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implant suggestion vs dominate

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:05 pm
by Baxtor Warren
i was wondering how the skill implant suggestion, which states ". There can only be one trigger and one action" would fair against an npc dominate person/any charm in the game.

the question would be in a situation as follows.

Trigger: the next time you loose control of your body(or however it needs to be worded)

effect: drink the potion around your neck (which would be strengthened mind or undead transformation, which provide imunity to mind effects)

that trigger was put in place and a shade tries to dominate the player, or a charm was put on him/her which would make the person act out of their control.

i see this skill working in three ways,

one, the trigger goes off and the person drinks the potion,
two, the effect would trigger however the person who is dominated wouldn't have control of their body to drink the potion untill the dominate wore off on its own.
or three, as implant suggestion can be used to end one command with another, if a person was charmed, it would be similure to an implanted suggested effect, ie attack everyone would be the effect, and since it triggered the dormant implanted suggest the second effect shuts down the first and neither force the person to do anything.

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:36 am
by Dallid
I would think it'd occur as follows:

1 - person has a suggestion implanted: When charmed drink potion (Strength of Mind)

2 - person gets charmed triggering the suggestion.

3 - person drinks potion

4 - person can now resist subsequent mind effects, but the original charm is still there.

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:19 pm
by Baxtor Warren
thank you doug for your idea as to how this skill would work in this situation, is it possible to get some sort of official(gm) decision?

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 5:02 pm
by GM-Mike

Hopefully answer soon

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:09 pm
by GM-Mike
I keep going back and forth on this. I agree that this is not a way to counter the dominate. Whether you drink the potion before the dominate wears off as Doug suggests, making you immune to future mind effects or whether you drink it after dominate wears off as option 2 suggests, I'm less certain of. Which one is less confusing?

The bigger issue is can you take or be forced to take a potion to remove a preexisting mind effect. I know they were not created with this intended use but my guess is that they are being used in this way.

What are people's thoughts on this?

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:35 pm
by Kiel Reid
Agree with Doug. Nowhere in the description of the potion does it state that mind effects currently in place are removed.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:42 pm
by GM-Mike
I have a bad head cold at the moment so in case I was not clear (and I'm pretty sure that's the case), I agree with Doug as well and I definitely agree that it would not remove the current mind effect.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:21 pm
by Kiel Reid
Sure...Why not allow them to drink a potion? You can have them slit their own throat at midnight so this definately doesn't seem like much of a stretch.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:55 pm
by Wyrmwrath
I dont think one exists, but IF there was an potion version of awaken (which I am 80% sure affects charm. no rule book handy)THEN the implant suggestion would clear the charm.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 9:57 pm
by Baxtor Warren
the gms at winter gave a feild call, the trigger would go off, however drinking a potion like strengthen mind would not end the effect of the dominate, but would prevent any further charms from effecting me. (i think i worded it correctly) however if the trigger goes off, would it be considered exceptable if your under the effects of dominate and the the effect was to drink the potion around franks neck. would the dominated person go find frank and drink the potion(which hapens to be a feign death potion) then fall to the ground.

this is all tricky to begin with because not only would someone have to have the skill to implant, a person would have to trust in the implanter as well as who ever he would go and be feign deathed by. alot can go wrong in the process.

apologies if i am not asking clearly

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:27 am
by GM-Phil
To Brian - there is an Awaken Potion but it has not effect on the "Charm" call or charms in general.. unless a CHarm puts the person to sleep.

To Eric - As I see it, when the trigger for an Implant Suggestion goes off, the character affected would immediately try to fulfill the action required. If something is currently stopping them from doing so, they would have to wait till the effect of that wears off to try further. (I.E. Someone is Implanted to kill Brian when they see him, at the moment they see hiim they are currently under the effects of "Root", when the Root ends they can then go and try to kill Brian) - No offense Brian.

Does that help Eric?

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:03 am
by Baxtor Warren
It does help, I was just trying to find a way around monster domination outside drinking strengthen minds and undead transfermation before the fact. Thanks for the help.

I am also aware that sages gain resist and can buff others with it as well as the spell empower can grand imunity to charms.

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:26 pm
by Wyrmwrath
Someone is Implanted to kill Brian when they see him, at the moment they see hiim they are currently under the effects of "Root", when the Root ends they can then go and try to kill Brian) - No offense Brian.

Damnit Phil!
*lays 100 bear traps around apartment*
Like they needed coaxing...

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:10 am
by GM-Phil
Well it was an easy example for people to follow.

Also to Eric, you can gain Resist Charm through Wealth levels as well. Many ways to get Resists now a days if you plan ahead.