out back to enjoy a less frantic environment. If one’s eyes followed the feathers, they would see a few lizardmen sunning on a large rock that seems to have been moved for that very purpose.

Various races peppered throughout the assemblages made for quite a colorful site, and more colorful language. A few arguments could be heard, most from a few men in another corner glaring and shouting, ignoring the stares and pleading from a few others. 'Obviously humans' an elf commented loud enough to be heard over the din.

If one were to step outside, what a sight! Denizens from all across Final Haven collected, dozens outside gathering, and still more were coming. Some bringing food, others instruments, and even others games to play. It had become an event almost by itself. It was understandable considering the departure and return of the regions heroes, and the looming second departure. Some collected here hoped to hear stories or the announcement of an actual festival before the heroes left again.

Representatives from Green Hollow to Hunter's Hill could be seen milling about, simply waiting for someone to organize them. Old Man had done his best, but he still hobbled a bit and most were waiting to see if Korrigan would approve him for Master of Ceremonies. He was favored for his pleasantness and his more than modest knowledge of cultural formalities, traditions, and rites. He had even taken the liberties with Barry to rope off a few chairs for the heroes.

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 8:43 pm
by Marcus
Marcus stops in his tracks when he enters the tent. He is stunned upon seeing all the various people who have gathered. He has become quite well-traveled since the Night of the Burning Skulls, but it is obvious that he is unused to seeing such a menagerie of people in one place.

"Wow. That's a lot of people."

*He looks to Korrigan*

"I..... know you said we'd be meeting some of the people we'd be working with, but I didn't think you meant most of them."

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:24 am
by GM-August
A small boy pushes through the crowd holding a pint of ale in a thin tin mug. He is bumped and jostled quite a bit, but he spills nothing. Blonde, dirty, and shoeless the boy holds the mug up to Marcus. Marcus smiles at the boy and pauses. There is something about this boy that is familar. Over the boys shoulder, a woman appears whom Marcus recognizes as the boys mother.

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 11:59 am
by GM-Taki
*Korrigan glances around, also a bit surprised by the large turnout. He glances at Marcus with a shug*

“Yeah, Marcus… I didn’t know we’d be meeting most of them either.”

*Closing his eyes for a moment, he activates Stumpy back at the Tipsy Traveler and commands him to bring Barry more food and drink for the growing crowd, as well as a small chest from the Vault. Turning back to the wagon and the other managers, he waves them into the tent.*

"All right you lot, make your way in here. It looks like our meeting turned into a party, and it started without us!"

*As the heroes filter into the tent Korrigan turns back towards Old Man Waterfall. Extending his hand in greeting, Korrigan nods appreciatively towards the crowd.*

"Good to finally meet you as well, Old Man. You sure did rustle up a host, didn't you? I'll kick things off and introduce the folks I brought with me. After that you can take the reins."

*Taking a flask from his jacket, Korrigan takes a long swig and clears his throat. He gives the other heroes a weak smile and appears to steel himself for the task ahead. Turning towards the crowd, he hops up on a chair and claps his hands to get their attention. Once the crowd quiets down, he begins to speak.

“Greetings, one and all, and welcome! For those of you who don’t know me, I am Korrigan Drochlann, proprietor of the Tipsy Traveler, former Steward of the Realm and now King of the Kingdom of Haven. I’ve brought some of Haven’s finest heroes with me today, and together all of us are going to build a new and more prosperous future. I’ll continue to attend to Hunter’s Hill, but I’d like to introduce the rest of these fine folks so you can all get familiar with the people with whom you’ll be working.

The Hornberg will remain under the watchful eye of our former Regent and my co-monarch, Queen Fionna. Though her title has changed, she is as she has always been, a tireless champion of the people.

The man who will be tending to the Village of Robert’s Field is Sir Marcus Gideon, Knight of the Hearth and the newly appointed Preceptor of the Order of the Silver Stag. He is a hero of the people, a knight of honor, and a man who can fight at my side any day.

The good people of the Honor Wood will be working with Cirrus. She’s as clever and skillful an ally as I could hope to have, and she’s become invaluable to the protection of this realm.

The healing master Laylah Elora has agreed to add to her duties in Woodhaven and help us look after Green Hollow for a time. All of Haven is grateful for her assistance.

The Mining Village will benefit from the wisdom of Miss Nellie Duncan. Her knowledge and unsurpassed talent at crafting will serve them well.

Kaylan Chargeender, whose shield and mighty hammer have defended our lands selflessly for many moons, will oversee the Upper Mines. I am certain his efforts will lead to robust success for all involved.

The Lower Mines will be guided by my stalwart friend Xil. Though he has not been in Haven as long as some others, he has never hesitated to answer Haven’s call.

In the Quarry, I’ve asked the good lady Aurora to serve and provide her many talents to our cause. Her insight and experience have always granted us victory, and I am certain the Quarry will prosper under her leadership.

Our tribe of Beastmen will be running alongside our own Rothek. Brave, fierce and fearless, Rothek will lead all of you to glorious hunts and full bellies.

Finally, I come to the brilliant and compassionate Toritaka. She, more than any other, has the ability to create prosperity out of emptiness and help a people achieve greatness. The Lizardfolk will blossom in her capable hands.

Now that I’ve introduced some of the people who keep Haven safe, I’m going to ask our Master of Ceremonies Old Man Waterfall to introduce some of the hardworking folk who give Haven life. Afterwards we’ll all have a chance to talk, drink and celebrate.

*Korrigan hops off of the chair and pats the Old Man on the shoulder. Seemingly relieved to be passing the torch to someone else, he gestures towards the chair with a smile.*

“It’s all yours, Old Man.”

Re: A meeting of the Managers

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:43 pm
by taymoonlight
Thiseus enters the tent quietly. He looks around and sees some people he knows from adventuring in Haven and Gateway. He gives each one a brief nod and finds some place out of the way to stand.